Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 3704 with Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC, as owner of the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank, for the purchase of 0.06 riparian habitat credits by the County of El Dorado for a total purchase price of $5,100, as necessary mitigation for the construction of the Oak Hill Road at Squaw Hollow Creek - Bridge Replacement Project, CIP 77134/36105031.
FUNDING: Highway Bridge Program (99% Federal), RSTP Exchange Funds (1% State).
On April 18, 2017 (Item 21), the Board adopted the Initial Survey/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Oak Hill Road at Squaw Hollow Creek - Bridge Replacement Project (Project). Subsequently, the Project has completed its Right-of-Way Phase and is nearing completion of the Design Phase. The Department of Transportation (Transportation) has also secured resource agency permits necessary for the Project construction.
In accordance with California Fish and Game Code Section 1602, Transportation has notified the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) that the Project may affect existing fish or wildlife resources under the jurisdiction of the DFW. After reviewing the Project, DFW has determined that the Project will impact fish and wildlife habitat, and that the impacts may be mitigated by purchasing credits from a DFW-approved conservation bank. Transportation has identified the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank, owned by Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC (Westervelt) as a DFW-approved mitigation bank. DFW has confirmed that the purchase of 0.06 habitat credits from Westervelt will satisfy the compensatory mitigation required for loss of riparian habitat. The purchase amount due is calculated as follows:
The impacts to riparian habitat measure 0.06 acre (rounded up to the closest hundredth). DFW has determined that the impacts may be mitigated with the purchase of 0.06 habitat...
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