| 1 | 1. | Agenda Item | Clerk of the Board recommending the Board approve the Minutes from the regular meeting on April 18, 2023. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division, recommending the Board provide conceptual approval to amend the El Dorado County Ordinance Code to include a chapter on bike parks within the County of El Dorado.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts, recommending the Board approve the following:
1) Waive formal bid requirements in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17, Section 3.4 (4) Exemptions from Competitive Bidding;
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to continue the use of the State of California's competitively bid Contract 7-18-51-01 and 7-18-51-02 for the acquisition of Facilities Maintenance and Repair & Operations and Industrial Supplies for use by all County Departments;
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to extend the term of the agreements if the State of California extends contracts 7-18-51-01 and 7-18-51-02 for the acquisition of Facilities Maintenance and Repair & Operations and Industrial Supplies; and
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase Purchase Contract 6701 with Fastenal Company and Purchase Contract 6702 with W.W. Grainger on an "as needed" basis during the awarded period as long as funding is available within the requesting department's budget.
FUNDING: General and Non-General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, presenting a list of County surplus property and recommending the Board so declare and authorize disposal of same in accordance with the County's Procurement Policy C-17, Section 6.0 Surplus Property, thereof.
FUNDING: Various. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Agenda Item | Clerk of the Board, based upon the recommendation of the El Dorado County Assessor, recommending the Board remove the Assessment Appeals Board from the list of Boards, Committees and Commissions which must meet in a hybrid model.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | Agenda Item | Clerk of the Board, based upon the recommendation of the Director of Environmental Management Department, recommending the Board make the following appointment to the El Dorado Solid Waste Advisory Committee:
Appoint Tim Israel, Member, Cameron Park CSD, Term Expiration 05/02/2028.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Agenda Item | County Counsel recommending the Board deny the claims received from Sprint Spectrum, L.P. in the total amount of $52,612.19, plus interest, for unitary property taxes paid for Tax Years 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | Agenda Item | Information Technologies Department recommending the Board:
1) Make findings in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17, Section 3.4 (4), Exemptions from Competitive Bidding that Agreement US-NCPA 01-86 is exempt from competitive bidding due to a competitively bid agreement being utilized;
2) Authorize the use of Agreement US-NCPA 01-86 between Carahsoft Technology Corp. and Region 14 Education Service Center as the lead public agency for the competitively bid services;
3) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a Purchase Order to ePlus Technology Inc. in the amount of $158,253 for the purchase of Proofpoint Security Enterprise Threat Protection and support services for a three-year period; and
4) Approve and authorize the Director of Information Technologies or Assistant Director of Information Technologies to sign Quote 22951760 and subsequent purchase documents that do not extend the term of the services or increase the amount of the purchase order.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Agenda Item | Treasurer-Tax Collector Department recommending the Board approve the continuation of the perpetual agreement with Bloomberg Finance LP for an estimated annual contract amount of $29,500 for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Agenda Item | Treasurer-Tax Collector Department recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 074-2023 increasing the allowance for deficiency and overage of payments tendered from $10.00 to $20.00, in accordance with Revenue and Taxation Code 2611.5.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Hidahl recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the 12th Annual Firework display to be held at the El Dorado Hills Town Center on Monday, July 3, 2023:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 075-2023 permitting Pyro Spectaculars by Souza to conduct a pyrotechnic display for the event, contingent upon full compliance of necessary requirements, insurance, contracts and permits as deemed necessary by the control authorities; and
2) Authorize the Chair to sign a letter to the Fire Marshal approving same.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Laine recommending the Board appoint Supervisor Laine as the County's representative to meet with the City of South Lake Tahoe's South Shore Transit Subcommittee to discuss transit solutions in the South Lake Tahoe area.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Parlin recommending the Board:
