Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Make findings that the provision of school immunization services provided by the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) are with or among other governmental entities or agencies in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(E);
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Funding Out Agreement 7535 with EDCOE, in the amount of $90,000, for the term upon execution through June 30, 2024, with the option to extend the agreement for one (1) additional year through June 30, 2025, with no increase to the maximum obligation of the Agreement;
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute amendments relating to Agreement 7535, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and
4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Director of Public Health to execute programmatic, administrative, and fiscal documents relating to Agreement 7535.
FUNDING: 100% Federal Immunization Local Assistance Funding (Grant Agreement 22-11034).
As authorized under California Health and Safety Code (HSC), Section 120325-120380, which requires immunizations against childhood diseases prior to school admittance in the State of California, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) allocated funding to Local Health Departments (LHDs) to prevent and control Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPDs) in their local jurisdictions. HHSA was allocated Immunization Local Assistance Funding for the purposes of preventing and controlling VPDs in El Dorado County (Agreement No. 22-11034).
Under this Immunization Grant, grantees are to implement activities to assess and improve coverage levels in the jurisdiction of all vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to protect the population, and detect, report, and control VPDs in their jurisdiction.
As the prima...
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