| 1 | 1. | Agenda Item | Clerk of the Board recommending the Board Approve the Minutes from the regular meeting on January 9, 2024. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board order the Auditor-Controller to disburse $79,288.64 $70,428.85 to the El Dorado Hills Community Services District (EDHCSD) from its park and recreation development impact mitigation fee account for fee program administration and expenditures related to Valley View Village Park, Heritage Village, Park Saratoga, Village Park, Bass Lake Regional Park and Utility Corridor Trail. (Continued from 1/23/2024)
FUNDING: Development Impact Fees. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division, recommending the Board:
1) Make findings in accordance with Chapter 3.13.030 of County Ordinance Code, Contracting Out, that schematic planning and civil engineering design services for Phase 1 of the Forebay Community Park renovations project requires specialty skills and qualifications as well as being in temporary in nature;
2) Award Request for Qualification 23-918-072 to Nichols Consulting Engineers, CHTD to provide services for Phase 1 of the Forebay Community Park project;
3) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Agreement 8184 with Nichols Consulting Engineers, CHTD, to provide schematic planning and civil engineering design services for Phase 1 of the Forebay Community Park renovations project with a not-to-exceed of $222,287.60 for a three-year term upon execution; and
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to Agreement 8184, excluding term extensions and increases to the not-to-exceed amount, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, presenting a list of County surplus property and recommending the Board so declare and authorize disposal of same in accordance with the County's Procurement Policy C-17, Section 6.0 Surplus Property, thereof.
FUNDING: Various. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Agenda Item | Information Technologies Department recommending the Board:
1) Make findings, in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17, Section 3.4, Exemptions from Competitive Bidding, Section 2 (f), the procurement of services from Executech Utah LLC is for goods where the continuity of providers will provide efficiency or critical knowledge, and other providers of the goods cannot provide similar efficiencies or critical knowledge;
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute Purchase Contract 8388 with Evergreen Services Topco LLC, dba Executech Utah LLC in the amount of $385,541.34 for the renewal of Rubrik Disaster Recovery Services from January 31, 2024 through January 30, 2027 contingent upon County Counsel and Risk Management approval; and
3) Authorize the Contract Administrator to execute Executech Quote 006393 for Rubrik software licenses and support.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Parlin recommending the Board make the following appointment to the Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee:
Appoint Natalie Haber, Noncommercial Boater Representative, Term Expiration 01/18/2028.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Make findings that the provision of services to operate County of El Dorado Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) provided by Telecare Corporation, Inc. are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B);
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to, competitively procured, Agreement for Services 4330 with Telecare Corporation, Inc., with the retroactive amendment start date of July 1, 2023, which increases the compensation by $4,728,120 for a new total compensation amount of $34,878,086, adds incentive payment options, updates standard contract language, and updates cost report and cost settlement requirements, with no change to the ending term date of the Agreement, with the retroactive request to allow HHSA to meet the Department of Health Care Services required implementation date of this new | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Make findings that the provision of video conferencing software and services provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B);
2) Make findings in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17 Section 3.4 exempting the competitive bidding process due to Zoom Video Communications, Inc. being the sole source of the proprietary software as outlined in Procurement Policy C-17 Section 3.5;
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Purchase Contract 8186 with Zoom Video Communications, Inc., in the amount of $32,400 for the term retroactively beginning June 11, 2023, through June 10, 2026, and perpetually renewable thereafter at an approved quoted rate;
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, to execute further documents relating to Purchase Contract 8186, contingent upon approval by County Coun | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board receive and file El Dorado County’s Data Notebook 2023 for California Behavioral Health Boards and Commissions.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board approve the revision of the Policies and Procedures for the El Dorado County Commission on Aging, which acts as an Advisory Council to the Board of Supervisors and the Area Agency on Aging.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to El Dorado Trail - Missouri Flat Road Bike/Pedestrian Overcrossing Phase 2 Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36109002, Contract 8144:
1) Approve and adopt the Plans and Contract Documents and authorize the Chair to sign the Plans; and
2) Authorize advertisement for construction bids.
FUNDING: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (23%), Road Fund (<1%), Active Transportation Program (56%), Regional Surface Transportation Program Federal Funds - Caltrans Local Assistance (17%), Transportation Development Act (3%). (Federal Funds) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the Department of Transportation Director to approve and sign Reimbursable Agreement DTFH68-15-E-00034, Modification 004, with the Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division to extend the performance period from June 1, 2025 to December 15, 2025 and to add $200,000 to the agreement amount for a new amount of $25,453,000 for the Ice House Road Pavement Rehabilitation, Phase 2 Project, Capital Improvement Program number 72191/36105023;
2) Authorize the Department of Transportation Director, or designee, to amend Reimbursable Agreement DTFH68-15-E-00034, Modification 004 for all minor modifications as necessary throughout the term of the agreement; and
3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer for Fiscal Year 2023-24 increasing appropriations and expenses in the amount of $200,000 for Sacramento Municipal Utility District funds. (4/5 vote required) (Supervisorial District IV)
FUNDING: Sacramento Municipal Utility District funds (15%) and Federal | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board approve the following:
1) Award Bid 24-071-035 for the purchase of three 2023 Pacifica all wheel drive vans to the sole, low qualified bidder, Folsom Lake Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram of Folsom, CA; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase order to Folsom Lake Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram, in the amount of $160,168.29 plus applicable taxes and fees estimated at $13,480.14 for a one-time purchase following Board approval.
FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund (100%). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, recommending the Board receive and file the Measure S Citizens' Oversight Committee Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022-23.
FUNDING: Transient Occupancy Tax. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, Fleet Services Unit, recommending the Board:
1) Find the purchase of seven (7) replacement vehicles are exempt from competitive bidding in accordance with Purchasing Ordinance 3.12.160, Section D, due to use of State of California competitively-bid Contracts 1-22-23-23;
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize the State of California Contract 1-22-23-23 for the acquisition of seven (7) fleet replacement mid-size SUVs for the Department of Transportation - Fleet Services Unit; and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to the awarded State vendor, Elk Grove Auto of Elk Grove, CA. in the amount of $258,825 plus applicable delivery, fees and taxes (estimated at $20,514.20) for a one time purchase following Board approval.
FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund (100%). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to Agreement 6224 with CentralSquare Technologies for ongoing services for maintenance and operations of the County’s TRAKiT software program for electronic permitting, increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $68,580.31 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $656,832.53, to allow for as-needed general consulting, modular and/or system reconfiguration, training, project management, and other services determined necessary, and updated the scope of work with no change to contract term; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute any further documents determined necessary related to Agreement 6224, including amendments which do not increase not-to-exceed amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: General Fund / Technology Permit Fees. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Economic Development Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Find that support for the Shingle Springs Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce provides a public benefit by promoting tourism, entertainment, business, and leisure travel in the County; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 8225 with the Shingle Springs Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce, with a not-to-exceed amount of $25,000, and a term of one (1) year effective upon execution.
FUNDING: Discretionary Transient Occupancy Tax. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18. | Agenda Item | Probation Department (Probation) recommending the Board:
1) Approve and adopt the new department-specific classification specification of Assistant Deputy Chief Probation Officer (ADCPO); and
2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 012-2024 to approve the Job Class Number, bargaining unit, and salary range for the new classification of ADCPO and add two full time equivalent ADCPO allocations for Probation.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19. | Agenda Item | Probation Department recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute retroactive revenue Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 8363 between the El Dorado County Probation Department and Superior Court of California regarding the Collaborative Justice Courts Substance Abuse Focus Grant Program awards for Probation to provide services of alcohol monitoring, urine testing, saliva testing, and other technologies to monitor offenders’ compliance in collaboration with Superior Court of California with a term of July 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024 in the amount of $14,000 for the Grant award period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024; and
2) Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute further documents relating to MOU 8363, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the MOU, contingent upon approval by County Counsel.
FUNDING: State Funding - Judicial Council of California. (100%) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | Agenda Item | Sheriff's Office recommending the Board:
1) Find that pursuant to Procurement Policy C-17, section 3.4 (4) a competitively bid contract, NASPO AR3229, already exists for this purchase; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order in the amount of $128,991.26, to ePlus Technology for the consolidated renewal of the Palo Alto Networks' multiple firewall device subscriptions and annual support and maintenance for the terms December 23, 2023 to January 8, 2025; February 2, 2024 to January 8, 2025; February 16, 2024 to January 8, 2025; February 23, 2024 to January 8, 2025; June 25, 2024 to January 8, 2025; October 3, 2024 to January 8, 2025; and December 23, 2024 to January 8, 2025.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | Agenda Item | HEARING - Air Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board, acting as the AQMD Board of Directors:
1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 013-2024, approving the adoption of Rule 611 Clean Air Act Nonattainment Fees; and
2) Direct staff to forward the rule to the California Air Resources Board for transmittal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a revision to the State Implementation Plan.
FUNDING: N/A | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22. | Agenda Item | Library Department recommending the Board:
1) Receive and file a presentation on the October 23, 2023 in-service day; and
2) Provide direction for closures of County Libraries and Museum for annual in-service days.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office and the Planning and Building Department recommending the Board:
1) Conceptually approve the reassignment of Airports and Cemeteries from the Planning and Building Department to the Chief Administrative Office;
2) Direct staff to return to the Board with an organizational structure and staffing plan to reflect the reassignment of Airports and Cemeteries, that includes evaluating the Planning and Building Assistant Director and Deputy Director roles and responsibilities, with the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommended Budget;
3) Direct staff to explore alternative staffing and/or organizational structures for the Planning and Building Department’s South Lake Tahoe Office, and return to the Board as soon as practical with recommendations;
4) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 014-2024, Planning and Building Department Process Improvements;
5) Conceptually approve the addition of a Deputy Director position under Planning and Building to implement improvements included in Resolution 014-2024, and direct staff to return to the Board with an upd | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Calendar Year 2024 El Dorado County Fair Association Budget in the amount of $1,675,116, as approved by the El Dorado County Fair Association (Association) Board of Directors at its December 6, 2023, meeting; and
2) Receive a presentation on and file the following documents, as outlined in Agreement 6269 between the County and the Association: a financial review of the Association for calendar year 2022, an update on progress towards the five-year Strategic Plan for the period of 2021-2026, and expenditures from the Heritage Foundation from Fiscal Year 2022-23 from the Association’s Chief Executive Officer.
FUNDING: 79% Fair Association Raised Funds, 1.5% State Funds, and 19.5% County Allocated American Rescue Plan Act Funds. | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive and file department presentations outlining the department’s mission, structure, services, budget, role in the strategic plan, and upcoming policy issues.
FUNDING: N/A | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26. | Closed Session Item | Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957-Public Employee Appointment. Title: Interim Air Pollution Control Officer. | No Action Reported. | |
Action details
Not available