Transportation Department recommending the Board take the following actions pertaining to the Sawmill 2 Bike Path & Erosion Control Project (JN 95165):
1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the project;
2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Appendix A of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Document);
3) Approve the Sawmill 2 Bike Path & Erosion Control Project as described in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA/ MND) Document;
4) Authorize Department staff to proceed with the ordering and payment of title reports and certified appraisals for the following APNs which are within the Project area; 033-180-06 (Skamarocius), 033-180-04 (Yant), 033-180-36 (Yant), 033-180-33 (Stephens), 033-180-35 (Guarnero), 033-090-16 (Amacker), 033-090-12 (Amacker), 033-090-13 (Silberstein), 033-090-07 (Henry), 033-020-12 (Lampson), 033-160-03 (Kerver), 033-160-04 (Epson), 033-160-05 (Child), 033-160-06 (Richardson), 033-160-07 (Arron), 033-160-08 (Barker), 033-160-09 (Tarpey), 033-160-10 (Loeffler), 033-090-17 (Chapman), 033-180-34 (Buckingham); and
5) Authorize the Director of Transportation or his designee to sign the Notice of Determination.
FUNDING: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, California Tahoe Conservancy and United States Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit grant funds.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
The Department has secured $896,000 in Planning, Design and Right-of-Way funding from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Water Quality (WQ) and Air Quality (AQ) Mitigation Funds, the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) (CTA 04026) funds, and the United States Forest Service (USFS) Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit - Erosion Control Grant Program (08-DG-11051900-030). The Project construction cost is estimated at $3,128,000 with proposed funding coming from the TRPA WQ and AQ Mitigation Funds, CTC Recreation & Access and Erosion Control Programs and USFS Erosion Control Grant ...
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