Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/27/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location:
330 Fair Lane, Building A Placerville, CA OR Live Streamed - Click here to view
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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23-1243 11.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on June 20, 2023.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1213 12.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board order the Auditor-Controller to disburse $432,650.49 to the El Dorado Hills County Water District (El Dorado Hills Fire Department) from its Development Impact Mitigation Fee Account. FUNDING: Development Impact Fees.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1138 23.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Preparedness and Response Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 7810 with North Tahoe Fire Protection District for the provision of pre-hospital emergency medical and ambulance transport services in the Tahoe West Shore zone of County Service Area (CSA) 3, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, contingent upon approval from County Counsel and the North Tahoe Fire Protection District’s Board on June 27, 2023; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to Agreement 7810, excluding term extensions and increases to the not-to-exceed amount, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: CSA 3 Special Tax (Tahoe West Shore area) and fee for ambulance transportation.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0749 14.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Agreement for Services 7602 with Lionakis for a not-to-exceed amount of $694,210, for a term of two years, to provide architectural design services as related to the tenant improvements required to relocate the Juvenile Court to Building C; 2) Make findings pursuant to Article II, Section 210b(6) of the El Dorado County Charter that the ongoing aggregate of the work performed under this Agreement is not sufficient to warrant the addition of permanent staff; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to Agreement for Services 7602, excluding term extensions and increases to the not-to-exceed amount, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1240 15.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Office of Wildfire Preparedness and Resilience, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Agreement 7688 with the El Dorado Hills County Water District, also known as El Dorado Hills Fire Department, to conduct community outreach and education and complete defensible space inspections in County Emphasis Areas in the amount of $195,000, effective upon execution through June 30, 2024. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1135 16.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts, recommending the Board approve the following: 1) Award Bid 23-485-060 for the purchase of Janitorial Supplies to the low qualified bidders, West Coast Janitorial of Placerville, CA and Fastenal Company of Rancho Cordova, CA; 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue two purchase order contracts to West Coast Janitorial of Placerville, CA for $450,000 and Fastenal Company of Rancho Cordova, CA for $5,000 for a three-year period following Board approval; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the purchase order contracts on an "as needed" basis during the awarded period as long as funding is available within the requesting department's budget. FUNDING: Various (countywide use).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1160 17.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board approve the Child Support Services Room at 3883 Ponderosa Road, Shingle Springs as an additional facility for Boards, Committees, and Commissions to meet. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1161 18.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board, based upon the recommendation of the El Dorado County Child Abuse Prevention Council, recommending the Board make the following appointments to the El Dorado County Child Abuse Prevention Council: Reappoint Kevin Monsma, Community Based Organization - Schools, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Reappoint Kristen Patterson, Health and Mental Health Provider, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Reappoint Lisette Suder, Criminal Justice Representative, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Reappoint Melissa Mutzig, Law Enforcement, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Michelle Vien, Community Based Organization Representative, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Miracle Luebbers, Parent Representative, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Patrick Klein, Heath and Mental Health Provider, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; Shirleen Hernandez, Primary Caregiver, Term Expiration 6/30/2025; and Joel Grgich, Public Child Welfare Services/CWD/Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement, Term Expiration 6/30/2025. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1094 19.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department recommending the Board take the following actions regarding Health Plan Programs and Ancillary Employee Benefit Programs for the 2023 Plan Year: 1) Approve the updated 2023 COBRA health plan rate card based on the change of cost associated with the new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Provider, Concern EAP, effective July 1, 2023; and 2) Grant Human Resources the authority to correct any minor clerical errors or adjustments, if necessary, to the approved health plan rate cards for the 2023 health benefits plan year, as needed. FUNDING: COBRA participants pay the full EAP cost should they elect coverage.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1183 110.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department recommending the Board approve and adopt the revisions to the department-specific class specification of Psychiatric Technician I/II. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1174 111.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department recommending the Board discharge the Department of Human Resources from further accountability to collect the debts listed on the attached Discharge of Accountability Summary in the amount of $20.93, pursuant to Government Code Sections 25257 through 25259. FUNDING: Risk Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0630 212.