1) Find that a public benefit is derived from supporting the Gold Trail Grange’s effort to provide a community center and meeting hall for the communities of Coloma, Lotus, and Gold Hill and recover from a loss of revenue due to being shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a funding Agreement, consistent with the County’s standard form and upon the approval of County Counsel, with the Gold Trail Grange authorizing payment of the $5,000 community funding contribution in support of these efforts.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Thomas recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Proclamation recognizing Imagination Theater’s 75th Performance.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Accept and authorize the HHSA Director to sign Amendment II to Funding In Agreement 6256 (7460-CA MOBILE CRISIS-ELDORADO-01) with Advocates for Human Potential, Inc., for the Crisis Care Mobile Units Program (CCMU), administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), to enhance HHSA Behavioral Health Division’s mobile crisis and non-crisis response services, which retroactively increases the award by $2,000,000 for a total amount not to exceed $2,200,000, extends the term of the Agreement from December 31, 2023 through June 30, 2025, and updates the Statement of Work;
2) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Behavioral Health Director, to execute further documents, and fiscal and programmatic reports relating to Agreement 6256, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, including Amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar of the Agreement; and
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer Request increasing State revenue by $2 million and increasing Profe | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Receive and review the County of El Dorado’s Children’s Medical Services Program projected budget specific to the California Children’s Services (CCS) program for Fiscal Year 2022-23, with a budget totaling $690,364 in funding for the provision of diagnostic and treatment services and Public Health Nursing medical case management to children under age twenty-one (21) with CCS-eligible medical conditions;
2) Authorize the Chair to sign the CCS Certification Statement; and
3) Delegate authority to the HHSA Director, or the Deputy Director of Public Health, to execute any further documents or reports.
FUNDING: Federal, State and County General funding: 58% Federal Children’s Medical Services Allocation, 36% State Children’s Medical Services Allocations, and 3% Social Services Realignment, and 3% General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board approve the extension of the California Department of Public Health funding period for funding awarded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Enhancing Detection Expansion Program through July 31, 2024.
FUNDING: 100% Federal Coronavirus Relief Funding. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 9 | 19. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board of Supervisors find that a Local Health Emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the Mosquito Fire (Cont. 6/6/2023, Item 34)
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Award Request for Proposal 23-918-033 to the Proposer identified as appropriate by the evaluation panel, Streamlink Software Inc., doing business as Amplifund, for the provision of Software as a Service Grants Management System through its AmpliFund Grant Lifecycle Enterprise Solution;
2) Authorize HHSA to negotiate a five (5) year Agreement for Services with Amplifund to include one-time implementation fees of $31,490, plus annual costs of $37,000 for year one and $47,000 for years two through five, for an estimated cost not to exceed $256,490 for Fiscal Years 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27, and 2027-28; and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute said Agreement, contingent upon County Counsel and Risk Management review, including minor revisions as required.
FUNDING: 100% Health and Human Services Agency Program Funding. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute a Purchase Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, for converting the 2023 Ford Transit ELT-350 HD XL AWD for the County of El Dorado Public Health Division into a mobile laboratory and nursing services vehicle in an amount of $168,427.55 due to costs of the conversion services that were not included in the prior Board-approved amount.
FUNDING: 100% Enhancing Laboratory Capacity (ELC) Enhancing Detection Expansion Funding. (COVID-19ELC68) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Accept the subdivision improvements for Bell Woods, TM01-1380R/TM01-1380E, as complete;
2) Reduce Performance Bond 9328374 from $1,621,590.00 to $447,201.30, which is ten percent of the total cost of the subdivision improvements. This amount guarantees against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished, which is to be released after one year if no claims are made;
3) Hold Laborers & Materialmens Bond 9328374 in the amount of $2,236,007.00 for six months to guarantee payments to persons furnishing labor, materials, or equipment; and
4) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the respective Bonds after the required time periods upon written request by Transportation.
