Department of Transportation recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Contract Change Order 10 with Hanford Applied Restoration and Conservation in the amount of $74,820.32 on the US 50 / Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements Phase 1C - Riparian Restoration Project, CIP 36104014;
2) Modify allocations made at the time of contract award for supplemental and contingency items; and
3) Find that an exception to the competitive bidding requirement of Public Contract Code section 20137 exists here and that a waiver of competitive bidding is appropriate.
FUNDING: Master Circulation & Funding Plan Financing. (Local)
The contract for the US 50 / Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements Phase 1C - Riparian Restoration Project (Project) was awarded to Hanford Applied Restoration and Conservation (Contractor) on August 02, 2016 (Legistar 16-0455, Item 19).
Construction projects in the Department of Transportation’s (Transportation) Capital Improvement Program generally include a 10% contingency budget for items of construction work that are unanticipated. This Project's contingency budget is $67,989.18 and Transportation's departmental Contract Change Order (CCO) authority for this Project is $46,494.59. The Project also has a budget of $109,757 for supplemental change orders for items including flagging, dust control, storm water, and water use charges.
The environmental documents for the Missouri Flat Road Interchange Project require the County to mitigate the removal of trees and various plants within the limits of the interchange work, including within the riparian zone of Weber Creek. In 2016, the County put forth a landscape mitigation project detailing the requirements established in the environmental documents for the interchange. The landscape mitigation project required planting in the riparian area of Weber Creek in an effort to restore the area to pre-interchange construction c...
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