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department, Risk Management Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute retroactive Amendment II to perpetual Agreement 4527 with Ebix for insurance certificate collection and monitoring services to recognize PRISM and amend the rates per Exhibit A of the Master Services Agreement between Ebix and PRISM, effective January 1, 2023, with an estimated annual amount of $15,200; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any necessary amendments relating to Agreement 4527, excluding term extensions and increases to compensation, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: Risk Management - Risk Liability Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1177 113.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department and Department of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve and adopt the revised department-specific classification specifications for the Department of Transportation’s: Bridge Maintenance Worker I/II/III, Highway Maintenance Worker I/II/III, and Traffic Control Maintenance Worker I/II/III classifications; and 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign resolution 103-2023 to approve the following: a) The revised salary range for the Bridge Maintenance Worker III, Highway Maintenance Worker III, and Traffic Control Maintenance Worker III, increasing compensation by 7.2%; b) Due to a downward reclassification, the deletion of 1.0 Highway Maintenance Worker IV allocation and addition of 1.0 Highway Maintenance Worker III allocation in the Department of Transportation where the competitive recruitment and selection process is being waived by the Director of Human Resources at the request of the appointing authority allowing the current incumbent to be appointed to the position as provided for in sections 507.2 and the process and criteria in 507.1.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1190 114.Agenda ItemInformation Technologies Department recommending the Board ratify the emergency purchase and addition of a replacement Uninterruptible Power Supply for Briw Road to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fixed Asset List. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1015 115.Agenda ItemTreasurer-Tax Collector Department, Revenue Recovery Division, recommending the Board discharge the relevant departments and department heads from further accountability to collect the debts listed on the attached Discharge of Accountability Summary by Department in the amount of $730,349.69, pursuant to Government Code Sections 25257 through 25259. Some of these debts date as far back as 1999, and are uncollectible due to expiration of statute of limitations, death or bankruptcy, and consequently are unlikely to be collected. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1225 116.Agenda ItemSupervisor Hidahl recommending the Board: 1) Find that a public benefit is derived from supporting funding towards the Mission to Honor Veterans event; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a funding agreement, consistent with the County's standard form and upon the approval of County Counsel, authorize payment of the $5,000 community funding contribution to the Military Family Support Group, a non-profit organization, tax ID EIN27-3175483. . FUNDING: Community Funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1216 117.Agenda ItemSupervisor Laine recommending the Board make the following appointment to the Pollock Pines Design Review Committee: Appoint Hope Falcy, Member - Pollock Pines Resident, Term Expiration 06/27/2027. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1109 118.Agenda ItemSupervisor Parlin, based upon the recommendation of the Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee, recommending the Board make the following reappointments to the Coloma Lotus Advisory Committee; 1) Reappoint Darin Freeland, Member-at-Large - Term Expiration 6/25/2027; and 2) Reappoint Howard Penn, Business Representative - Term Expiration 6/25/2027; and 3) Reappoint Nathan Rangel, Commercial Outfitter Representative - Term Expiration 6/25/2027; and 4) Reappoint David White, Landowner/Resident Representative - Term Expiration 6/25/2027; and 5) Reappoint Rusty Sage, Landowner/Resident Representative - Term Expiration 6/25/2027. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1106 119.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Approve and delegate authority to the HHSA Director on behalf of the County of El Dorado (County) to sign the perpetual Program Participation Agreement EDC 7567 (Funding In Agreement) with the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), for County-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities, retroactively effective to July 1, 2020; 2) Delegate authority to the HHSA Director, or Assistant Director, to execute any amendments relating to Program Participation Agreement EDC 7567 that do not impact Net County Cost, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Chief Fiscal Officer, to execute any administrative, fiscal or programmatic reports to said Program Participation Agreement. FUNDING: 100% California Department of Health Care Services Revenue Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0949 120.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board of Supervisors, acting as the Governing Board of the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (IHSS PA): 1) Make findings that the provision of In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority consultation labor relations consultation services provided by Contractor is necessary to protect against conflict of interest or to ensure independent and unbiased findings where there is a need for an outside perspective in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(F); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 7717 with Industrial Employers and Distributors Association, in the amount of $23,000, and for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, to execute further documents relating to Agreement 7717, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Agency Chief Fiscal Officer to execute prApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0968 121.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 7725 with the County of Santa Cruz acting as the Host Entity for the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) and Targeted Case Management (TCM) program, execution of Agreement 7725 will enable the County of El Dorado to continue to participate in and receive federal revenues for MAA/TCM, with a retroactive effective date starting July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025, for an estimated contractual obligation of $30,000; and 2) Authorize the HHSA Director, or designee, to execute any further documents related to Agreement 7725 including required fiscal and programmatic reports, and amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: 100% Federal funding for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0886 122.