Transportation Department recommending the Board of Supervisors approve changes to two zone of benefit Advisory Committees in County Service Area No. 9 as outlined in Exhibit A.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no financial impact or net county cost associated with the changes to the Advisory Committees.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Policy and Procedure Guidelines for the Creation and Administration of zones of benefit within County Service Areas provide that an Advisory Committee may be appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to periodically meet with property owners and residents within the zone to identify unmet service needs, evaluate the adequacy of the services provided, compile the annual budget for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, and address other matters pertaining to the zone of benefits. Zone of benefit Advisory Committees are required to comply with all state laws and County policies related to open meetings. There are currently 31 Advisory Committees for zones of benefit within the County, two in County Service Area #2 and 29 in County Service Area #9.
Each Advisory Committee is required to meet at least four times per year. One of the four meetings is a general meeting of all interested property owners and residents. Since the inception of the zone of benefit program, practice among the Advisory Committees has been to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding changes to the committee membership based on consensus of the property owners and residents in attendance at the general meeting. The property owners and residents determine the number of Advisory Committee members recommended to the Board for appointment, which may vary from zone to zone and year to year.
Changes to zone of benefit Advisory Committees are typically submitted to the Department of Transportation when the zones submit their annual budgets. The Depar...
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