Clerk of the Board of Supervisors recommending the Board consider recommendations regarding Policies for Departmental Budget and Expense Reimbursement, as follows:
1) Delete Policy D-3 - Board of Supervisors Travel Expenses in its entirety;
2) Delete Section 3D of Policy D-1 - Travel; and
3) Adopt Policy D-5 - Board of Supervisors Departmental Budget and Expense Reimbursement (Refer to File 09-0152, Cont'd 6/8/09, Item 2) (Est. Time: 20 Min)
Board of Supervisors Expenditures Policies
On June 8, 2009 the Board took the following actions:
1) Direct Clerk of the Board to work with the appropriate staff with ideas for policy changes to include the following:
i) Any reimbursements beyond salaries and benefits to be placed on the Board agenda monthly;
ii) No use of County credit cards by Board of Supervisors;
iii) Cell phones for Board of Supervisors only;
iv) No per diem flat rates apply to the Board of Supervisors; and
v) Board of Supervisors should be reimbursed for standard policy rates for meals only.
The following policies were reviewed:
D-1 Travel Policy (Revised May 25, 1999)
D-2 County Credit Cards (Revised March 25, 2003)
D-3 Board of Supervisors Travel Expenses (Revised December 22, 1987)
D-4 Vehicle Use - Privately Owned & County Owned Vehicles (Revised June 20, 2006)
A-20 Cellular Telephone/Wireless PDA's (SmartPhones) Policy & Procedures (New 03-25-2008)
After reviewing the policies it was determined that the only policies that make specific reference to the Board of Supervisors are Policy D-3 and sections of Policy D-1. Since Policy D-3 has no other substantial policy information, it has been determined that Policy D-3 should be deleted in its entirety. Section 3 D of Policy D-1 should also be deleted.
To address the policy issues above, Policy D-5 has been drafted. The Policy codifies the practice adopted this fiscal year of splitting the departmental budget into individual district budgets in addition to a budge...
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