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of Transitional Housing and associated services for homeless Transitional Age Youth provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign competitively-bid Agreement for Services 6954 with Tahoe Youth and Family Services, in the amount of $214,026, and for the term of 2 years from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute amendments relating to Agreement 6954, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or the Assistant Director of Human Services, to execute programmatic, administrative, and fiscal documents relating to Agreement 6954. FUNApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0679 123.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of personal care support services to seniors enrolled in the County’s Family Caregiver Support Program provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 7594 with Elder Options, Inc., in the amount of $100,000, and for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute amendments relating to Agreement 7594, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Agency Chief Fiscal Officer, to execute further programmatic, administrative, and fiscal documents related to this Agreement. FUNDING: 58% Federal and 42% ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1119 124.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of veterinary services provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment III to Agreement for Services 4735 with Animal Outreach of the Mother Lode, which retroactively increases the not-to-exceed amount by $60,000 for a new not-to-exceed total of $141,635, and extends the term by six (6) months, for a new term of July 1, 2020, through December 31, 2023; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute amendments relating to Agreement 4735, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Assistant Director of Human Services, to execute programmatic, administrative, and fiApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0921 125.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of childhood immunization services provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that due to the limited timeframes, temporary or occasional nature, or schedule for the project or scope of work, the ongoing aggregate of work to be performed is not sufficient to warrant addition of permanent staff in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(C); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 6978 with The Boys and Girls Club of El Dorado County Western Slope, for the purpose of childhood immunization services, with a not-to-exceed amount of $95,000, and for the term of one (1) year from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, with the option to extend for an additional one (1) one-year term through June 30, 2025; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 6979 with The Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe, for the purpose of childhood immunization services, with a not-to-exceed amount of $95,000, and for the teApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0404 126.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 098-2023, accepting the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Injury and Violence Prevention Branch’s (CDPH/IVPB) grant allocation of $1,037,037 to fund the Youth Suicide Prevention Reporting and Crisis Response Pilot Program (Pilot Program) through June 30, 2025; 2) Accept and authorize the Chair to execute the Funding In Agreement 7790 (Agreement 22-11178), issued by the CDPH for Pilot Program activities, for the term effective June 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025, in the amount of $1,037,037; and 3) Approve and authorize the HHSA Director, or Agency Chief Fiscal, to execute and administer any subsequent administrative documents and required fiscal or programmatic reports related to said award, including amendments, that do not increase the maximum dollar amount of the agreement, contingent upon County Counsel and Risk Management approval. FUNDING: 100% California Department of Public Health (State) funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0894 127.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030(e) that services may be provided under this Agreement 7481 because the work is with or among any other governmental entities or agencies; 2) Make findings in accordance with Procurement Policy C-17 Section 3.4(2(f)) exempting the competitive bidding process, with Purchasing Agent concurrence, because the procurement is for goods where the continuity of providers will provide efficiency or critical knowledge, and other providers of the goods cannot provide similar efficiencies or critical knowledge; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 7481 with El Dorado County Office of Education for the provision of Child Abuse Prevention Council Activities in the amount of $490,000, for the term of July 1, 2023, through December 30, 2025; 4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 7481, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and coApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0689 128.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(e) that the work is with or among other governmental entities or agencies; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Funding Out Agreement 7593 between County of El Dorado, HHSA and El Dorado County Office of Education, that outlines their partnership to support vulnerable youth clients served through the El Dorado County Commission for Youth and Families, with a with a not-to-exceed amount of $100,000 for the initial term of two (2) years, from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025, with the option to extend the term for one (1) additional year through June 30, 2026, for a total maximum obligation of $150,000; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute amendments relating to this Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which does not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Public Health Director, to execute programmatic, administrative, and ApprovedPass Action details Not available