FUNDING: Developer Funded. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the following as related to the U.S. 50 / Camino Area Safety Project, Capital Improvement Program number 71319/36104015:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 072-2023 to authorize the Chair to execute and confirm the Relinquishment Agreement (State Highway) 03-0798 and Cooperative Agreement Termination Statement 03-0700 A1;
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Relinquishment Agreement (State Highway) 038160-X, Agreement 03-0798 between the California Department of Transportation and the County of El Dorado in order to relinquish to the County a portion of a State Highway Right-of-Way within the County’s jurisdiction; and
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Cooperative Agreement Termination Statement 03-0700 A1 to terminate State Highway Relinquishment Agreement 03-0700, previously executed in error. (District III)
FUNDING: Regional Surface Transportation Program Exchange Funds-Rural-EDCTC (50%), Traffic Impact Fee - Hwy 50 (37%), State Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee (10%), Tribe Funds (2%), and Road | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Fourth Amendment to Agreement for Services 402-S1611 with DKS Associates, adding $200,000 to the not-to-exceed amount for a new contract value of $789,075 with no change to the contract term, to provide traffic analysis and transportation planning services.
FUNDING: Development Project Applicants, Traffic Impact Fee Program, and Road Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25. | Agenda Item | Director of the Department of Transportation, serving as the Road Commissioner, recommending the Board receive and file the attached report as required under Resolution 016-2023, providing a status update on the emergency road repair work related to the 2022 storms.
FUNDING: Undetermined. Options include General Fund, Road Fund, Tribe Fund Balance or Road Maintenance General Fund Designation. The Department will also be seeking FEMA and CalOES reimbursement through the California Severe Winter Storms, Flooding, Landslides and Mudslides FEMA declaration for incident period December 27, 2022 - January 31, 2023. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board:
1) Find in accordance with El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Purchasing Policy, C-17, 3.5 Specific Exemptions & Written Findings of Fact, the work to be performed under Agreement 6125 is exempt from competitive bidding due to training seminars/classes;
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Agreement for Services 6125 with Nordic Enterprises dba Western Pacific Truck School, increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $50,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $120,000, and other minor administrative changes determined necessary, with no changes to the rates or the term of the contract, to provide Class A training; and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the Agreement 6125 on an "as needed" basis during the awarded period as long as funding is available within Department of Transportation's budget.
FUNDING: Road Fund. (100%) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 27. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 069-2023 adopting a list of projects funded in Fiscal Year 2023-23 by Senate Bill 1: The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.
FUNDING: Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. (SB1 - RMRA) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 28. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 073-2023 authorizing the County to declare that certain property is exempt surplus land located in El Dorado Hills as part of the Silva Valley Parkway Interchange Project, County Capital Improvement Project number 36104002. (District I)
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 29. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation and the Chief Administrative Office, Community Development Finance & Administration Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Credit and Reimbursement Agreement between the County and Toll West Coast LLC, Agmt 22-55033, for the construction of improvements necessary for the development of the Bass Lake North residential subdivision within the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Area, funded under the Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Public Facilities Financing Plan.
FUNDING: Developer Funded, Bass Lake Hills Specific Plan Public Facilities Financing Plan. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 30. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Airports Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign County of El Dorado Airport Ground Leases for Portable Hangars, that require a rental fee to be paid at commencement of the lease and paid annually thereafter in accordance with fees established by Board Resolution 183-2019 adopted by the Board on October 22, 2019 (Item 31, Legistar 19-0663), in effect at the time payment is due, and upon Board execution, a lease term of ten years as follows (4/5 vote required):
1) Lease 2052, between the County and Lessees, Richard A. Wampach and Greg H. Stein, for a privately-owned Hangar located on Space TP-15 at the Placerville Airport, representing use of 1,086 square feet of Airport ground, with commencement rental fee due of $1,068 (Attachment B); and,
2) Lease 2057, between the County and Lessee, Sprague Family Trust, for a privately-owned Hangar located on Space SP-30 at the Placerville Airport, representing use of 812 square feet of Airport ground, with commencement rental fee due of $792 (Attachment C).
