Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, submitting Final Map (TM08-1468-F) for Carlson Woods Subdivision creating four lots ranging in size from 5.0 to 5.81 acres on property identified by APN 070-210-37 located on the north side of Carlson Drive approximately 0.6 mile north of the intersection with Meder Road, in the Shingle Springs area. (Supervisorial District IV)
Background: Planning Services submitting Final Map for Carlson Woods subdivision creating four lots ranging in size from 5.0 to 5.81 acres. The property, identified by Assessors Parcel Number 070-210-37, is located on the north side of Carlson Drive approximately 0.6 mile north of the intersection with Meder Road, in the Shingle Springs area, Supervisorial District IV.
Tentative Map TM08-1468 was approved by the Planning Commission on September 11, 2008.
Conditions of Approval: Staff has reviewed the conditions of approval for TM08-1468 and noted that all of the applicable conditions for the Tentative Map have been satisfied. The Environmental Management Department - Environmental Health Division, Department of Transportation, Rescue Fire Protection District, and County Surveyor have reviewed the applicable conditions for compliance (see attached Conditions Compliance Report).
Environmental Review: The project has been determined to be Statutorily Exempt from environmental review under CEQA as provided for by Section 15268(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines pertaining to ministerial approval of final subdivision maps.
Exhibit A: Location Map
Exhibit B: Assessors Parcel Map
Exhibit C: Conditions Compliance Report (12 pages)
Exhibit D: Reduced Copy of Final Map (two pages)
Exhibit E: Environmental Health Division Approval Memo dated October 21, 2009
Exhibit F: Department of Transportation Approval Email dated November 4, 2009
Exhibit G: Rescue Fire Protection District Approval Email dated November 2, 2009
Exhibit H: Surveyors Office Approval Email dated Octo...
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