Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/5/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location:
330 Fair Lane, Building A Placerville, CA OR Live Streamed - Click here to view
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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23-2140 11.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board Approve the Minutes from the regular meeting of November 14, 2023.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2023 12.Agenda ItemAuditor-Controller recommending the Board receive and file: 1) The attached Report of Special Tax Delinquencies for Community Facilities District No. 1992-1 (CFD 1992-1 Serrano); 2) The attached Report of Special Tax Delinquencies for Community Facilities District No. 2001-1 (CFD 2001-1 Promontory); 3) The attached Report of Special Tax Delinquencies for Community Facilities District No. 2005-1 (CFD 2005-1 Blackstone); 4) The attached Report of Special Tax Delinquencies for Community Facilities District No. 2014-1 (CFD 2014-1 Carson Creek); 5) The attached Report of Special Tax Delinquencies for Community Facilities District No. 2018-1 (CFD 2018-1 Bass Lake Hills); and 6) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign the attached Resolutions 181-2023 (Serrano), 182-2023 (Promontory) and 183-2023 (Blackstone) authorizing judicial foreclosure of delinquent special tax installments pursuant to the CFD 1992-1, CFD 2001-1, and CFD 2005-1 Bond Indentures. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1940 13.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 174-2023 making certain findings as required under the Mitigation Fee Act (Cal. Gov. Code §66000 et seq.) related to the development impact mitigation fees collected by the County on behalf of the El Dorado Hills Community Services District; 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 175-2023 making certain findings as required under the Mitigation Fee Act (Cal. Gov. Code §66000 et seq.) related to the development impact mitigation fees collected by the County on behalf of the Georgetown Divide Recreation District; and 3) Review, receive, and file the annual financial report required under the Mitigation Fee Act for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact to the County related to this action.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2150 14.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Review the two Notices of Application seeking acceptance of title to real property "in trust" by the United States of America for the Shingle Springs Rancheria Band of Miwok Indians, Shingle Springs Rancheria (Verona Tract), California; 2) Direct staff in cooperation with County Counsel to coordinate, and prepare to submit within the 30-day comment period, a comprehensive response on behalf of the County that incorporates the assessed impacts of the Federal Government accepting the specified parcels "in trust" that includes, but is not limited to, confirmation of the Legal Land Descriptions/Site Locations as provided within the Notices, assessment of the impact from the removal of the specified parcels from the tax roll, impact to surrounding land use and infrastructure, and impact to the delivery of County services; and 3) Authorize the Chair to sign a letter to the U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs to formally request an extension on the comment period for the two Notices by an additional 30 days. ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2112 15.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, presenting a list of County surplus property and recommending the Board so declare and authorize disposal of same in accordance with the County's Procurement Policy C-17, Section 6.0 Surplus Property, thereof. FUNDING: Various.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2019 16.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division on behalf of Sheriff's Office, Probation Department, District Attorney's Office, and Animal Services, recommending the Board approve the following: 1) Award Bid 24-680-016 for the purchase of Ammunition to the low qualified bidders, San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. of San Diego, CA, Dooley Enterprises, Inc. of Anaheim, CA. and Miwall Corporation of Grass Valley, CA.; 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase contracts to San Diego Police Equipment Company, in the amount of $200,000 and to Dooley Enterprises in the amount of $56,000 and Miwall Corporation in the amount of $75,000 for a twelve-month (12-month) term following Board approval; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the purchase contracts on an "as needed" basis during the awarded period as long as funding is available within the requesting department's budget. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2125 17.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board, based upon the recommendation of the El Dorado County Airport Advisory Committee, recommending the Board make the following appointment to the El Dorado County Airport Advisory Committee: Appoint Charles Mellor, Member, Term Expiration December 5, 2027. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2130 18.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board, based upon the recommendation of the Fish and Wildlife Commission, recommending the Board approve bylaws for the Fish and Wildlife Commission. (Cont. 12/5/2023, Item 8) FUNDING: N/AContinuedPass Action details Not available
23-1247 19.Agenda ItemHuman Resources recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Make findings in accordance with Ordinance 3.13.030 that a contract for professional personnel investigations and mediation is necessary to protect against a conflict of interest or to ensure independent and unbiased findings where there is a need for an outside perspective; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement 5532 with Municipal Resource Group, LLC (MRG) to increase compensation by $65,000, for a new maximum compensation amount of $275,000, and update the billing rates; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to Agreement 5532, excluding term extensions and increases to compensation, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: Countywide, General Fund and non-general fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1884 310.Agenda ItemTreasurer-Tax Collector Department recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5187, amending certain exemptions in the County Business License Ordinance, Title 5, to: (a) provide eligible Veterans a 100 percent fee waiver of business licensing fees by amending Code Section 5.16.140 Exemptions and; (b) exempt certified massage therapists from the provisions of Chapter 5.34 - Adult-related Establishments by including this profession in Section 5.34.030 Exemptions. (Continued 11/14/2023, Item 26) FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2161 111.Agenda ItemSupervisor Laine recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a letter to Eldorado National Forest District Ranger, Dionne Uzes in support of their efforts to sustain and replenish the existence of Recreation Residence Tracts on National Forest Service lands. