Auditor-Controller recommending the Board authorize the Auditor-Controller to disburse excess proceeds from the sale of tax defaulted property (APN 500-127-06-100) dated November 6, 2009 as follows:
Claimant, Type and recommended distribution:
Michael C. Reilly and James A. Reilly: Owner of Record - $1,073.18
Edward G. Reilly: Owner of Record - $536.58
Unclaimed: Revenue and Taxation Code §4674 - $0
Background: On November 6, 2009 a Sale of Tax Defaulted Property was conducted by the Treasurer-Tax Collector's office. Parties of interest, as defined by Revenue & Taxation (R&T) Code section 4675 were notified that the property identified as 500-127-06-100 was sold for $1,609.76 more than the amount required to satisfy delinquent taxes & costs of the sale. Valid claims(s) have been filed for the excess proceeds due to the sale of the property. The Auditor-Controller's office has reviewed the claim(s) and supporting documents and is of the opinion that the claimant(s) are entitled to the proceeds pursuant to R&T Code section 4675. The Auditor-Controller recommends that the Board of Supervisors authorize the Auditor-Controller to notify all valid claimants of the Board's action(s) and disburse excess proceeds as determined by the Board.