District Attorney’s Office and Public Defender’s Office recommending the Board
1) Approve the replacement of existing case management systems to a consolidated, single database case management system by Karpel Solutions, which will provide a comprehensive, modern system to meet the business needs of both departments;
2) Waive the competitive bidding requirements for the purchase of the Karpel Case Management System, in accordance with County Ordinance 3.12.160 Section B;
3) Authorize the District Attorney and Public Defender to negotiate agreements for products and services for the purchase and installation of the Karpel Case Management System;
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute said Agreements, contingent upon review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, in the estimated not-to-exceed amounts of $386,500 for the Prosecutor Module and $95,700 for the Defender Module. The estimated not-to-exceed amounts include the purchase price for the modules, data conversion, installation, training and one year of maintenance;
5) Approve and authorize the use of the AB109 District Attorney and Public Defender Subaccount funding for these purchases;
6) Approve the addition of the Prosecutor Module to the District Attorney’s FY 2018/19 Fixed Asset list and approve the addition of the Defender Module to the Public Defender’s FY 2018/19 Fixed Asset list;
7) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing revenue and expense appropriations within the District Attorney’s Office operating budget by $179,500 (4/5 votes required); and
8) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing revenue and expense appropriations within the Public Defenders’ Office operating budget by $84,500 (4/5 votes required).
FUNDING: AB109 District Attorney and Public Defender Subaccount
District Attorney - The current Case Management System (Damion) reached end of life in 2011. At the time, the Distric...
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