Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board order the Auditor-Controller to disburse $30,455.20 to the El Dorado Hills Community Services District (EDHCSD) from its park and recreation development impact mitigation fee account for fee program administration.
FUNDING: Development Impact Fees.
The California Mitigation Fee Act (Cal. Gov. §66000 et seq.) provides for the establishment of fees to mitigate the impacts of new development on public facilities in order to maintain the established level of service. Individual Special Districts do not have the authority to establish these fees; as a result, the County establishes fees on behalf of the districts. In accordance with the Mitigation Fee Act, these revenues are segregated and deposited into a separate account for each district.
Parks and recreation development impact mitigation fees were first collected on the District's behalf in 1998. The current fees are based on a 2018 Fee Nexus Study and Report (“Report”) detailing the legal and policy basis justifying the development impact mitigation fee within the District (Resolution 135-2018, Legistar File 18-1034).
The Mitigation Fee Act provides for use of the fee revenue to fund administration of the fee program. The EDHCSD charges 2% of revenue collected to fund its fee program administration, and tracks staff time spent on park projects. There are two requests from the District totaling $30,455.20. The first request is for $13,062.54 for projects related to Valley View Park, Heritage Village Park, Saratoga Village Park, Bass Lake Regional Park and the 2% Project Administration Fee for October - December 2022. The second request is for $17,392.66 for projects related to Valley View Village Park, Saratoga Village Park, Utility Corridor, Bass Lake Regional Park and the 2% Administration Fee for January - March 2023.
The County has entered into an agreement with EDHCSD, whereby the district agrees to "hold County harm...
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