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2126 112.Agenda ItemChild Support Services recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 178-2023 amending the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution to: 1) Delete one full-time equivalent (FTE) vacant Child Support Specialist III allocation; and 2) Add one FTE Administrative Technician allocation in Child Support Services. FUNDING: State and Federal Child Support funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1735 113.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) “Annual Subvention Certificate of Compliance” and the “Annual Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Program Certificate of Compliance” forms, which appoints and authorizes the County Veterans Services Officer (CVSO) to participate in these programs, and delegates authority to the CVSO, and their Veteran Services designees, to sign CalVet semi-annual reports, administrative documents, and fee waivers that are required to receive reimbursement funding from these programs for Fiscal Year 2023-24; 2) Authorize the CVSO to actively participate in the promotion of the California Veterans License Plate program authorized under California Military and Veterans Code Section 972.1; and 3) Authorize the use of special interest license plate fees, in accordance with California Military and Veterans Code Section 972.2, which are deposited in a special revenue fund for a General Trainee extra help staff position in the Veterans Services Program. ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1915 114.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Extended Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ), which sets forth the terms and rates of reimbursement for authorized medically necessary services to HPSJ members, for the temporary period of January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024, until a final master agreement is developed, to ensure HHSA and HPSJ can meet implementation deadlines required by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1757 115.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of as-needed nursing staffing services provided by Maxim Healthcare Services Holdings, Inc. are in the public’s best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Make findings in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17 Section 3.4(2f) exempting the competitive bidding process, with Purchasing Agent concurrence, because “the procurement is for services where the continuity of providers will provide efficiency or critical knowledge, and other providers of the services cannot provide similar efficiencies or critical knowledge”; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 7954 with Maxim Healthcare Services Holdings, Inc. doing business as Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services, Inc., in the amount of $200,000, and for the term upon execution through December 31, 2025; 4) AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1852 116.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of State Hospital Beds provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that the work is with or among other governmental agencies in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(E), El Dorado County Charter, Section 210(b)(6), and/or Government Code Section 31000; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Participation Agreement 8132 with California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) to participate in the CalMHSA State Hospital Bed Program, for a retroactive term of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025, with a maximum obligation of $2,804, thereby authorizing CalMHSA to negotiate and contract with California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) for State Hospital Beds on behalf of the County; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 8134 with CalMHSA and DSH, for the provision of State Hospital Beds on an “as requested” basis, for a retroactive term of October 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025, with a variableApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1485 117.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 173-2023, authorizing the addition of a 0.80 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Limited Term Health Educator Personnel Allocation in HHSA. FUNDING: 100% State California Home Visiting Program Funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1952 118.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve the addition of one Replacement Vaccine Freezer to the Public Health Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Fixed Asset List, for a total quantity of two freezers, with no change to the budgeted amount of $22,500. FUNDING: 100% Federal COVID-19 ELC Enhancing Detection II.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1980 119.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 176-2023, to defer implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 43, Statutes 2023, Chapter 637, which expands the definition of “gravely disabled person,” under the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, to include persons with substance abuse as well as currently included mental health disorders, from January 1, 2024, until January 1, 2026 to provide HHSA adequate time to identify the treatment expansions, funding impacts, and staffing needs required to implement this bill. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1754 120.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Award the successful proposal received in response to Request for Proposal (RFP) 23-918-082 to Social Entrepreneurs, Inc., to conduct the El Dorado Opportunity Knocks (EDOK) Continuum of Care (CoC) annual sheltered and biannual unsheltered Point-in-Time (PIT) Counts, surveys, and analysis of homeless individuals in El Dorado County, and report preparation required by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); 2) Make findings that the provision of services provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign, competitively bid, Agreement for Services 8113 with Social Entrepreneurs, Inc., for the PIT Count services in the amount of $129,994.95, for the term of December 5, 2023, through September 30, 2026; 4) AuthApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1819 121.