HEARING - Community Development Services, Department of Transportation, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 042-2018 to create an Underground Utility District along Apache Avenue between Highway 50 and East San Bernardino Avenue in South Lake Tahoe. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)
FUNDING: Road Fund (13%) and TRPA Mitigation Funds (87%) (No Federal Funds). Funding is provided by Road Fund discretionary funds and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Mitigation Funds. The underground utility relocation is funded through Electrical Rule 20A Underground Utility Funds (Liberty Utilities), and Telecommunication Rule 32A.1 Tariff Funds (AT&T).
HEARING - Community Development Services, Department of Transportation (Transportation) recommending the Board consider adoption of Resolution 042-2018 to create an Underground Utility District (UUD) along Apache Avenue between Highway 50 and East San Bernardino Avenue in South Lake Tahoe.
Transportation will be requesting the Board add the Apache Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Connectivity Project (Project) to the 2018 Capital Improvement Program in April 2018. This Project will propose both roadway, cyclist, and pedestrian improvements on Apache Avenue from Highway 50 to East San Bernardino Avenue. As part of the initial planning of this Project, the County consulted with Liberty Utilities (Liberty) and confirmed that reloacting the existing overhead utilities along Apache Avenue underground is in the general public interest under Rule 20A.
The scope of work for the proposed undergrounding project includes the removal of power poles along Apache Avenue within the aforementioned UUD boundaries. The existing overhead lines will be replaced and placed in underground conduits installed in the County's right-of-way. No road closures are anticipated for this work.
The cost to the utilities for the design and construction of the UUD facilit...
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