Environmental Management Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the proposed El Dorado County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (EDSWAC) By-Laws.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change in Net County Cost
Background: The Waste Management Task Force of El Dorado County was established in accordance with Public Resource Code section 40950 and Title14 California Code of Regulations 18760 et seq. by Resolution Number 267-92 of the Board of Supervisors of El Dorado County on September 15, 1992 (Attachment A). In 2006, the name was changed to El Dorado County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (EDSWAC). The Resolution identified the Committee's responsibility as assisting and advising the agencies responsible for solid and hazardous waste management plans. The Resolution also identifies ten (10) goals that the Committee is to achieve in fulfilling it's responsibilities.
Reason for Recommendation: The way in which the Task Force is to operate has never been specified. Committee members expressed a desire to formalize their operating procedures by drafting By-Laws. Environmental Management Department staff drafted By-Laws that specify membership, appointments, terms of office, alternate members, member responsibilities, meeting procedures and absences. These By-Laws have been reviewed by County Counsel and County Counsel's changes have been incorporated.
Attachment (A) 1992 Resolution
Attachment (B) County Counsel Memos
Attachemnt (C) Proposed By-Laws
Action to be taken following Board approval: Forward the executed By-Laws to the Department for processing.
Contact: Greg Stanton, Deputy Director, Environmental Management Department
Concurrences: County Counsel, EDSWAC Chairman.