File #: 24-1556    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 8/28/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 9/17/2024 Final action: 9/17/2024
Title: Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Receive a presentation and provide direction on recommended changes to the County of El Dorado Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25; 2) Direct staff to reduce the FY 2024-25 contribution to the Capital Projects Designation to fund the Resource Conservation Districts funding increase ($264,737), as included in the recommended changes; 3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 151-2024, to outline the process the Board will use to make an annual contribution to the El Dorado Hills County Water District, in the amount equivalent to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) obligation on the County’s base property tax transfer resulting from the dissolution of the Latrobe Fire Protection District; 4) Direct staff to return on September 24, 2024, with a Budget Resolution, Budget Amendment, and corresponding Personnel Allocation Changes Resolution based on discussion and direction received during this item; and 5) Direct ...
Attachments: 1. A - FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget Book.pdf, 2. A Revised - FY 2024-25 Recommended Adopted Budget, 3. B - Budget Webpage, 4. C - FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget Presentation, 5. C Revised - FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget Presentation, 6. D - ERAF Resolution, 7. E - Counsel Approval of Resolution, 8. Auditor's Comment BOS Rcvd. 9-16-2024, 9. Executed Resolution 151-2024
Related files: 24-0679, 24-1557, 24-1916, 24-1908
Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board:
1) Receive a presentation and provide direction on recommended changes to the County of El Dorado Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25;
2) Direct staff to reduce the FY 2024-25 contribution to the Capital Projects Designation to fund the Resource Conservation Districts funding increase ($264,737), as included in the recommended changes;
3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 151-2024, to outline the process the Board will use to make an annual contribution to the El Dorado Hills County Water District, in the amount equivalent to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) obligation on the County’s base property tax transfer resulting from the dissolution of the Latrobe Fire Protection District;
4) Direct staff to return on September 24, 2024, with a Budget Resolution, Budget Amendment, and corresponding Personnel Allocation Changes Resolution based on discussion and direction received during this item; and
5) Direct staff to return to the Board on November 5, 2024 to discuss the structural sustainability of the budget.

FUNDING: Various; Countywide Budget Consideration.
The Board conducted the budget hearing and approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Recommended Budget on June 11, 2024, with Legistar file 24-0679. State law requires formal budget adoption no later than October 2nd. Though the Board technically adopted the Recommended Budget in June, El Dorado County’s practice is to revise the Recommended Budget after the close of the financial records each year to file an Adopted Budget with the State that includes adjusted final fund balances and addresses department needs identified after approval of the Recommended Budget and makes necessary adjustments due to State budget impacts.

Staff have prepared a recommended Adopted Budget for Board consideration and review. The documents outlining the proposed changes to the Recommended Budget are attached to th...

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