File #: 09-1037    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 7/29/2009 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 8/25/2009 Final action: 8/25/2009
Title: Transportation Department recommending the following pertaining to the 2009 Asphalt Concrete Overlay of Lotus Road, Contract PW 09-30416 1) Award the Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; said bidder to be determined after bid opening scheduled for August 17, 2009; and 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the Construction Contract, subject to review and approval of the final Contract Documents by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009-Regional Surface Transportation Program
Attachments: 1. B-1 - AC Overlay_Lotus Rd_County Counsel Approval.pdf, 2. B-2- AC Overlay_Lotus Road_Contract Docs.pdf, 3. B-3 72177 Lotus Road V-Map.pdf, 4. B-4 Lotus Road Response #1.pdf, 5. Rev B-2 Overlay Lotus Road Contract Docs.pdf, 6. PW09-30416_ Addendum No 1.pdf, 7. PW 09-30416 Addendum No 2.pdf
Transportation Department recommending the following pertaining to the 2009 Asphalt Concrete Overlay of Lotus Road, Contract PW 09-30416
1)  Award the Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; said bidder to be determined after bid opening scheduled for August 17, 2009; and
2)  Authorize the Chairman to sign the Construction Contract, subject to review and approval of the final Contract Documents by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009-Regional Surface Transportation Program
  Total Estimated Cost
        New Funding     
$   594,896
     Total Funding Available
  Change To Net County Cost
*will be included in addenda
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
This roadway overlay contract is federally funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) through the Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) through the El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) in the amount of $2,419,896.  The cost associated with the construction phase of this overlay contract is estimated at $1,619,896 which includes the following estimates: an estimated bid of $1,367,710, construction management of $109,415, and contingencies of $142,771.  Additionally, the ARRA funds will be used to reimburse the labor and material cost for the road preparatory work by Transportation Department Maintenance Division in the estimated amount of $800,000.  There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.  
DOT Maint          
Prep. Work        
Project Cost        
Lotus Road
Construction Total      
At the June 16, 2009 Board meeting, the Board authorized the Transportation Department (Department) to advertise for construction bids for three asphalt concrete overlay projects: Forni Road and Pony Express Trail, Lotus Road, and Malcolm Dixon Road. The four roadways are proposed as three contracts, with only Forni Road and Pony Express Trail combined, to provide greater opportunity to more contractors. The Department staggered the advertisement periods and bid opening dates for the three contracts.  The Forni Road and Pony Express Trail Contract was the first to be advertised and was awarded on August 4, 2009.  Award of the Malcolm Dixon Road Contract is scheduled for August 25, 2009. Because of the overlap of the Legistar deadlines for the Malcolm Dixon Road Contract and the Lotus Road Contract (Project), the Department has created a new Legistar item for the Project award, which is linked to the original Legistar #09-0677.
Reason for Recommendation:
The section of Lotus Road to be overlayed runs from Wunschel Lane to State Route 49.  It is a 6.57 mile segment.
The Department's Maintenance Division personnel will complete the preparatory repair of damaged pavement to improve the road structural condition prior to overlay.  
This item has been prepared prior to receipt of the actual Project bids in an effort to comply with the Board agenda item processing procedures.  The Department is scheduled to receive sealed bids for the Project on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.  The Department will open and read all bids received at that time in conformance with contract bidding requirements.
In addition to the review of the bids that the Department typically performs, the Department will also review the Bidders' submittals associated with the new Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) requirements.  The Project incorporates the newly revised Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program containing contract goals and Good Faith Effort limited to UDBEs.  The UDBE contract goal for the Projects is 0.56%.  Bidders must meet this goal or demonstrate an active and aggressive effort to meet the goal.
Bidders may submit with their bid the Local Agency Bidder- UDBE Commitment form detailing the work and the value of the work that each UDBE will perform.  Alternatively, the apparent low bidder, second low bidder, and third low bidder have until 4:00 p.m. on the fourth business day after the bid opening in which to submit the Local Agency Bidder- UDBE Commitment form.  
Bidders may submit the UDBE Information-Good Faith Efforts form with their bid.  Alternatively, Bidders not meeting the UDBE goal and/or the apparent low, second low, and third low bidders have until 4:00 p.m. on the fourth business day after the bid opening to submit the UDBE Information-Good Faith Effort form.  
The Department must consider the quality, quantity, and intensity of the Bidders' good faith efforts.  Failure of the Bidder to meet these criteria or to submit the forms within the required time frame will require the Department to find the Bidder non-responsive.
After the Department reviews the bids and the UDBE information, the Department will provide the Board with a hard copy recommendation on or before the August 25, 2009 Board of Supervisors' meeting.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1. The Department will forward the Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for its signature.
2. Upon receipt of the executed Construction Contract from the Contractor, the Department will submit the final Contract Documents, including the required bonds and insurance, to County Counsel and Risk Management for review and approval.
3. Upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, the Department will forward the Construction Contract, together with the required bonds and insurance, and the approved Contract Routing Sheet to the Board Clerk for the Board Chairman's signature.
4. Upon receipt of the fully-executed Construction Contract, the Department will forward the approved Contract to the Contractor and will issue Notice to Proceed.
James W. Ware, P.E.
Director of Transportation
Concurrences: N/A