Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/22/2014 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Meeting Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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14-1052 1 Agenda ItemOPEN FORUM   Action details Not available
14-1053 1 Agenda ItemPublic Comment   Action details Not available
14-1000 11.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board approve the Minutes from the special meeting of the Board of Supervisors on July 14, 2014 and the Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on July 15, 2014.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0814 12.Agenda ItemAgriculture, Weights and Measures recommending the Board receive and file the El Dorado-Alpine Counties 2013 Agricultural Crop and Livestock Report.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
13-0280 43.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve Agreement 469-F1711 with the El Dorado Community Foundation to distribute $122,585 in Transient Occupancy Tax funds at the request of the Veteran Affairs Commission, which includes a payment of $6,129 as a management fee to the El Dorado Community Foundation, for the Fiscal Year 2016/17 budget, which will provide funding for programming that will assist the El Dorado County veterans community; 2) Approve a budget transfer decreasing the Chief Administrative Office professional services by $19,968 and increasing Veterans Affairs Department salaries by $19,968 (4/5 vote required); 3) Approve a budget transfer decreasing the Chief Administrative Office professional services by $17,000 and increasing the Veterans Affairs Department operating transfer out by $17,000 (4/5 vote required); and 4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement 469-F1711, including amendments that do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0954 14.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency (CDA) and Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board consider adoption of an amended Board of Supervisors Policy G-3, Dead Animal Disposal, which upon adoption will terminate the Memorandum of Understanding between CDA and HHSA, regarding dead animal disposal on County roads, with HHSA now referring all dead animal calls on County roads to CDA for removal. FUNDING: Contract Revenues, Fines, Permits, Fees for Service, Health Realignment, General Fund and Road Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-1352 35.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services, and a corresponding amendment to an applicant funding Agreement, to ensure the project applicant continues to fund all costs, as follows: 1) Amendment III to Funding Agreement 240-F1311 with Serrano Associates, LLC increasing funding by $155,198 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $949,027; 2) Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 239-S1311 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., increasing the maximum obligation by $130,198 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $623,021 to provide direct consultant services to the County for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports and planning consultation services, and extend the expiration date of the agreement by three (3) years; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer to increase revenue and appropriations by $155,198 associated with the Funding Agreement. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-1354 36.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services, and a corresponding amendment to an applicant funding agreement, to ensure the project applicant continues to fund all costs, as follows: 1) Amendment III to Funding Agreement 245-F1311 with Marble Valley Company, LLC increasing funding by $137,340 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $939,150; 2) Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 268-S1311 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., increasing the maximum obligation by $112,340 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $595,257 to provide direct consultant services to the County for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports and planning consultation services, and extend the termination date of the agreement three (3) additional years; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer to increase revenue and appropriations by $137,340 associated with the Funding Agreement. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-1370 37.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services, and a corresponding amendment to an applicant funding agreement, to ensure the project applicant continues to fund all costs, as follows: 1) Amendment III to Funding Agreement 241-F1311 with G3 Enterprises, Inc., increasing funding by $137,340 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $919,641; 2) Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 267-S1311 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., increasing the maximum obligation by $112,340 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $575,421 to provide direct consultant services to the County for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports and planning consultation services for the Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan Project, and to extend the term expiration date by three (3) years; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer to increase revenue and appropriations by $137,340 associated with the Funding Agreement. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0935 18.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the acquisition of two (2) Dump Truck Beds, one (1) Transit-Connect Ford, two (2) Ford E-350 Vans and one (1) Angle Broom. These fixed assets were originally included on the Fixed Asset list for Fiscal Year 2013-2014, however they were unable to be received prior to June 30, 2014. If approved, the increased funding to pay for the additional fixed assets will be added through the addenda process in September of 2014. FUNDING: Road Fund and Fleet Management Internal Service Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0580 19.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Transportation Division, regarding Sienna Ridge Road, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 104-2014 Accepting the Irrevocable Offers of Dedication #2014-03 for Right of Way and Public Utility Easements provided from Serrano Associates, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company pertaining to Sienna Ridge Road in El Dorado Hills.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0985 110.Agenda ItemCounty Counsel recommending the Board notify the Trustee of the Ramona L. Gilmore Revocable Trust to proceed to sale and liquidation of all residuary trust property and deliver the proceeds to El Dorado County. FUNDING: Donation.