Planning and Building Department, Airports Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign County of El Dorado Airport Ground Leases for Portable Hangars, that require a rental fee to be paid at commencement of the lease and paid annually thereafter in accordance with fees established by Board Resolution 183-2019 adopted by the Board on October 22, 2019 (Item 31, Legistar 19-0663), in effect at the time payment is due, and upon Board execution, a lease term of ten years as follows (4/5 vote required):
1) Lease 2052, between the County and Lessees, Richard A. Wampach and Greg H. Stein, for a privately-owned Hangar located on Space TP-15 at the Placerville Airport, representing use of 1,086 square feet of Airport ground, with commencement rental fee due of $1,068 (Attachment B); and,
2) Lease 2057, between the County and Lessee, Sprague Family Trust, for a privately-owned Hangar located on Space SP-30 at the Placerville Airport, representing use of 812 square feet of Airport ground, with commencement rental fee due of $792 (Attachment C).
FUNDING: Placerville Airport Enterprise Fund - Fee Revenue.
Airport users with portable hangars must enter into a lease with the County for the use of Airport property, in accordance with County Ordinance Code ยง 3.08.021. Each new ground lease includes language required by the County and the Federal Aviation Administration.
The proposed leases represent new ground leases, upon which a privately-owned portable aircraft storage hangar will be utilized, and recognizes a change in ownership for these hangars occupying:
- Placerville Airport Space TP-15, owners Richard A. Wampach and Greg H. Stein (Wampach and Stein Lease); and,
- Placerville Airport Space SP-30, owner Sprague Family Trust (Sprague Family Trust Lease).
A requirement of a new ground lease includes proof of insurance per County requirements. Each Lessee provided a copy of insurance which has been review...
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