File #: 22-1080    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 6/8/2022 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 6/28/2022 Final action: 6/28/2022
Title: Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030(B) that it is appropriate to contract with Volunteers of America-Northern California/Northern Nevada (VOA-NCNN), contingent on the County’s development of a Navigation Center project, to provide operations and case management services of the County’s Navigation Center under Agreement 6722, because pursuant to 3.13.030(B) “Specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in classifications are involved in the performance of the work;” 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 6722 with VOA-NCNN, in an amount not to exceed $1,347,963 for a term of one (1) year upon execution; and 3) Authorize the HHSA Director to administer said agreement and execute subsequent amendments that do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, and to further authori...
Attachments: 1. A - Approved Blue, 2. B - 6722 AGMT, 3. Executed Agreement 6722
Related files: 21-1668, 22-0294, 22-0630, 22-0893, 24-0921, 23-1691, 23-0631, 24-0651


Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:

1) Make findings in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030(B) that it is appropriate to contract with Volunteers of America-Northern California/Northern Nevada (VOA-NCNN), contingent on the County’s development of a Navigation Center project, to provide operations and case management services of the County’s Navigation Center under Agreement 6722, because pursuant to 3.13.030(B) “Specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in classifications are involved in the performance of the work;”

2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 6722 with VOA-NCNN, in an amount not to exceed $1,347,963 for a term of one (1) year upon execution; and

3) Authorize the HHSA Director to administer said agreement and execute subsequent amendments that do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, and to further authorize the Director of HHSA or the HHSA Agency Chief Fiscal Officer to execute any required fiscal and programmatic reports.


FUNDING:  100% State Homeless Grants; Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus and Homeless Housing Assistance Program.



On November 9, 2021, the Board of Supervisors directed the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) to work with El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) to assess potential sites for a Navigation Center with an emergency shelter component. HHSA returned to the Board on April 19, 2022 (Item 22-0630) to provide a presentation regarding potential shorter and longer-term sites for a congregate Navigation Center with an emergency shelter component. Following the presentation, the Board adopted and authorized the Chair to sign Resolution 061-2022 for a Homeless Shelter Crisis Declaration which would allow for a shorter-term Navigation Center to be operational by Fall 2022. Additionally, the Board directed staff to:


1)                     pursue 2 short-term project sites, 1970/1940 Broadway for non-congregate shelter and Perks Court for a short-term congregate shelter site, and move towards negotiation of a lease and development of the sites prioritizing the placement of homeless individuals in encampments currently located inside city limits within the City of Placerville;

2)                     pursue Perks Court for a longer-term Navigation Center in addition to working with the City of Placerville to explore the feasibility of 471 Pierroz Road in order to move toward negotiation of a lease and/or purchase of one of the sites to operate as a longer-term Navigation Center in future years;

3)                     work with the City of Placerville and the Upper Room to explore the feasibility of relocating the Upper Room to one of the short-term project sites; and

4)                     the Board directed the Chief Administrative Office to work with the City of Placerville to secure additional law enforcement resources and come back with a Memorandum of Understanding if a short-term project at 1970/1940 Broadway is selected.


Specific to number 1 above, as due diligence, preconstruction work, and lease negotiations are underway to determine which specific shorter-term site may be most viable and available for the shorter-term Navigation Center site, the purpose of this item is to bring forth the services agreement that will be necessary to ensure that the chosen site is operated by an expert, qualified Navigation Center provider, regardless of the location.


The County’s Chief Administrative Office (CAO) Procurement and Contracts Division released Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 22-952-033 on January 6, 2022, for Homelessness Outreach, Prevention, Housing Supports and Supportive Services (HOP-HSSS). As a result of this evaluative process, HHSA has identified the most successful respondent to the RFQ, Volunteers of America-Northern California/Northern Nevada (VOA-NCNN) for Navigation Center Operations and Services. Consistent with the Board’s C-17 policy, as well as Federal Procurement Policy, the RFQ was released to ensure compliance with funding requirements identified in statute.


Given the Board’s intent to establish a shorter-term Navigation Center project by Fall of 2022, HHSA is recommending the Board approve the Agreement for Services 6722 with VOA-NCNN to coordinate all necessary case management and site operations to El Dorado County’s homeless population served at the Navigation Center, to facilitate timely access to services, and to improve the success of transitioning households out of homelessness.


Through Agreement 6722, VOA-NCNN will provide all operation services including, but not limited to: on-site and off-site services to reduce housing barriers and improve exits from homelessness; on-site experienced case managers to develop housing plans and link guests with partner agencies; computer resource center and telephones for benefits application, housing and job searches; transportation services; all necessary linen and hygiene supplies; on-site laundry; access to basic needs services such as meals; and clearly established, written rules to assure guest, staff, and community safety, such as zero tolerance policies regarding illicit drugs onsite at the project.


In accordance with Board of Supervisors Procurement Policy C-17, Section 7.11, the contractor selection process for service contracts in excess of $100,000 must include a review of the scope of services and contractor’s professional qualifications by a group of individuals (including at least one representative from outside the department requesting the services) qualified to judge the contractor’s ability to perform the services. HHSA has documentation on file that such a review was performed for Agreement 6722 with VOA-NCNN.



The Board may choose not to approve this agreement, however, doing so would not provide an operator of the Navigation Center project to be developed by Fall 2022, per the Board’s direction.


If the agreement is not approved by the Board on June 28th, VOA-NCNN may not be able to hire sufficient staffing to operate the navigation center by its launch in Fall 2022. The VOA-NCNN will conduct a staggered hiring process to align when Navigation Center staff are recruited, onboarded, and trained. The timing of the staggered recruitments will be based upon the estimated development time and launch of the Navigation Center site. If for any reason there are delays in launching the Navigation Center, VOA-NCNN would perform the services as outlined in the scope of work, but with homeless individuals as they begin their transition from encampments to entering the project. If for some reason the Navigation Center is cancelled the County would terminate the agreement with the 60 days’ notice, as outlined in the agreement, and pay for any services rendered during that time.



1) 21-1668, November 9, 2021, Board Direction to HHSA to assess potential sites for a congregate Navigation Center with an emergency shelter component, or a pallet community run by a professional service provider.

2) 22-0294, February 22, 2022, Board receive and file of EDOK presentation on the first draft of the 5-Year Countywide Homeless Strategic Plan.

3) 22-0630, April 19, 2022, Board direction of HHSA to pursue site locations and develop a Navigation Center at Perks Court.

4) 22-0893, May 24, 2022, Phase I of a two-phase approach to the shorter-term Navigation Center project at Perks Court.



County Counsel, CAO Procurements, and Auditor-Controller.



Approve as recommended.



Funding for the proposed project is generated through various homeless grant programs, including but may not be limited to Emergency Services Grants - Coronavirus (ESG-CV) and Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP). These grants have been included in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Recommended Budget and will be included in future budgets for the term of the project. There may be additional funding that becomes eligible for use on the project, including the Community Development Block Grant program - Coronavirus Response (CDBG-CV) funding. HHSA will continue to explore all funding and update the Board if additional funding becomes available.



1) Clerk of the Board to obtain Chair signature on one (1) original Agreement for Services 6722.



County Strategic Plan:

1) Goal #1 - “Public Safety: Protects the community, prevents crime, enforces the law, administers justice, provides rehabilitative services, and promptly responds to emergency and calls for service;” and

2) Goal #5 - “Healthy Communities: Improved health, well-being and self-sufficiency of El Dorado County communities, residents and visitors.”



Daniel Del Monte, Interim Director