Department of Transportation recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer request for Ryan Ranch Zone of Benefit 98102 to reallocate funds from Contingency to fund emergency road maintenance in Fiscal Year 2022-23; and
2) Authorize a loan in the amount of $21,000 from CSA 9 Insurance Reserve Road Zone Account, with full repayment of the loan anticipated by May 1, 2024, for emergency road maintenance work performed during the 2022-23 winter storms, noting the loan is on a one-time only basis, and that the loan is subject to interest. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: CSA 9 Insurance Reserve Road Zone Account (57%), Zone of Benefit Special Taxes (43%).
On December 20, 1983, the Board of Supervisors formed the Ryan Ranch Zone of Benefit (Zone) No. 98102 by Resolution 357-83 to provide road and drainage improvements and maintenance. During the 2022-23 winter storm series, significant rainfall caused severe damage to Beaver Pond Road, creating a public safety issue in the Zone. Beaver Pond Road is the only access to many residents' homes, and it was severely undermined. Emergency repairs were completed and included the replacement of two culverts and the reconstruction of the damaged roadway.
On January 10, 2023, the Board adopted Resolution 016-2023, finding an emergency existed due to the 2022-23 storm series and authorized the Director of Transportation, acting as the Road Commissioner, to take all necessary actions to approve, authorize, and award emergency repair projects. As a result of this action, Construction Services Agreement #7403 was executed with Doug Veerkamp General Engineering, Inc. (Veerkamp).
When the damage was assessed and determined to be an emergency, the Department of Transportation (Transportation) requested and received the Zone's approval of the quotes before work was authorized. Confirmation of the approval is also documented in the Minutes received from their...
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