22-1683 1129.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency recommending the Board of Supervisors find that a Local Health Emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the Mosquito Fire (Cont. 6/6/2023, Item 34) FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1049 130.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Find that the provision of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) and Community Services and Supports (CSS) services provided by the contractors are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Waive the competitive bid process for the agreements over $100,000 in accordance with County’s Procurement Policy Section 3.4.2(f), Exemption from Competitive Bidding, as these providers provide critical knowledge, including the possession of the required staff and facilities, and to ensure continuity of these budgeted services, in alignment with the Fiscal Year 2023-24 through 2025-26 MHSA Three Year Program and Expenditure Plan; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign renewal Agreement for Services 7661 with CASA El Dorado for the MHSA CSS Court Appointed Special AdvocatApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1099 131.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) and Community Services and Supports (CSS) services provided by contractors are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign, competitively-bid, Agreement for Services 7737 with Stanford Youth Solutions doing business as Stanford Sierra Youth & Families (Stanford Youth) to administer services under the MHSA PEI Prevention Wraparound: Juvenile Services Project for youth and families who are at risk of involvement with or involved in the child welfare system and/or juvenile justice system, in the amount of $1,500,000, for the term of three years from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026, with the option to extend the term of the Agreement for one additional year fApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0646 132.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board: 1) Make findings that the provision of epidemiology services provided by Contractor are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment II to Agreement for Services 5165 with Public Knowledge, LLC, which updates standard contract articles, and extends the term by one year, for a new term from November 12, 2020, through June 30, 2024, with no change to the maximum obligation; 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute amendments relating to Agreement 5165, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement; and 4) Authorize the HHSA Director, or Director of Public Health to execute programmatic, administrative, and fiscal documents relating to Agreement 5165. FUNDING: ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1176 133.Agenda ItemLibrary Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing revenues and appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-23 for library ebooks and facilities charges in the amount of $31,000 as a result of California State Library Grant funds and donations from the Friends of the Library. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: 97% California State Library Books for All Grant, 3% Friends of the Library donations.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1126 134.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Fifth Amendment to Agreement for Services 551-S1411, Fenix 989, with T.Y. Lin International updating contract language to the current California Department of Transportation Standards, extending the term for an additional four (4) years, and increasing the compensation by $501,663.85 for a new not-to-exceed of $1,911,616.66 for the Bucks Bar Road at the North Fork Cosumnes River - Bridge Replacement Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36105003. FUNDING: Highway Bridge Program (14% - Federal), Traffic Impact Fees (6% - Local), Regional Surface Transportation Program (1% - State), and To Be Determined (79%).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1117 135.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement between the El Dorado County Transportation Commission and County of El Dorado for Fiscal Year 2022-23 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Exchange Funds (X23-6157(081)) in the amount of $670,721. FUNDING: Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Exchange Funds (X23-6157(081)).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1175 136.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation, recommending the Board approve the following: 1) Waive the deadline in Article 13.b, of the Purchase and Sale Agreement for APN 033-542-10; and 2) Delegate signature authority to the Department of Transportation Director, or designee, to sign the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s transfer application to transfer the Potential Residential Unit of Use currently banked on County-owned parcel 033-542-010, when submitted by the owner. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1095 137.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Approve an increase of $70,000 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $169,000 with Pacific Products and Services under Agreement 6003; 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase contract change order in the amount of $70,000 following Board approval; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the purchase contract on an "as needed" basis during the term of the contract as long as funding is available within the requesting department's budget. FUNDING: Road Fund. (100%)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1070 138.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 102-2023 and the Local Agency Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Annual Submittal Form (Exhibit 9-B) for Federal Fiscal Year 2023-24; and 2) Authorize the Department of Transportation to submit said Resolution and Exhibit 9-B to the California Department of Transportation for Federal Fiscal Year 2023-24. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1018 139.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Acceptance with Teichert Construction, for the 2022 Caldor Fire Road Repairs Project, Contract 6840; and 2) Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the Payment and Performance Bonds to the Surety upon notification from the Department of Transportation, after the one-year guarantee period. FUNDING: General Fund Set Aside. (100%)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1171 140.Agenda ItemEnvironmental Management Department recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Review the original case and settlement agreement (Attachment C and D) with American Gas owner and operator, Stefka Dmitrova; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the new Settlement Agreement (B), prepared by County Counsel upon Environmental Management’s negotiation with American Gas for a reduced lump sum payment of fees owed. FUNDING: Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) enforcement penalties are deposited into an account held specifically for such fees which fund the CUPA program for training and emergency response equipment.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0614 141.