Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment II to Agreement for Services 5158 with Williams + Paddon/Architects + Planners, Inc. to authorize the assignment of Williams + Paddon/Architects + Planners, Inc. to 19six Architects to provide on-call architectural services as related to the Department of Transportation’s Shakori Garage Replacement;
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to Agreement for Services 5158, excluding term extensions and increases to the not-to-exceed amount, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and
3) Make findings pursuant to Article II, Section 210b(6) of the El Dorado County Charter that the ongoing aggregate of work to be performed is not sufficient to warrant the addition of permanent staff.
FUNDING: General Fund Capital Reserve.
In 2016, the Facilities Division commissioned a comprehensive facility assessment that included the Department of Transportation (DOT), Maintenance and Operations garage building located at 1121 Shakori Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA. The study identified the Shakori garage as having building systems that are at the end of life after 42 years in harsh mountain weather conditions along with having structural problems which was further addressed with a more thorough engineering analysis.
On January 14, 2020, the Board authorized a complete replacement for this facility. Meetings with stakeholders and other preliminary tasks were started shortly thereafter.
The existing 6,580 square foot building that is structurally unsound and functionally obsolete consists of 14 bays that house snow removal and road maintenance equipment, sand storage and some ancillary equipment. The intent is to construct a similar, but slightly larger structure.
A project of this nature requires architectural services, and proposals were solicited fr...
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