Agriculture Department recommending the Board receive and file the El Dorado-Alpine Counties 2021 Agricultural Crop and Livestock Report.
FUNDING: General Fund/Unclaimed Gas Tax.
The gross crop value for the County of El Dorado was $79,600,048, representing an increase of 10.31% from the 2020 values. Apples and apple products continued as the leading crop with a value of $31,006,471, representing a 40% increase from 2020. Wine grape values decreased by 25% over 2020 values to $7,207,273. Lumber production values also fell by 58% over 2020 values to $4,796,687. Both wine grapes and lumber sales were severely affected by the Caldor Fire. 30% of total grape production in 2021 was discarded due to smoke taint and therefore not counted toward total crop value. If the fire had not occurred, total wine grape values would have increased 7.10% over 2020 values to $10,349,813.
Monetary values in this report are Freight On Board (F.O.B.) and do not reflect net returns or profits realized by the growers. It is estimated that the impact of agriculture to the County of El Dorado’s economy totaled approximately $589 million in 2021, of which, Apple Hill and value-added products contributed an estimated $375.8 million while the wine industry added another $213.6 million. If the Caldor Fire had not occurred, it is estimated that the impact of the wine industry would have been $387.2 million, and the total impact of agriculture would have increased to $763 million.
An annual crop report is in accordance with Sections 2271 and 2279 of the California's Food and Agricultural Code for the purpose of publishing an accurate and meaningful report of the agricultural
conditions in El Dorado and Alpine Counties. Lending/financial institutions, news outlets, statistical services, education centers, realty agencies, and prospective agricultural land purchasers are
extremely interested in the annual crop report. The crop report represe...
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