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Economic Development Division, recommending the Board: 1) Find that the provision of economic development and tourism promotion services provided by the contractors are in the public's best interest and that there are specialty skills, qualifications, and equipment not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work in accordance with El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 3.13.030(B); 2) Waive the competitive bid process for the agreements over $100,000 in accordance with County’s Procurement Policy Section 3.4.2(f), Exemption from Competitive Bidding, as these providers provide critical knowledge and to ensure continuity of these services; 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the following Funding Agreements for the issuance of Transient Occupancy Tax funding to promote tourism, entertainment, business, and leisure travel in the County: a) Agreement 7699 with the Folsom Economic Development Corporation for the 50 Economic Alliance activities, in the amount of $6,000, for the period of July 1, 2023,ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0741 142.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board: 1) In accordance with Section 3.13.030 of County Ordinance Code, Contracting Out, find that the work requires specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in County classifications are involved in the performance of this work; 2) Approve and authorize the chair to sign Amendment II to Agreement 947 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., for the provision of providing an Update to the Ecological Preserve Fee Program and Environmental Impact Report, extending the term of the Agreement by three years, for an updated term of June 18, 2017, through June 17, 2026 and updating the Contract Administrator, with no changes to the scope of work or maximum compensation amount of $414,593; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute any further documents determined necessary to related to Agreement 947, including amendments which do not increase compensation or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: Ecological Preserve (Rare Plant) EndowmeApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0616 143.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning, Stormwater, and Vacation Home Rental Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) In accordance with Section 3.13.030 of County Ordinance Code, Contracting Out, find that specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in County classifications are involved in the performance of the Agreement 4955 with MDK, LLC., dba Western Environmental Testing Laboratory; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement 4955 with MDK, LLC., dba Western Environmental Testing Laboratory, for the provision of as-needed laboratory testing and analysis services for erosion control and water quality projects in the Tahoe Basin, extending the term of the Agreement by three (3) years with an updated term of July 7, 2020 through July 6, 2026, with no changes to total compensation or the Scope of Work and increasing rates as outlined in the amended rate schedule; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute any further documents determined necessary related to Agreement 4955, including amendApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1157 144.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning, Stormwater, and Vacation Home Rental Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Non-Financial Memorandum of Understanding with the California Tahoe Alliance to encourage coordinated strategies for advocacy on proposed or existing state legislation for policies and regulations that support a broad range of environmental, restoration, recreation, transportation, and water infrastructure projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin, with a term upon execution through December 31, 2033; and 2) Authorize the Planning and Building Department Director, or designee, to execute any further documents, including amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding that do not add compensation to the Memorandum of Understanding, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1165 145.Agenda ItemDistrict Attorney recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the District Attorney to accept a grant from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services for the Victim Witness Assistance Program with a total project cost of $503,891 for the period of October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024, based on the received Letter of Intent; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Certification of Assurance of Compliance; and 3) Authorize the District Attorney to execute the Grant Award Agreement and required documents, including any extensions or amendments thereof which would not increase net county cost, contingent upon review and approval by County Counsel. FUNDING: California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Victims of Crime Act Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1056 146.Agenda ItemPublic Defender recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 104-2023: 1) Delegating authority to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, and the Chief Public Defender to accept a three-year grant award from the Board of State and Community Corrections for grant funds available through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $660,000 for use over three years and execute Grant Agreement BSCC 1201-23; and 2) Delegating authority to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, and the Chief Public Defender to administer said agreement and execute and administer subsequent amendments or documents, if any, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, and further authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Public Defender, Assistant Public Defender, Agency Chief Fiscal Officer, or designee, to execute any required fiscal and programmatic reports. FUNDING: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funding, as established by Title IApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0996 147.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute a retroactive Purchase Contract with CA LEO Technologies, LLC., in the amount of $16,425 for December 2022 and January 2023 invoices for services related to Agreement 6355 for use of Verus software and systems and services for recording, analyzing, and transcribing inmate phone calls for potential criminal activity. FUNDING: Special Revenue Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0523 548.Agenda ItemEl Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services recommending the Board find that a state of emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the February and March 2023 Storms. (Cont. 3/4/2025, Item 11) FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0090 650.Agenda ItemEl Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services recommending the Board find that a state of emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of the December 2022 Storms. (Cont. 10/10/2023, Item 23) FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1255 151.