File #: 16-0715    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 6/24/2016 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 12/19/2017 Final action: 12/19/2017
Title: Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 194-2017, thereby amending the current authorized personnel allocation to delete the current 1.0 full time equivalent (FTE) Limited Term Social Worker III allocation and add a 1.0 FTE Limited Term Program Coordinator allocation, effective January 31, 2018. FUNDING: Federal Funding Administered by the State.
Attachments: 1. 3A - Personnel Alloc CRS 12-19-17, 2. Executed Resolution 194-2017 BOS 12-19-17, 3. 3B - Resolution 12-19-17, 4. 3C - Approved 335-F1711A1 12-19-17, 5. 2A - Routing Sheet - 335-F1711A1 - 09-26-17, 6. 2B - Amendment Form 335-F1711 A1 09-26-17, 7. 2C - Amendment Package Supporting Documents 335-F1711 A1 09-26-17, 8. A - OES (XE) Elder Abuse Award Letter 7/19/16, 9. B - Elder Abuse Program - Submission Package 7/19/16, 10. C - Resolution to Change Personnel Allocation 7/19/16, 11. D - VOCA Certificate for Elder Abuse Program 7-19-16, 12. E - Approved Contract Routing Sheet and EEO Statement Elder Abuse Grant 7-19-16, 13. Executed Resolution 114-2016, 14. Executed VOCA Certificate for Elder Abuse Program
Related files: 22-1733, 21-0053, 21-1498, 23-1914


Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 194-2017, thereby amending the current authorized personnel allocation to delete the current 1.0 full time equivalent (FTE) Limited Term Social Worker III allocation and add a 1.0 FTE Limited Term Program Coordinator allocation, effective January 31, 2018.


FUNDING:  Federal Funding Administered by the State.



Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) is recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Personnel Allocation Resolution 194-2017, thereby deleting the current 1.0 full time equivalent (FTE) Limited Term Social Worker III allocation and add a 1.0 FTE Limited Term  Program Coordinator allocation, effective January 31, 2018.  This Program Coordinator allocation will provide support to the Elder Abuse Program grant, in accordance with Funding Agreement 335-F1711.



On September 26, 2017, the Board accepted additional funding from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to extend the Elder Abuse Program identified in Funding Agreement 335-F1711 to December 31, 2019; the Board also authorized the Director to execute an Amendment related to said agreement.


The Amendment I submitted to Cal OES called for a program redesign which included restructuring the staffing model associated with the grant, replacing the previously allocated Social Worker with a Program Coordinator based on identified needs to best meet the obligations of the grant and serve the community, and  has been fully approved by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.  In accordance with the program plan and budget identified in Amendment I to Agreement 335-F1711, HHSA is recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Personnel Allocation Resolution 194-2017, which will delete the current 1.0 FTE Limited Term Social Worker III and add a 1.0 FTE Limited Term  Program Coordinator allocation.



Should the Board decline to adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Personnel Allocation Resolution 194-2017, the County would be unable to comply with the staffing model identified and approved in Amendment I to Funding Agreement 335-F1711.



Human Resources and County Counsel



It is recommended that the Board approve this item.



There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item. Sufficient appropriations were included in the Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget, and will be included in future budgets for the duration of the grant (Agreement 335-F1711).



1) Clerk of the Board to provide a Certified Minute order to HHSA upon approval of the Minutes by the Board.

2) Clerk of the Board provide one (1) certified Resolution to HHSA at 3057 Briw Rd, and one (1) certified Resolution to Human Resources at 330 Fair Lane.






Patricia Charles-Heathers, Ph.D., M.P.A., Director