Hearing to consider Syres Cell Tower Replacement (Conditional Use Permit Revision CUP-R22-0018) request for a Conditional Use Permit Revision to previously approved Special Use Permit S98-0021 to allow for the replacement of an existing cell tower with a monopine cell tower to include an 18.9-foot height increase from 51.1 feet to 70 feet that would allow for collocation of an additional service provider, T-Mobile. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 329-162-003, consisting of 4.9 acres, is located on the west side of Panorama Road, approximately 1,000 feet south of the intersection with Mother Lode Drive, in the Placerville area, submitted by Matt Veazey (Agent: T-Mobile); Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Find Conditional Use Permit Revision CUP-R22-0018 to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15302, Replacement or Reconstruction, of the CEQA Guidelines; and
2) Approve Conditional Use Permit Revision CUP-R22-0018 based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented.
(Supervisorial District 3)
Conditional Use Permit Revision CUP-R22-0018 Syres Cell Tower Replacement submitted by Matt Veazey (Agent: T-Mobile) request for Conditional Use Permit Revision CUP-R22-0018 to previously approved Special Use Permit S98-0021 to allow for the replacement of an existing cell tower with a monopine cell tower to include an 18.9-foot height increase from 51.1 feet to 70 feet that would allow for collocation of an additional service provider, T-Mobile. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 329-162-003, consisting of 4.9 acres, is located on the west side of Panorama Road, approximately 1,000 feet south of the intersection with Mother Lode Drive, in the Placerville area, Supervisorial District 3. (County Planner: Amelia Pedri, 530-621-6390) (Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15302 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guid...
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