County Counsel recommending that the Board act to appoint Theresa R. Daly to the position of Chief Administrative Officer of the County of El Dorado effective December 18, 2010; that her salary be set at Step 3 of the current salary range; and that the Board approve and authorize the Chair of the Board to execute the Memorandum of Agreement (Employment Agreement).
Reason for Recommendation: On December 6, 2010, following a closed session on the subject, the Board announced out its intention to appoint Terri Daly as Chief Administrative Officer, subject to confirming that action in open session and approval of an employment agreement. That is the purpose of the recommended action. it is an action to appoint Terri Daly as CAO effective December 18, 2010, (to coincide with the beginning of a new pay period) at Step 3 of the salary range. Also attached is an employment agreement for approval. It is simple and mirrors employment agreement entered into with the previous CAO. Basically, it reiterates that Terri is being appointed at third step, that she will be entitled to the benefits to which appointed department heads are entitled, and preserves her position as an "at-will" employee. The agreement also provides for three months severance pay in case the CAO's employment is terminated by the Board of Supervisors, unless the CAO is charged with or convicted of a felony, any crime of moral turpitude, or of any crime in the performance of her duties as CAO; or unless she commits misfeasance or malfeasance in CAO's official duties.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no increase in net county cost because the salary and benefits for the Chief Administrative Officer are already budgeted.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Terri Daly will assume the duties and responsibilities of Chief Administrative Officer.
Contact: Louis B. Green