File #: 13-0549    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 5/7/2013 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 8/15/2017 Final action: 8/15/2017
Title: Community Development Services, Department of Transportation, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair, pending review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, to sign the Second Amendment to Agreement for Services 467-S1411 with Quincy Engineering, Incorporated, to increase the not-to-exceed amount by $2,269,580 to $3,474,414, with no increase in rates, and to update federal grant fund contract language, to provide continued delivery of the next project phase, environmental support services, geotechnical investigation services, and prepare a final Bridge Type Selection Report for the Mosquito Road Bridge at South Fork American River Project, CIP 77126. FUNDING: Highway Bridge Program Funds. (100% - Federal)
Attachments: 1. 6A - Approved Contract Routing Sheet 8-15-17, 2. 6B - Second Amend to Agmt 467-S1411 8-15-17, 3. Executed Second Amend to Agreement 467-S1411, 4. 5A - Approved CRS 3-7-17, 5. 5B - First Amend Agmt 467-S1411-01 3-7-17, 6. Public Comment Rcvd 3-6-17 BOS 3-7-17, 7. Executed Amendment to 467-S1411 3-7-17, 8. 4A - App CRS 7-29-14, 9. 4B - Agmt 467-S1411-Part 1 7-29-14, 10. 4C - Agmt 467-S1411-Part 2 7-29-14, 11. Public Comment Revd 7-29-14 BOS 7-29-14, 12. A - Proposed Scope
Related files: 16-0629, 15-0553, 18-0971, 22-0178, 22-2220, 22-0540


Community Development Services, Department of Transportation, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair, pending review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, to sign the Second Amendment to Agreement for Services 467-S1411 with Quincy Engineering, Incorporated, to increase the not-to-exceed amount by $2,269,580 to $3,474,414, with no increase in rates, and to update federal grant fund contract language, to provide continued delivery of the next project phase, environmental support services, geotechnical investigation services, and prepare a final Bridge Type Selection Report for the Mosquito Road Bridge at South Fork American River Project, CIP 77126.


FUNDING:  Highway Bridge Program Funds.  (100% - Federal)



Community Development Services (CDS), Department of Transportation (Transportation), recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair, pending review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, to sign the Second Amendment (Amendment 2) to Agreement for Services 467-S1411 (Agreement) with Quincy Engineering, Incorporated (Quincy), to increase the not-to-exceed amount by $2,269,580 to $3,474,414, with no increase in rates, and to update federal grant fund contract language, to provide continued delivery of the next project phase, environmental support services, geotechnical investigation services, and prepare a final Bridge Type Selection Report for the Mosquito Road Bridge at South Fork American River Project (Project), Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project 77126.


Transportation recommends the Board make findings in accordance with Section 3.13.030 of the County Ordinance Code that it is more economical and feasible to engage an independent contractor for these services because there are specialty skills required for the work performed under this Agreement and proposed Amendment 2 that are not expressly identified in County classifications.  The Project requires specific technical geotechnical, geometric, and structure design experience for either retrofit or replacement of bridges, as well as advanced structural analysis software and the staff trained in its use.  This Project also requires familiarity with State and Federal environmental procedures (California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act, and permitting processes); experience with historical bridges; ability to develop innovative techniques such as designing unique solutions for sensitive areas; and ability to work successfully with the public and local stakeholders.



The Mosquito Road Bridge crosses the South Fork of the American River approximately 5.9 miles north of U.S. Highway 50 in Placerville, just south of the community of Swansboro.  It is a 9-foot wide, one-lane limited capacity timber suspension bridge with a 140-foot long span over the South Fork of the American River.  The existing Bridge was built in 1939 and is 74 years old.  The Bridge is crossed daily by approximately 1,300 vehicles (in both directions).  Emergency vehicles are restricted from using the Bridge due to the narrow width, combined with multiple hairpin curves and steep grades along the Bridge approaches on both sides of the Bridge, resulting in delayed emergency response time.


A Request for Proposals process was completed in 2013, from which Quincy was selected from the list of qualified companies as the best firm to complete a Replacement Study, the Project Approval and the Environmental Document (PA&ED), and Final Design, with the Agreement for Services approved by the Board on July 29, 2014 (Item 10), providing a not-to-exceed amount of $1,204,834.


A First Amendment (Amendment 1) to the Agreement was approved by the Board on March 7, 2017 (Item 17), which updated individual budgets based upon work already completed and the environmental work still to be completed.  Amendment 1 did not change the original not-to-exceed amount nor did it change the original employee fee schedule.


Since this large complex Project started with several alternatives to be considered, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has required the Project delivery funding authorization and consultant contracted support services progress to be incrementally and commensurate with the PA&ED and design milestones of narrowing down the final solution.  The Project is currently completing the PA&ED phase and is ready to start consultants working on the next phase of delivery.


The proposed Amendment 2 will increase the original not-to-exceed amount of $1,204,834 by $2,269,580, for a new not-to-exceed amount of $3,474,414.  It will not change the original employee fee schedule included in the Agreement.


The purpose of Amendment 2 is to prepare the final Bridge Type Selection Report and thirty percent (30%) design documents for the Project.  Based on the results of the preliminary geotechnical investigations, in order to prepare a final Bridge Type Selection Report for this Project, the Project team will need to obtain additional information beyond the information developed during the preliminary engineering phase of the Project.  Comprehensive geotechnical exploration, testing, and analysis are needed to determine bridge foundations types, including specific parameters necessary to assess temporary construction access roads and permanent earth retaining structures over the gulch and near the piers.  In addition, preliminary bridge analysis and design needs to be performed to reasonably estimate bridge abutment and pier loadings.


Based on the additional information obtained from further geotechnical exploration, more reliable construction schedules and cost estimates can be compiled which, combined with other project information, would lead to a more comprehensive final Bridge Type Selection Report and Project design documents.


Upon completion of the Bridge Type Selection Report and 30% Project design documents, Transportation plans to return to the Board for approval of another amendment for Quincy to complete final design and construction support services for this Project.  As a requirement of the Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding and in working with Caltrans, the preliminary design work has been broken down into smaller phases with delivery agreements based on contract sizes and project specifics.


The El Dorado County Employees Association, Local 1, has been informed of this proposed Amendment 2.



1) Direct Transportation to make changes to Amendment 2 and return to the Board at a later date.  Transportation's ability to move forward on the Project would be delayed.

2) Direct Transportation to complete the Bridge Type Selection Report through an alternate agreement.  This option would also result in delayed completion of the Project and potential additional costs.

3) Cancel the Project.  Potentially, HBP funding already expended would have to be paid back by the County.



County Counsel and Risk Management approvals are pending for the proposed Amendment 2.



It is recommended that the Board approve this item.



There is no change to Net County Cost resulting from approval of the proposed Amendment 2.  Funding for the Project is included in Transportation’s 2017 CIP, which was approved by the Board on June 27, 2017 (Item 25).



1) The Clerk of the Board will obtain the Chair’s signature on two (2) original copies of Amendment 2.

2) The Clerk of the Board will forward one (1) fully executed original copy of Amendment 2 to Community Development Services, Contracts and Procurement Unit, for further processing.






Bard Lower, Interim Director

Community Development Services, Department of Transportation