| 1 | 1. | Agenda Item | Commission to review and approve mileage reimbursement for Veteran Affairs Commissioners for the month of November 2024. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | Agenda Item | Commission to review and approve Veteran Affairs Commission November 14, 2024 meeting minutes. | | |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Veterans Service Officer (VSO) Brown reported that the Veteran Services Office is still in the hiring process for the new Office Assistant position and would be conducting more interviews soon. Next, Brown reported that he and Veterans Service Representative (VSR) Christopher Diggins would be attending the California Association of County Veteran Service Officers (CACVSO) Winter Training Conference from February 23 to February 28. Next, Brown reported that California Assembly Member James Ramos has reintroduced legislation, AB53, that would exempt military retirements and Survivors Benefit Plan (SBP) from state taxes. Next, Brown reported that for the month of November, the Veteran Services Office received 326 incoming phone calls, 91 scheduled appointments, and 190 walk-in visitors. Lastly, Brown reported that VSR II Tisha Holy has continued to provide services to South Lake Tahoe veterans via phone appointments. | | |
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