File #: 09-0619    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 5/7/2009 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 6/2/2009 Final action: 6/2/2009
Title: Human Services Department recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Agreement for Services 129-S0911 with Central Valley Foster Care, Inc. and retroactive Agreement for Services 578-S0911 with New Millennium Contemporary Management dba New Millennium Foster Family Agency retroactive to October 1, 2008 each in the amount of $100,000 for the provision of emergency shelter care and/or foster care placement services on an “as requested” basis. FUNDING: Federal and State Social Services Allocation with required County Share of Cost met primarily with realignment resources.
Attachments: 1. Central Valley 129-S0911 Blue Route, 2. Central Valley Foster Care 129-S0911, 3. New Millennium 578-S0911 Blue Route, 4. New Millennium Foster Family Agency 578-S0911, 5. Memo Ed Knapp re GH amounts
Human Services Department recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Agreement for Services 129-S0911 with Central Valley Foster Care, Inc. and retroactive Agreement for Services 578-S0911 with New Millennium Contemporary Management dba New Millennium Foster Family Agency retroactive to October 1, 2008 each in the amount of $100,000 for the provision of emergency shelter care and/or foster care placement services on an "as requested" basis.
FUNDING:  Federal and State Social Services Allocation with required County Share of Cost met primarily with realignment resources.
Maximum Annual Cost
(for both contracts)
     Budgeted up to
     Per Vendor Annual Maximum
     Total Funding Available
Change To Net County Cost
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
No change to Net County Cost.  Emergency shelter care services, which are necessary pending Court-ordered case disposition, require a 15% to 30% County share of cost.  Court-ordered foster care placement services require a 40% to 60% County share of cost.   The State reimburses the County for the federal and state share of cost in a varying ratio based on an array of circumstances.  The Department's FY 2008-09 budget includes $5,230,329 for provision of emergency shelter care and foster care services.  Funds for these services are budgeted annually based on projected need.  The per-vendor not-to-exceed annual compensation of $100,000 allows for anticipated maximum potential usage.  
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is responsible for the administration and provision of Child Welfare Services, which frequently involves the emergency removal of children from an unsafe situation or environment, followed by Court-ordered foster care placement to ensure the ongoing safety of the children.  Under certain circumstances, voluntary placement of children may occur at the request of the parent(s) for a specified period of time.  DHS currently maintains contracts with no stated term for the purchase of emergency shelter and foster care placement services with multiple group home and foster family agency vendors, locally, statewide and nationally, to ensure the placement of children in the most appropriate location and environment to meet the widely varied needs of each individual child who requires placement.  
While usage with a given vendor may be occasional or sporadic, it is necessary to maintain a contractual arrangement with as many vendors as possible in anticipation of potential child placement needs.  When placement is Court-ordered with a non-contracted vendor, every effort is made to expedite execution of an Agreement retroactive to the actual placement date. DHS has determined that establishing contracts with foster care vendors that continue until terminated facilitates ongoing maintenance of these necessary Agreements and ensures the ongoing availability of appropriate placement options.
Reason for Recommendation:
Agreement 578-S0911 with New Millennium Foster Family Agency covers a period commencing October 1, 2008, with retroactive execution necessary to prevent interruption in critical services to Department clients.  Another vendor unexpectedly terminated services on September 30, 2008, and clients placed with the terminating vendor were transferred to New Millennium Foster Family Agency commencing October 1, 2008.  Vendor delays in providing required documentation slowed the contracting process.
Agreement 129-S0911 with Central Valley Foster Care, Inc. shall become effective upon execution. The maximum annual compensation specified in these Agreements represents the not-to-exceed amount that may be received by either vendor during a single fiscal year.  
Due to the inherent unpredictability in actual usage of any individual vendor (ranging from frequent to intermittent to rarely) the maximum annual compensation for each Agreement has been set at $100,000.  Maximum annual compensation for similar agreements had previously been set at $250,000.  This amount has been adjusted downward pursuant to a request from the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) in order to address current budgetary concerns.  The $100,000 amount for each vendor may not be reached in any given fiscal year; however, this amount provides flexibility to DHS for any sudden increase in the need for multiple placements with a particular vendor.  Working in conjunction with the CAO, the Department has established a tracking system that regularly monitors the level of expenditures for combined placement services as well as for each individual vendor.  This tracking system allows DHS to ensure that overall expenditures remain within budget while also allowing sufficient time to amend any individual agreement for which actual placement costs will exceed its annual not-to-exceed maximum compensation amount.
Human Resources has determined that the nature of services provided by foster family agencies negates the need for their review and subsequent approval of the Department's intent to contract with each individual vendor.  
Purchasing Agent Recommendations:  
The Purchasing Agent reviewed the Department's request to enter into these Agreements and concurs that it is appropriate to dispense with a competitive selection process as the Department of Human Services (DHS) maintains purchase of services Agreements with multiple local, state and national vendors for the provision of emergency shelter care services for its clients to ensure that clients can be referred by their caseworker on an "as requested" basis to receive necessary services from the most appropriate and conveniently located vendor.  Choice of vendor is based on the specific needs of each individual DHS client.  The Purchasing Agent with CAO concurrence has determined that it is not necessary to coordinate outside review of the vendors' qualifications.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1.  Purchasing Agent to execute two (2) copies each of the two (2) approved Agreements. and return one (1) original of each Agreement to Human Services at 3057 Briw Road
2.  Human Services to distribute the documents as appropriate.
Janet Walker-Conroy, x7272, Jasara Bento, x7312
County Counsel, Risk Management, Purchasing Agent and Human Resources have approved the two (2) attached Agreements.  County Counsel has advised DHS that it is not necessary to resubmit the previously approved County Counsel/Risk Management Agreements and accompanying Blue Routes in order to reflect the downward adjustment to each Agreement's annual maximum compensation.