Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment I to Agreement for Services 3705 with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. to extend the term an additional two years, with no change to compensation, for services as related to the Senate Bill (SB) 844 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facility Financing Program Placerville Jail Expansion Project; and
2) Make findings pursuant to Article II, Section 210b(6) of the El Dorado County Charter that the ongoing aggregate of the work performed under this Agreement is not sufficient to warrant the addition of permanent staff.
FUNDING: SB844 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facility Financing program.
In 2016, the Board provided approval to submit a proposal to receive up to $25,000,000 from the SB 844 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facility Financing program for a Jail expansion to the Board of State Community Corrections (BSCC). In 2017, the Board accepted the award from the BSCC and project management activities began.
With the Board approving a design-build project delivery method to accomplish the jail expansion, the Facilities Division selected Vanir Construction Management, Inc. from a Request for Qualifications list as the firm best suited to provide the required expertise and value for this project.
On June 25, 2019, the Board approved Agreement for Services 3705 Vanir Construction Management, Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $493,130 and an expiration of March 1, 2022. Services under this contract include project initiation including environmental reviews, building/site investigation and program completion, production of design-build bridging documents, request for qualification and request for proposal development to identify the design-build entity (DBE), estimating, BSCC support, procurement support, DBE conformance to bridging document design, DBE team construction and an allowance for contingency services to address any unforeseen issues.
To date, $358,084 has been expended and work has been completed regarding project initiation, site investigation, programming and bridging documents. Several delays have been experienced at the State level and the need exists to extend this agreement an additional two years, expiring March 1, 2024, so that the project may be completed. Other changes to the agreement include an additional County mailing address, updated contract provisions, and to memorialize the independent Contractor relationship.
The Division further recommends the Board make findings pursuant to Article II, Section 210b(6) of the El Dorado County Charter that the ongoing aggregate of the work performed under this Agreement is not sufficient to warrant the addition of permanent staff. The contract is short term and shall terminate upon project completion.
The Board could decline this amendment but that would jeopardize the project and its funding.
12/6/16; Legistar File 16-0416; Item No. 44: Conceptual approval to submit a proposal to receive up to $25,000,000 from the SB 844 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facility Financing program for a Jail expansion to the Board of State Community Corrections
2/8/17; Legistar File 16-0416; Item No. 1: Approval of the Placerville Jail Expansion Project.
9/19/17; Legistar File 16-0416; Item No. 25: Acceptance of the conditional award authorized under SB 844 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities Construction financing program for the Placerville Jail Expansion Project.
10/16/18; Legistar File 18-1632; Item No. 31: Approval of design-build project delivery method.
6/25/19; Legistar File 19-0344; Item No. 9: Authorized the Purchasing Agent to sign Agreement for Services 3705 with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $493,130, expiring March 1, 2022, to provide design-build bridging documents and other services as related to the Placerville Jail Expansion Project.
Sheriff's Office, County Counsel
Approve as recommended.
This is funded through SB 844 and there is no impact to Net County Cost.
Infrastructure / Public Safety
Russ Fackrell
Facilities Division Manager