Board of Supervisors (Board) and Planning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning, Stormwater, and Vacation Home Rental Division, hosting a Board public workshop to solicit input and encourage public comments on the Tahoe El Dorado Area Plan as directed by General Plan Goal 2.10, Policies and and Measure LU-O.
FUNDING: Phase one: California Department of Housing and Community Development Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant (19%); Phase two: Discretionary Transient Occupancy Tax (25%), Affordable Housing Fees (10%); Phase three: Funding TBD (46%).
This informational workshop for the Board of Supervisors is being hosted by the Planning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning, Stormwater, and VHR Division (Department). The purpose of this workshop is to solicit comments from the public and the Board on the Tahoe El Dorado (TED) Area Plan. No formal action will be taken.
The County coordinates its land use planning efforts in the Tahoe Basin with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA). The adopted plan for the Tahoe Basin is the “Regional Plan for the Tahoe Basin” and supersedes the El Dorado County General Plan. General Plan Goal 2.10., Policy states that the County shall work with TRPA and other agencies to identify lands capable of supporting affordable housing development without jeopardizing attainment of the Environmental Thresholds identified by TRPA. The General Plan goes on to direct the County in Policy to identify and prioritize the completion of community plans within the County’s jurisdictional area of the Tahoe Basin. Implementation Measure LU-0 further specifies that the County must 1) coordinate with TRPA and other agencies to create a comprehensive approach to land use regulation in the Tahoe Basin; 2) prepare and adopt a community plan for the Tahoma/Meeks Bay area; 3) identify additional affordable housing opportunities; 4) modify the County’s Zoning Ordinance to be c...
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