Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to enter into negotiations with the owner(s) Barton Health Care, a California Non Profit Corporation, or their designated representative, regarding the properties located at 1111, 1113, and 1115 (APN: 032-191-002-000) and 1119 (APN: 032-191-020-000) Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe.
FUNDING: Capital Reserve and Public Health Fund Balance.
The El Dorado Center in South Lake Tahoe has been deemed an end of life building. The Board directed the Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, to search for properties in South Lake Tahoe that could replace the El Dorado Center. Initial estimates to tear down and rebuild the El Dorado Center were approximately $10 million. Facilities has found that a much more cost effective model is to find a building in good shape to purchase and perform tenant improvements to create the space necessary for public services. The properties on Emerald Bay Road were formally occupied by Barton Health. The property consists of four buildings, totaling approximately 16,195 square feet, with a large amount of parking available. The plan would be to relocate Health and Human Services functions currently in the El Dorado Center to the new Barton location, as well as moving Public Health out of the Johnson Center to co-locate these Health Services into one location. In addition, the purchase of this property would allow the County to move the Department of Transportation and Planning and Building out of leased space on Emerald Bay Drive. There are opportunities with the remaining two buildings to create a conference center and space for the District V supervisor.
The County could look at demolishing the El Dorado Center and rebuilding at a much higher price per square foot. This building would not have enough square footage to move the Department of T...
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