Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Human Resources recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5153 amending El Dorado County Ordinance Chapter 2.06 Board of Supervisors - Conduct of Business and Compensation. (Cont. 11/16/2021, Item 36)
FUNDING: General Fund.
On November 16, 2021, the Board approved the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 5153 amending El Dorado County Ordinance Chapter 2.06 Board of Supervisors - Conduct of Business and Compensation. This matter was Continued to December 7, 2021 for Final Passage (Second Reading).
Per County Charter section 204, compensation for the Board of Supervisors (Board) shall be fixed by Ordinance. Members of the Board have received the same monthly salary of $6406.40 since January 6, 2007, per County Ordinance section 2.06.020.
On April 6, 2021, the Board directed staff to complete an analysis of the total compensation paid to each Member of the Board (Legistar 21-0541). On September 21, 2021, staff returned to the Board with the completed analysis of the total compensation paid to each Member of the Board and provided recommendations:
1) Board Member salaries could be set consistent with the County's current compensation philosophy based on total compensation behind the median of the market, or;
2) The Board could choose to receive the same annual equity increase consistent with that of the Superior Court Judges.
At the September 21, 2021 Board meeting, the Board directed staff to return to the Board with options to increase the Member of the Board total compensation to within 5% of the median of comparable counties which would include 2.5% deferred compensation (Legistar 21-1383).
Based on the July 2021 market study, the Board of Supervisor total compensation was 13.98% behind market median. This study was based on the current Board of Supervisor compensation, including the existing deferred compensation rate. Should defe...
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