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0850 111.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Mental Health Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign non-financial Memorandum of Understanding 622-M1410 with Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. (Anthem) to establish each party’s roles and responsibilities in the delivery of Specialty Mental Health Services to Blue Cross members for a term that becomes effective upon execution and continues in perpetuity; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign revenue-generating Memorandum of Understanding 164-M1310 with Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. for the reimbursement of authorized Specialty Mental Health Services provided to Blue Cross members for a term that becomes effective upon execution and continues in perpetuity; and 3) Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or their designee to execute further documents relating to 622-M1410 or 164-M1310, including amendments which do not affect the maximum dollar amount or term of the Memorandum of Understandings, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and RiApprovedPass Action details Not available
09-0550 212.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Social Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following: Adopt Resolution 101-2014, relative to Agreement for Services 08-6045, which enables the County of El Dorado to continue to receive reimbursement from the State of California for General Assistance payments provided to individuals who are subsequently determined to be eligible for Supplemental Security Income/ State Supplementary Payment benefits, and authorizes the Health and Human Services Agency Director, successor, or designee to execute further documents relating to Agreement 08-6045. This Resolution also corrects a typographical error regarding an incorrect Agreement end term date and supersedes Resolution 094-2009 previously adopted on May 12, 2009, Item 11. FUNDING: Federal Social Security Administration Reimbursement Revenues.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0924 113.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Mental Health Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve Amendment I to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 006-F1511 with El Dorado County Office of Education, and Lake Tahoe Unified School District which defines the roles and responsibilities of all parties with regard to the El Dorado County Special Education Local Plan Area to update procedural language within the MOU and extend the current term for one year, through June 30, 2017; and 2) Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute further documents relating to the above noted MOU, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or the term, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: State and Federal funding; reimbursement from El Dorado County Special Education Local Plan Areas for services not covered by Medi-Cal or Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0950 114.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, recommending the Board adopt Resolution 102-2014 to: 1) Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency to waive, discount, or defer payment of Animal Services fees when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the animal and with recommendation from the Chief Animal Control Officer, or designee; and 2) Supersede current Animal Services fee Resolution 025-2011. FUNDING: Contract Revenues, Fines, Permits, Fees for Service, Health Realignment and General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0952 115.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division requesting the Board forgive the loss of Animal Services revenue and discharge the Agency from accountability of the lost revenue in a maximum amount up to $3,800. FUNDING: Fees/General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0972 116.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), recommending the Board approve the following: 1) Award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 14-918-069 for Domestic Violence Shelter Based Services, to the successful proposers, The Center for Violence Free Relationships of Placerville, California, for an amount not to exceed $195,000 over a three year period and Live Violence Free of South Lake Tahoe, California for an amount not to exceed $195,000 over a three year period; 2) Authorize the Chair to execute Agreements for services with each vendor to be retroactively effective July 1, 2014 and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent or designee to execute any amendments relating to the Agreements developed in association with RFQ No. 14-918-069, which do not affect the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, and further authorize the Director of HHSA or their designee to adminApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0932 117.Agenda ItemLibrary Director recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign grant funding Contract No. 073-F1511 with First 5 El Dorado in the amount of $212,500, for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 to provide funding for early literacy programs and services for children 0-5 years old at the library branches and other sites throughout the county. FUNDING: First 5 El Dorado Grant.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
13-0817 318.Agenda ItemHuman Resources, Risk Management Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the Fiscal Year 2016/17 California State Association of Counties - Excess Insurance Authority Insurance and Program Participation in the programs identified herein and listed in Attachment 5A; 2) Approve the Fiscal Year 2016/17 Airport Owners Insurance Policy Participation with Old Republic Insurance; 3) Approve the Fiscal Year 2016/17 Volunteer Blanket Accident Insurance Policy Participation with QBE Insurance Corporation; 5) Approve the Fiscal Year 2016/17 Community Service Area 2 and 9 Special Liability Insurance Program participation with Alliant Insurance; 6) Approve the Fiscal Year 2016/17 Employee Assistance Program Participation with MHN; and 7) Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to sign all documents required to bind program and insurance coverage for Fiscal Year 2016/17. FUNDING: Internal Service Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0939 119.Agenda ItemRisk Management recommending the Board accept a claim settlement for approximately $567,031 under the County’s property liability insurance program with the California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority for reimbursement of costs associated with the County’s emergency generator replacement project and authorize the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Final Proof of Loss for the County’s claim for insurance benefits with Lexington policy No. EIAPPR 09-12. FUNDING: Insurance proceeds and Accumulative Capital Outlay Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0974 120.