Supervisor Briggs recommending the Board direct the Information Technology Department to conduct a Countywide Assessment for Information Technology Needs and infrastructure. (Est. Time: 20 Min.)
In order to determine the resources and the associated costs relative to automating the County, Supervisor Briggs recommends that the Board direct the Information Technology Department to conduct a countywide audit of all county automation activities within each and every county department, and that each department is to work in cooperation with the Information Technology Department to ensure that the necessary information is obtained in an efficient and timely manner.
This audit shall include for each county department the:
Staffing levels involved in automation activities by both title and function; and,
Equipment involved, including personal computers, laptops, servers, printers, phones and other special devices; and,
Computer programs being used, with a special emphasis on those that duplicate or complement the existing county enterprise systems. This will include the purchase and ongoing maintenance costs for these programs; and,
Tools, in addition to the county enterprise systems (i.e. FAMIS, ADPICS, BREP, TIME2000), that are currently being used for countywide processes (timecards, permitting, purchasing, employee evaluations, vacation requests, case management, contract tracking, drafting, etc.) to help determine how much of the county's resources are being used to mimic or replicate older, possibly obsolete, systems.
The Information Technology Department will compile the existing available information and meet with, or survey, staff from each county department in order to update each department's inventory. The goal of this audit is to fully understand the total resources dedicated to the use of technology and to help determine the feasibility of consolidating programs, equipment and other resources.
In order to assist in budget decisions f...
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