FUNDING: Place | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 31. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, submitting for approval of the Final Map (TM-F22-0015) for the Serrano Village M4 Subdivision (TM05-1393), creating a total of 33 residential lots and five (5) miscellaneous lots, on property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 123-790-001 located on the south side of Western Sierra Way, approximately 800-feet east of the intersection with Greyson Creek Drive in the El Dorado Hills Community Region (Attachment H, Exhibits A and B), and recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve the Final Map (TM-F22-0015) for Serrano Village M4 Subdivision (Attachment H, Exhibit C);
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements (Attachment C);
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement on Conditions for Acceptance of Drainage Easements (Attachments D); and
4) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement on Conditions for Acceptance of Roads (Attachment E). (Supervisorial District I)
FUNDING: Developer-Funded. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 32. | Agenda Item | District Attorney’s Office recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement 7455 with West Publishing Corporation, dba Thomson Reuters West, to increase the number of licenses from 21 to 26, increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $22,636.16, making the new not-to-exceed $161,217.08; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments, including increases to the number of user licenses and related changes to the total compensation, but excluding extensions to the term, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 33. | Agenda Item | District Attorney’s Office recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Amendment IV to Agreement 4588 with licensed therapist, Julia B. Vanderschaaf for mental health services, updating the language under Article I, Scope of Services, with no change to the term or the not-to-exceed amount; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any future amendments relating to Agreement 4588, excluding term extensions and increases to the not-to-exceed amount, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Victims of Crime Act Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 34. | Agenda Item | Probation Department recommending the Board:
1) Make findings in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030 (B) that specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in County classifications are involved in the performance of the work;
2) Find that Agreement for Services 7526 is exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17, Section 3.5 Specific Exemptions and Written Findings of Fact;
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 7526 with Northern California Construction Training to provide a pre-apprenticeship program to increase the skillsets of clients of the El Dorado County Probation Department, for the term of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, and for a Not to Exceed Amount of $299,590.00; and
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 7526, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
| Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | 37. | Agenda Item | El Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services recommending the Board find that a state of emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the December 2022 Storms. (Cont. 10/10/2023, Item 23)
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 38. | Agenda Item | El Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services recommending the Board find that a state of emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the February and March 2023 Storms. (Cont. 3/4/2025, Item 11)
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 39. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 060-2023 authorizing the Department of Transportation Director, or designee, the delegated authority to approve temporary road closures.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 40. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Airports Division, recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5182 to amend Section 3.08.021 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code to add the delegation of signature authority on Temporary Use Agreements, airport ground leases, and County-owned hangar leases to the County of El Dorado Director of Planning and Building and to add the delegation of signature authority on airport tie-down agreements to the County of El Dorado Airport Operations Supervisor. (Cont. 8/22/2023, Item 22)
FUNDING: Placerville and Georgetown Airport Enterprise Funds - Fee Revenue. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 41. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Hidahl recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 071-2023 to support the CSAC AT HOME Coalition for Accountability, the accountability pillar of CSAC's AT HOME plan which is a comprehensive proposal to effectively and equitably address homelessness.
FUNDING: N/A | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 42. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Hidahl recommending the Board:
1) Contribute $50,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to the Boy Scouts of America Golden Empire Council for their youth development programs that were negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a funding Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, with the Boy Scouts of America, Golden Empire Council authorizing payment of the $50,000 ARPA SLFRF. (Cont. 4/11/2023, Item 8)
FUNDING: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). | Failed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 43. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Thomas and the Human Resources Department recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign a Proclamation recognizing May 7-13, 2023 as “Public Service Recognition Week” in the County of El Dorado.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 44. | Agenda Item | HEARING - Department of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 070-2023 for the 2023 Traffic Impact Fee Schedule Annual Update.
FUNDING: Traffic Impact Fee Program. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 45. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning, Stormwater, and Vacation Home Rental Division, recommending the Board receive and file a presentation on a Vacation Home Rental Program Update and provide direction to staff regarding potential program adjustments and/or amendments to the Vacation Home Rental Ordinance. (Cont. 3/7/2023, Item 37)
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 46. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign a Proclamation recognizing May 2023 as “Mental Health Awareness Month” in the County of El Dorado; and
2) Receive a presentation from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, El Dorado.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 47. | Closed Session Item | Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4). Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 10 Min.) | No Action Reported. | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 48. | Closed Session Item | Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1). Title: Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 v. County of El Dorado, Public Employment Relations Board Case Nos. SA-CO-162-M and SA-CE-1191-M Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 15 Min.) | No Action Reported. | |
Action details
Not available