Hearing to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on Rezone Z11-0006/Barnett Business Park on property identified by APNs 109-401-02, 109-401-03, and 109-401-04, consisting of 5.55 acres, in the Shingle Springs area, submitted by El Dorado County; and recommending the Board take the following actions:
1) Adopt the Negative Declaration for Z11-0006 based on the Initial Study prepared by staff;
2) Approve Z11-0006 rezoning APNs 109-401-02, 109-401-03, and 109-401-04 from Professional Office Commercial-Design Community (CPO-DC) to General Commercial-Design Community (CG-DC) based on the Findings listed in Attachment 1; and
3) Adopt Ordinance 4965 for said rezone. (Supervisorial District 2) (Est. Time: 10 Min.)
Background: Request to consider Rezone Z11-0006/Barnett Business Park submitted by EL DORADO COUNTY to rezone three adjoining parcels in the Barnett Business Park from Professional Office Commercial-Design Community (CPO-DC) to General Commercial-Design Community (CG-DC). The property, identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers 109-401-02, 109-401-03, and 109-401-04, consisting of 5.55 acres, is located on the north side of Trade Way, between the intersections with Business and Product Drives, in the Shingle Springs area, Supervisorial District 2. [Project Planner: Lillian MacLeod] (Negative declaration prepared)
This application was considered by the Planning Commission on September 8, 2011 and was recommended for approval (4-0). The minutes from this meeting are attached.
Contact: Roger Trout (5369)/Pierre Rivas (5841)
Follow-up for COB: Send Dept copies of Minute Order, Ordinance, and correspondence sent to Property Owners.