Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the California Tahoe Alliance to encourage coordinated guidance on state funding legislation and to provide a mechanism to apply for funding that supports a broad range of environmental, restoration, and water quality and supply projects while also supporting coordinated implementation of the Environmental Improvement Program.
FUNDING: Public Utility Franchise Fees. (No Federal Funds)
Community Development Services, Planning and Building Department, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the California Tahoe Alliance (Alliance) to encourage coordinated guidance on state funding legislation and to provide a mechanism to apply for funding that supports a broad range of environmental, restoration, and water quality and supply projects while also supporting coordinated implementation of the Environmental Improvement Program.
The Alliance is a coalition of California agencies and jurisdictions (California Tahoe Conservancy [CTC], Placer County, etc.) that are working together to identify, coordinate, and advocate for state funding for the Lake Tahoe Basin. Alliance members are expected to commit staff time necessary to meet the goals of the MOU (Attachment A). Alliance members are separately engaging the Conservation Strategy Group (CSG) to assist with lobbying efforts. The Board of Supervisors approved a new contract with CSG on December 19, 2017 (Legistar # 15-0775). On July 14, 2015 (Item 19), the Board authorized the Chair to sign an MOU with the Alliance. The MOU in Attachment A is simply an update to that MOU and will supersede the previous MOU upon adoption.
The alternative would be to not approve the MOU with the Alliance. The County would still...
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