HEARING - Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning, recommending the Board consider the adoption of proposed Interim Objective Design Standards for state-streamlined, ministerial multifamily and mixed-use projects and Interim Design Standards and Guidelines for multifamily, mixed-use, and commercial projects in the County’s Community Regions and Rural Centers submitted by the Planning and Building Department, Long Range Planning Unit, and staff recommending the Board of Supervisors take the following actions as recommended by the Planning Commission on October 31, 2024:
1) Find the Project exempt from CEQA under Sections 15061(b)(3) (Commonsense exemption), 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations), 15308 (Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment) and 15378 (Definition of a “Project”) of the CEQA Guidelines;
2) Approve Ordinance 5219 Text Amendment OR24-0002 to amend applicable sections of Article 2 (Zones, Allowed Uses and Zoning Standards), Article 4 (Specific Use Requirements), and Article 5 (Planning Permit Processing) of the Zoning Ordinance to update the requirements for County design oversight and CEQA review related to implementation of the new interim design standards (Attachment I);
3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 214-2024 to approve the Interim Objective Design Standards for state-streamlined, ministerial multifamily and mixed-use projects and Resolution 215-2024 to approve Interim Design Standards and Guidelines for Multifamily, Mixed-Use, and Commercial Projects in the County’s Community Regions and Rural Centers (Attachments J & K); and
4) Request that staff return to the Planning Commission with an update on the process/progress of implementing the Interim Objective Design Standards for state-streamlined, ministerial multifamily and mixed-use projects and the Interim Design Standards and Guidelines for Multifamily, Mixed-Use, and Commercial Projects prior to the end of 2025.
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