Consider the adoption (second reading) of Ordinance 4827 amending the El Dorado County Building Code and the El Dorado County Grading Ordinance to grant a two-year extension on building and commercial grading permits that were active on May 30, 2009, and were issued for the construction of new "primary use" buildings on properties in El Dorado County. (Refer 8/25/09, Item 31) (Est. Time: 5 min.)
FUNDING: No net funding required. Potential loss of permit renewal and reactivation fee revenues.
On October 14, 2008, the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance 4796 amending the El Dorado County Building Code and the El Dorado County Grading Ordinance and granting a one-year extension to building and grading permits active on May 30, 2008, with listed exceptions. This action was taken because of the economic downturn and resulting difficulty in selling new homes and commercial buildings. The Board of Supervisors and the Development Services Department continue to receive numerous requests for permit extensions due to economic conditions.
Development Services Department recommends the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached Ordinance amending the El Dorado County Building Code and the El Dorado County Grading Ordinance to grant a two-year extension on building and commercial grading permits that were active on May 30, 2009, and were issued for the construction of new "primary use" buildings on properties in El Dorado County. The extension does not apply to minor project permits associated with appurtenant and accessory structures or to permits for minor projects, such as reroofing buildings and water heater replacements. Further, the extension does not apply to projects regulated by the Tahoe Regional Plan or to permits issued to resolve a code enforcement action. Furthermore, the Ordinance grants extensions automatically, with no application required, and imposes no El Dorado County fee for the extension.
Action to be tak...
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