File #: 21-0872    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 5/14/2021 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 7/27/2021 Final action: 7/27/2021
Title: HEARING - Planning and Building Department, Building Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 089-2021 entitled “Planning and Building Department Fee Schedule and Policies and Procedures,” thereby rescinding prior Resolution 186-2019, October 22, 2019. FUNDING Fees for service.
Attachments: 1. A - Planning and Building Department Resolution (Red Line), 2. B - Planning and Building Department Resolution, 3. C - County Counsel approval, 4. D - Public Notices, 5. Proof of Publication of Notice of Public Hearing 07-16-2021, 6. Executed Resolution 089-2021
Related files: 19-0749, 19-0663, 17-0202, 15-0587, 24-1891, 23-1487
HEARING - Planning and Building Department, Building Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 089-2021 entitled “Planning and Building Department Fee Schedule and Policies and Procedures,” thereby rescinding prior Resolution 186-2019, October 22, 2019.

FUNDING Fees for service.
Periodically the Planning and Building Department updates their fee schedule. On October 22, 2019, (Legistar# 19-0663, Item 31), the Board adopted Resolution 186-2019 entitled “Planning and Building Department Fee Schedule and Policies and Procedures,” thereby rescinding prior Resolution 080-2019 and establishing the Planning and Building Department Fee Schedule and Policies and Procedures.

The Planning and Building Department staff conducted an extensive Grading Valuation Study to determine the calculation of a fixed fee for Grading permits. This change from a time and materials calculation to a fixed fee will benefit the customer with a one-time fee charged during the permit application and issuance process. Currently the Plan Check and Inspection fees require a deposit of 1% of the Engineer’s estimate of cost or $1,000, whichever is greater to be collected. The deposit is then drawn down by the Finance and Administration Division creating a bill to the customer’s account based upon the actual hours spent on the project. If the project goes over the deposit, an invoice is sent to the customer. If the bill is under the deposit amount a refund is generated to reimburse the developer. The proposed update will eliminate the collection of deposits, and the need to create invoices and refunds. Overall, the process becomes more efficient and reduces work required by the Finance and Administration Division and the Planning and Building Department.

The Planning and Building Department’s Fee Schedule (Resolution Exhibit A) has been updated to reflect the recommended changes. In accordance with previously establi...

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