Human Resources Department recommending the Board adopt the updated County of El Dorado Personnel Rules, Resolution 166-2022, repealing and replacing County of El Dorado Personnel Rules, Resolution 018-2019.
FUNDING: Various.
On February 26, 2019, the Board approved a comprehensive update to the County of El Dorado Personnel Rules (Resolution 015-2014). These Rules serve as a living document that is reviewed and updated as often as necessary to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, acknowledge industry standard practices, ensure consistency and fairness, provide clarity, and incorporate operational efficiencies as the County evolves.
Over the past year, Human Resources facilitated multiple engagement points to ensure a comprehensive review was conducted, inclusive of input from various stakeholders. A cross-functional committee of Human Resources representatives convened to identify and recommend revisions to the Rules; additional review and input was provided by department heads and/or their designees, County Counsel, and from the authorized agents of represented bargaining units.
A summary of the major changes are below; however, it should be noted that the majority of the changes are reorganization and/or renumbering of sections, and re-wording for clarity and consistency.
· Add new paid Bereavement Leave Rule. Regular and limited term employees would be granted paid bereavement leave of up to twenty-four (24.0) hours in a calendar year following the death of an eligible family member (pro-rated for part-time employees based on FTE).
· Add, update, and reorganize definition of terms including but not limited to Acting Status, Appointing Authority, Compensatory Time Off, Employee, Extra Help Appointment, Full-Time Equivalency, Limited Term Employee, Outpatient Status, and Transfer.
· Remove the word “Regular” from rules except where the rule is specifically limited to Civil Service employees, for consiste...
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