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department recommending the Board: 1) Appoint Tiffany Schmid to the position of Chief Administrative Officer, effective July 1, 2023, at Step 4 of the salary range (approximate annual salary of $279,406.44); and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the County of El Dorado and Tiffany Schmid with the effective date of July 1, 2023. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1118 152.Agenda ItemPlanning and Building Department, Code Enforcement Division, recommending the Board: 1) Establish a Code Enforcement Amnesty Program in El Dorado County for certain types of code cases; and 2) Direct staff to return to the Board within 90 days of the completion of the first year of the Code Enforcement Amnesty Program to provide an update and fiscal analysis. (Cont. 7/25/2023, Item 29) FUNDING: Fee Revenue.ContinuedPass Action details Not available
23-0912 153.Agenda ItemProbation Department, Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) Executive Committee, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Review and accept the recommended Community Corrections (AB109) Public Safety Realignment Budget and related Implementation Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-24, in the amount of $6,100,815; and 2) Review and approve the recommended items to fund from the Board of State and Community Corrections Planning and Training Grant Programs, referred to as the “Community Corrections Planning and Training Budget for FY 2023-24,” in the amount of $192,500. A 4/5 vote would be required to not approve the budget(s) as recommended by the CCP. FUNDING: California State Budget Fiscal Year 2023-24, Community Corrections Sub-account within the Law Enforcement Services Account in the Local Revenue Fund 2011 and Budget Act of 2023.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0855 154.Agenda ItemHEARING - Environmental Management Department recommending the Board consider the following regarding Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates for Waste Connections of California, Inc., doing business as El Dorado Disposal Service, Franchise Areas A, B, and C: 1) Find that a 5.21% Consumer Price Index increase to the existing Material Recovery Facility and solid waste collection rates, both residential and commercial, in Franchise Areas A, B, and C, to be in accordance with the interim year rate-setting process as outlined in the Solid Waste Rate Setting Policies and Procedures Manual; 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 099-2023 (Attachment B), adjusting the Material Recovery Facility rates by 5.21% for the 2023 Interim year to become effective July 1, 2023; and 3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 100-2023 (Attachment C), adjusting the residential and commercial solid waste collection rates for El Dorado Disposal Service, Areas A, B, and C by 5.21%, for the 2023 Interim year to become effective July 1, 2023. FUNDING: User FeApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-0856 155.Agenda ItemHEARING - Environmental Management Department recommending the Board consider the following regarding the solid waste collection rates for Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal Co., doing business as Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal: 1) Based on the analysis completed by Crowe LLP, find that a 5.19% increase to the existing rates be in accordance with the interim year rate setting process as outlined in the Solid Waste Rate Setting Policies and Procedures Manual; and 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 101-2023 (Attachment B), adjusting the solid waste collection rates for the Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal Co. area by 5.19% for the 2023 Interim year to become effective July 1, 2023. FUNDING: User Fees/Franchise Fees. (No Federal Funding)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1125 156.Agenda ItemHEARING - To consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation for approval of proposed amendments to Title 130 (Zoning Ordinance) of the County Code (Z23-0003) to rezone and to restore County design oversight for affected parcels by adding a new Design Review-Community Combining Zone (-DC) overlay to the remaining 11 commercial or multifamily-zoned parcels, or portions of parcels, that are not currently located within an existing (-DC) or (-PD) Combining Zone overlay; and Planning Commission recommending the Board of Supervisors take the following actions: 1) Find Rezone Z23-0003 exempt from CEQA under Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations); and 2) Adopt and Authorize the Chair to sign Ordinance 5178 for said rezone (Attachment B). (Supervisorial District 4) FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1312 1 Agenda ItemOPEN FORUM (See Attachment)   Action details Not available
23-0557 157.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency recommending the Board receive a presentation from the Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division and Probation Department about the benefit of residential treatment facilities for youth. FUNDING: N/AReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
23-0738 158.Agenda ItemHEARING: Treasurer-Tax Collector Department recommending the Board conduct a public hearing to introduce and adopt Ordinance 5176 amending Title 3, Chapter 3.29 and Title 5, Section 5.05.030 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code to add additional fees to cover the cost to provide additional services. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-1224 159.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1). Title: County of El Dorado v. Drake Chaloupka, El Dorado County Superior Court Case No. 23CV0625 Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 15 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
23-1180 160.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation. Title: Director of Human Resources (Est. Time: 15 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
23-1199 161.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957- Public Employee Performance Evaluation. Title: Director of Planning and Building. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)Action Reported  Action details Not available
23-1226 162.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957-Public Employment. Title: Director of Health and Human Services. (Est. Time: 20 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available