Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division recommending the Parks and Recreation Commission consider the following:
1) Receive a presentation from the Consultant team, Helix Environmental Planning, Inc., regarding on the Old Depot Bike Park Project;
2) Provide a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on the draft conceptual plan for the Old Depot Bike Park; and
3) Recommend that the Board of Supervisors authorize staff to move forward with Helix Environmental Planning, Inc., on the environmental review process. (Est. Time: 15 mins)
FUNDING: State Parks and Recreation, Statewide Park Program Prop 68 Grant Funding
In March 2016, Supervisor Veerkamp recommended that the Board direct the Chief Administrative Officer enter into negotiations with the property owners of the parcels located at 40 Old Depot Road and 50 Old Depot Road for the purposes of the potential development of a park. The County has since acquired parcels 327-250-38 and 327-250-37 located at Old Depot Road for the purpose of developing a park as outlined in the Park Division’s priorities and in consistency with the 2012 El Dorado County Parks and Trails Master Plan.
The Old Depot Park site is located adjacent to the Class One section of the El Dorado Trail located on Missouri Flat. The park will be directly accessible from the El Dorado Trail and will provide recreation features for a diverse group of trail users. The proposed site is located within a largely under served community that has no current park space.
Since acquiring the Old Depot property, the Parks Division has engaged Helix Environmental Planning, Inc., in a contract to provide the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents, site assessment and analysis, and finalization of a conceptual plan for the proposed Bike Park at this location. The Division has also applied for and received grant funding through the California Department of Parks and Recreation Office of Grants and Local ...
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