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Make findings in accordance with Section 3.13.030 (C) of the County Ordinance that due to limited time frames and the temporary or occasional nature of the work, there is a need to engage an independent contractor for as-needed structural engineering support services; 2) Award Request for Proposal 23-918-079 to Dewberry Engineers, Inc. and Dokken Engineering; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 8148 with Dewberry Engineers, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $450,000, for a term to become effective upon execution by both parties and expiring three years thereafter, to provide as-needed structural engineering support services; and 4) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 8159 with Dokken Engineering in the not-to-exceed amount of $450,000, for a term to become effective upon execution by both parties and expiring three years thereafter, to provide as-needed structural engineering support services. (All Districts) FUNDING: For various Capital Improvement Program, EApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2060 122.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Department of Transportation to proceed with ordering title reports and certified appraisals, enter into negotiations with the owners, or their designated representatives, and commence with the acquisition process for the US 50 / Latrobe Road / El Dorado Hills Boulevard Interchange Improvements Phase 2B, Capital Improvement Program No. 71323/36104001, affecting the portions of the following subject parcels: a) APN 121-280-006, El Dorado Hills Town Center East Owners Association; b) APN 121-280-007, Town Center East LP; c) APN 121-280-009, Marketplace at Town Center CA LP; d) APN 121-280-010, Marketplace at Town Center CA LP; e) APN 121-280-018, Marketplace at Town Center CA LP; f) APN121-180-008, Micnan LLC; g) APN 121-180-016, Bhullar Sukhbir S & Paramjit; h) APN 121-280-025, Von Housens Motors; i) APN 121-300-004, Marketplace at Town Center CA LP; and j) APN 121-300-007, El Dorado Hills Town Center East Owners Association; and 2) Appoint Transportation’s real estate consultant as the negotiApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2018 123.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Deed Restriction and Covenant to indemnify the County of El Dorado against liability for any damage from snow removal operations to structures allowed within the front yard setback at APN 034-552-004-000 as part of Subdivision Map Amendment TM-C23-0001. (District V) FUNDING: Fees paid by applicant.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1909 124.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 177-2023 to accept the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication from Smith and Gabbert, Inc., a California corporation, for road right-of-way in fee pertaining to a portion of the property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 083-500-02-100 in relation to the Cameron Park Drive Widening - Phase 1 (Palmer Drive to Toronto Road) Project, Capital Improvement Program Project 72143/36105004. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1995 125.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve the addition of one (1) rotary blower to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fixed Asset List totaling $830,000; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the budget amendment adjusting the budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 to allocate $830,000 for the purchase of one (1) rotary blower for snow removal; 3) Find the purchase of one (1) rotary blower is exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with Purchasing Ordinance 3.12.160, Sections D, due to the use of Sourcewell competitively-bid Contract 062222-JAL; and 4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to SnoQuip, Inc. in the amount of $747,935 plus applicable delivery, fees, and taxes (estimated at $77,820.29), for a one time purchase following Board approval (4/5 vote required). FUNDING: Transient Occupancy Tax - Measure S.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2041 126.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, Fleet Services Unit, (Transportation) recommending the Board: 1) Find the purchase of five replacement vehicles are exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with Purchasing Ordinance 3.12.160, Section D, due to use of State of California competitively-bid Contract 1-22-23-23; 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize the State of California Contract 1-22-23-23 for the acquisition of five fleet replacement mid-size SUVs for the Department of Transportation - Fleet Services Unit; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to the awarded State vendor, Winner Chevrolet of Elk Grove, CA. in the amount of $111,180 plus applicable delivery, fees and taxes (estimated at $8,810.28) for a one time purchase following Board approval; and 4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to the awarded State vendor, Elk Grove Auto of Elk Grove, CA. in the amount of $86,015 plus applicable delivery, fees and taxes (estimated at $6,735.92) for a one time purchase following Board approval. FApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1613 127.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation and the Planning and Building Department recommending the Board receive and file the Annual Report of Special Taxes for County Service Areas 3 and 9 Zones of Benefit for Fiscal Year 2022-23, pursuant to Section 50075.3 of the California Government Code. FUNDING: County Service Areas 3 and 9 Zones of Benefit Special Taxes. (100%)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1425 128.Agenda ItemDistrict Attorney recommending the Board: 1) Approve the use of Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Funds for the Fausel House (772 Pacific Street) facility lease; 2) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute lease Agreement 3486, Amendment I, extending the term of the facility lease (772 Pacific Street) 5 years and increasing the amount of the lease agreement by $180,900, for a total revised amount of $344,880; and 3) Delegate authority to the Purchasing Agency to execute any future amendments, as needed, that do not increase the maximum dollar amount or change the term of Agreement 3486, contingent upon approval by County Counsel. FUNDING: Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1752 129.Agenda ItemProbation Department recommending the Board: 1) Accept a grant award, in accordance with Board Policy A-6, in the amount of $100,000 with California Health and Human Services Agency, Office of Youth and Community Restoration; 2) Authorize the Chief Probation Officer, on behalf of El Dorado County, to execute retroactive grant Agreement 2023-330-OYCR, FENIX Agreement 8243, for the term of October 19, 2023, through September 30, 2025; and 3) Authorize the Chief Probation Officer, or Deputy Chief Probation Officer, to execute any subsequent administrative documents, including required fiscal and programmatic reports, and any extensions or amendments thereof which would not increase net county cost contingent upon County Counsel approval. FUNDING: California Health and Human Services Agency, Office of Youth and Community Restoration, Secure Youth Treatment Facility placement to Less Restrictive Programs Grant (100%).