File #: 24-1963    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 11/1/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 12/10/2024 Final action: 12/10/2024
Title: HEARING - Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve Rezone Z21-0010/Williamson Act Contract WAC21-0003/Indian Rock Tree Farm (Hyder) to rezone from Timber Production Zone to Planned Agricultural, Twenty-acre (PA-20); and establishment of a Williamson Act Contract (Agricultural Preserve) for an established Christmas tree farm, Indian Rock Tree Farm (17.0-acres) on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 085-540-003, consisting of a 33.22-acres in the Camino area, submitted by Raymond L. Hyder and Geraldine F. Hyder 1994 Trust, represented by Sam Rumbaugh and Karen Hyder, and take the following actions: 1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff in accordance with CEQA Guidelines (Attachment J); 2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (Attachment L); 3) Approve Williamson Act Contract WAC21-0003 establishing a new Agricultural...
Attachments: 1. A - Counsel Approval - Rezone Ordinance, 2. B - Counsel Approval - Agricultural Preserve Resolution, 3. C - Rezone Ordinance, 4. D - Resolution Agricultural Preserve, 5. E - Williamson Act Contract, 6. F - Staff Report, 7. G - Findings, 8. H - Conditions of Approval, 9. I - Staff Report Exhibits, 10. J - Mitigated Negative Declaration, 11. K - MND Attachments, 12. L - Mitigation Monitoring Plan, 13. Executed Williamson Act Contract, 14. Executed Ordinance 5220, 15. Executed Resolution 232-2024
Related files: 24-1897
HEARING - Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve Rezone Z21-0010/Williamson Act Contract WAC21-0003/Indian Rock Tree Farm (Hyder) to rezone from Timber Production Zone to Planned Agricultural, Twenty-acre (PA-20); and establishment of a Williamson Act Contract (Agricultural Preserve) for an established Christmas tree farm, Indian Rock Tree Farm (17.0-acres) on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 085-540-003, consisting of a 33.22-acres in the Camino area, submitted by Raymond L. Hyder and Geraldine F. Hyder 1994 Trust, represented by Sam Rumbaugh and Karen Hyder, and take the following actions:
1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff in accordance with CEQA Guidelines (Attachment J);
2) Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (Attachment L);
3) Approve Williamson Act Contract WAC21-0003 establishing a new Agricultural Preserve of approximately 33.22-acres in size, based on the Findings (Attachment E);
4) Authorize the Chair to sign said Williamson Act Contract (Attachment E);
5) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 232-2024 establishing an Agricultural Preserve for said Williamson Act Contract (Attachment D);
6) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Ordinance 233-2024 5220 for Rezone Z21-0010, rezoning from Timber Production Zone to Planned Agricultural, Twenty-acre (PA-20) (Attachment C); and
7) Authorize Planning and Building Department staff to file a Notice of Determination with the County Recorder/Clerk's Office and the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. (District 3).

The California Land Conservation Act of 1965, also known as the Williamson Act, was created to reduce increasing property taxes on agricultural land. When the Act was adopted, rising property taxes were making it difficult for farmers and ranchers to sta...

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