Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 3523 with Stanford Youth Solutions, Inc., for the provision of mobile Specialty Mental Health Services for children and young adults, in the amount of $1,302,464, for the term of two and one-half (2.5) years from January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021; and
2) Make findings in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030 that it is more economical and feasible to contract with Stanford Youth Solutions for services provided under this Agreement 3523 because the County does not have the qualified staff nor the facilities to provide said services; and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or their designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 3523, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management
FUNDING: 50% Medi-Cal; 50% a combination of Mental Health Services Act and 1991 / 2011 Realignment
Acting as the Mental Health Plan (MHP) for the County of El Dorado, the County has the obligation to provide eligible County residents (including children and young adults), with access to designated Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS), including acute psychiatric care, in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 5600 et seq., 5775 et seq., 14000 et seq., and 17000 et seq.
On July 28, 2015, the Board of Supervisors approved Request for Proposal 15-952-043 (File ID No. 15-0852; Agenda Item 9) which allowed the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) to seek vendors to provide SMHS. This resulted in the County contracting with Stanford Youth Solutions (SYS) in Agreement for Services 348 on October 13, 2015. (File ID No 15-1141; Agenda Item 19)
On April 25, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Final Rule, which aligns the Medicaid managed care program with other health insurance programs, affecting County MHPs. Quality Strategy, Network Adequacy, and Mental Health Parity are components of the Final Rule, which became effective July 5, 2016.
The proposed Agreement for Services 3523 with SYS, ensures compliance with the Final Rule, and will continue to uphold parameters such as consistency in service delivery expectations, performance measures and outcomes, productivity, and funding. To date, SYS performance measures for services provided under Agreement 348 have indicated that they are providing high quality SMHS to eligible children and young adults of the community.
Should the Board decline to approve this recommendation, HHSA would continue to provide services through contracts with other vendors, which would limit HHSA’s capacity for these services.
1) 07/28/2015, 15-0852, HHSA - RFP 15-952-043 Outpatient Specialty Mental Health Services
2) 10/13/2015, 15-1141, HHSA Stanford Youth Solutions 177-S1611
3) 06/26/2018, 18-0666, HHSA 177-S1611, A1, Stanford Youth Solutions
Approved by County Counsel, Human Resources, and Risk Management.
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
This Agreement for Services is a renewal of a prior year agreement and continues to be funded with Mental Health Services Act and State Realignment funding, as well as Medi-Cal reimbursement of approximately 50%. The maximum obligation has increased in conjunction with an approximate 3% rate increase each fiscal year. Funds have been allocated for this Agreement in fiscal year 2018-19, and will be continue to be allocated in future fiscal years for the duration of the Agreement.
1) Clerk of the Board to obtain signature of Chair on two (2) original Agreements for Services 3523.
2) Clerk of the Board to return one (1) fully executed Agreement to HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Road.
County of El Dorado Strategic Plan Goal: Healthy Communities - Improved health, well-being and self-sufficiency of El Dorado County communities, residents, and visitors.
Patricia Charles-Heathers, Ph.D., M.P.A., Director