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1847 130.Agenda ItemProbation Department recommending the Board: 1) Accept grant funding per Award Letter dated September 26, 2023, in accordance with Board Policy A-6, in an amount of $106,770 from the US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP); 2) Delegate authority to the Chief Probation Officer, on behalf of El Dorado County, to execute retroactive grant Agreement #15PJDP-23-GG-04329-EPJX, FENIX Agreement 8274 for a term of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2025; 3) Delegate authority to the Chief Probation Officer, or Chief Fiscal Officer, to execute any assurances or certifications, and any modified assurances or certifications pertaining to the Agreement, contingent upon County Counsel approval; 4) Authorize the Chief Probation Officer, or Deputy Chief Probation Officer, to administer any subsequent administrative documents, including required fiscal and programmatic reports, and any extensions or amendments thereof which would not increase net county cost, upon County Counsel approval; 5) Approve the addition of ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2029 131.Agenda ItemSheriff's Office recommending the Board approve and authorize Chair to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Sheriff’s Office and the Sacramento County Office of Education for the provision of supplemental law enforcement services for the Sly Park Environmental Education Center in the amount of $20,000 until June 30, 2025. FUNDING: Revenue from Inter-County Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2066 132.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing the Sheriff’s Office expenditures to reimburse agencies who provided law enforcement mutual aid during the Caldor Fire in the amount of $4,750,000 with offsetting Federal and State revenue in the amount of $4,275,000 and $475,000 respectively (4/5 vote required). FUNDING: FEMA and CalOES Disaster Funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2049 133.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Board Chair to sign Resolution 180-2023, terminating the January 3, 2023, Board of Supervisors Resolution 015-2023 that ratified the December 2022 Storms local emergency Proclamation of a Local Emergency by the Director of the Office of Emergency Services (Sheriff). FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0523 1134.Agenda ItemEl Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services recommending the Board find that a state of emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the February and March 2023 Storms. (Cont. 3/4/2025, Item 11) FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1997 135.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Economic Development Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 8279 with Growth Factory for the provision of accelerator services, with a not-to-exceed amount of $100,000 and a term of two (2) years effective upon execution; 2) Authorize the Planning and Building Director to execute any further documents determined necessary related to Agreement 8279, including amendments which do not increase the not-to-exceed amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget increasing revenue and appropriations by $500,000 in the Economic Development budget and increase in Transient Occupancy Tax budget with $500,000 in transfers out. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Transient Occupancy Tax Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2000 136.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board and Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board adopt Board Policy H-3, Consent Calendar Policy, establishing a uniform administrative policy related to items placed on the Board's Agenda under the Consent Calendar. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2051 137.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Receive the El Dorado Countywide Housing and Employment Projections, 2018 - 2045 Memorandum and Presentation pertaining to the 2024 Major Update of the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program; and 2) Provide direction, if desired, on additional analysis and/or considerations for Staff to include in the 2024 Major Update. FUNDING: Traffic Impact Fee Program.Received and Filed  Action details Not available
23-1992 138.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, Tobacco Use Prevention Program and the Planning and Building Department recommending the Board: 1) Receive a presentation on Tobacco Retail Density and Zoning Education; and 2) Provide direction to staff on the development of a Tobacco Retail Zoning Regulation and if the Board wants to pursue a Tobacco Retail Zoning Regulation, adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution of Intention 179-2023 to amend Title 130 of the County Zoning Ordinance. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2122 139.Agenda ItemSupervisors Thomas and Parlin, in concert with Sheriff Leikauf and District Attorney Pierson, recommending the Board Approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5189 prohibiting the establishment, operation, use, and/or participation in a syringe exchange program within the unincorporated areas of the County. (Cont. 12/05/23, Item 39) FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-2131 140.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957- Public Employee Performance Evaluation. Title: County Counsel.No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
23-1986 141.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator: County Negotiator: Director of Human Resources and/or designee. Employee organizations: El Dorado County Employees’ Association, Local 1, AFSCME Council 57 representing employees in the Supervisory, Professional, and General Bargaining Units; Operating Engineers Local No. 3 representing employees in the Trades & Crafts and Corrections Bargaining Units; El Dorado County Criminal Attorneys’ Association representing employees in the Criminal Attorney Unit; El Dorado County Managers’ Association representing employees in the Management Unit; Deputy Sheriff’s Association representing employees in the Law Enforcement Unit; El Dorado County Probation Officers Association representing employees in the Probation Bargaining Unit; and El Dorado County Law Enforcement Management Association representing employees in the Law Enforcement Sworn Management Unit.No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
23-2171 142.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Number of potential cases: (1).No Action Reported.  Action details Not available