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending that the Board approve and authorize the purchase of the following fixed asset items totaling $223,500 prior to the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 County Budget in September 2014 to allow for the expenditure of grant and special revenue funds for equipment that could not be delivered by June 30, 2014: 1) Twenty (20) radios $33,000 - Fiscal Year 2011 Homeland Security Grant; 2) One (1) lantern 3 mini Mac Bundle computer equipment $1,650 - Fiscal Year 2012 Homeland Security Grant; 3) One (1) tactical vest $1,850 - CalMMET Funding; 4) Five (5) live scan machines $140,000 - RAN Board Funding; and 5) Two (2) Mobile LPR Camera Systems, $47,000 - Fiscal Year 2012 Homeland Security Grant. FUNDING: Grant Funds - Homeland Security Grant, CalMMET Funds and RAN Board Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
13-1121 221.Agenda ItemSupervisor Mikulaco recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to Lease 201-L1411 relocating from Suite 106 to Suite 114 effective December 16, 2015 along with updating payment, notices and communications address. All other terms of the Lease and Amendment I remain the same.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0986 122.Agenda ItemSupervisor Novasel recommending the Board: 1) Determine that a public benefit is derived from the 2017 Lake Tahoe Environmental Summit which takes place on August 22, 2017; and 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 120-2017 authorizing a contribution in the amount of $1,000 be made payable to the Tahoe Fund to contribute towards the costs of the event. FUNDING: Transient Occupancy Tax - General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
13-0967 223.Agenda ItemSupervisor Santiago recommending the Board conduct a public hearing and adopt Resolution 103-2014 to declare that the operation of a carnival at the Lake Tahoe Community College by Wold Amusements in conjunction with the Kiwanis Annual Community Fair on August 29, 2014 through September 1, 2014 will not endanger the public health, safety and welfare; and, that the operation of a carnival does not violate any zoning or health laws or regulations. This resolution is required for the approval of the business license submitted by Wold Amusements prior to the commencement of the carnival. (Staff recommending this hearing be opened for public comment and continued off calendar)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
12-0708 424.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office and Human Resources presenting the fifth graduating class of the County of El Dorado Supervisors' Training Academy, Fall 2014 session. (Est. Time: 30 Min.) (Cont. 6/2/15, Item 47)Received and Filed  Action details Video Video
14-0674 225.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office requesting the Board receive and file an informational overview on the three qualified initiatives, known at time of writing as Measures M, O and N (formerly initiatives one, two and six). The Board granted a staff request for continuance of the overview for five weeks from the original July 22, 2014 meeting. (Cont. 8/26/14, Item 38)ContinuedPass Action details Video Video
13-1162 426.Agenda ItemThe FENIX Executive Committee providing the Board with an update on the progress of our new Enterprise Resource Program. (Est. Time: 15 Min.) (Cont. 7/15/15, Item 51)Received and Filed  Action details Video Video
14-0983 127.Agenda ItemElections Department recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 107-2014 to place a measure entitled: "An initiative measure to amend the El Dorado County General Plan Regarding Traffic Levels of Service on Highway 50 and Land Use Designations" on the ballot to be submitted to the voters at the Consolidated General Election to be conducted on November 4, 2014, in accordance with Elections Code section 9118(b); and 2) Establish the ballot question for this measure. (See Attachment A - Resolution) (Cont. 7/22/14, Item 27)ContinuedPass Action details Video Video
14-0984 128.Agenda ItemElections Department recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 108-2014 to place measure on the ballot entitled: "An Initiative Measure to Amend the El Dorado County General Plan Regarding Traffic And Land Use Policies" to be submitted to the voters at the Consolidated General Election to be conducted on November 4, 2014, in accordance with Elections Code section 9118(b); and 2) Establish the ballot question for this measure. (See Attachment A - Resolution) (Cont. 7/22/14, Item 28)ContinuedPass Action details Not available
14-1012 129.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 30 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Video Video
13-0086 430.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board receive and file information regarding implementation of the updated Sign Ordinance, which was approved by the Board on July 28, 2015 and became effective on August 27, 2015. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0278 531.Agenda ItemHearing to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission to allow a residential senior care facility, a Parcel Map creating one 14.8 acre and one 5.5 acre lot, and a Development Plan revision to the existing commercial property [Specific Plan Amendment SP13-0001/Planned Development Revision PD95-0002-R/Planned Development Revision PD95-0007-R/Parcel Map P12-0004/Special Use Permit S13-0017 El Dorado Hills Retirement Residence] on property identified by Assessor's Parcel Number 117-160-38, consisting of 20.30 acres, in the El Dorado Hills area, submitted by Lenity Architecture, LLC; and recommending the Board of Supervisors take the following actions: 1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by staff based on the Initial Study; 2) Adopt Specific Plan Amendment SP13-0001 based on the Findings (Legistar 5B) and subject to the Amendments and Revisions document (Legistar 5C); 3) Approve Planned Development Revision PD95-0002-R based on the Findings (Legistar 5B) and subject to the Amendments and Revisions document (Legistar 5C); 4) Approve Planned Development ReApprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0971 132.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Title: Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 20 Min.)Withdrawn  Action details Not available
14-1010 133.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957- Public Employee Performance Evaluation. Title: Director of Health and Human Services Agency. (Est. Time: 20 Min.)Action Reported  Action details Not available