Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Amended
Meeting date/time: 7/26/2011 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Meeting Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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11-0846 11.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board of Supervisors recommending the Board approve the Meeting Minutes for the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, July 19, 2011.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0837 12.Agenda ItemAgriculture Commission recommending the Board authorize the Agriculture Commissioner to sign a letter of support for the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to develop an environmental impact report (EIR) for its statewide pest prevention and management program.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0780 13.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, presenting a list of property surplus to the needs of the County and recommending the Board so declare and authorize disposal of same in accordance with the procedures outlined in the County's Purchasing Ordinance, Chapter 3.12 and Section 3.12.220 thereof.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0730 24.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board: 1) Adopt Resolution 129-2011 (Attachment A and A1) establishing the job classification, job specification, salary range and bargaining unit designation for a Chief Budget Officer classification; and 2) Adopt Resolution 130-2011 (Attachment B and B1) establishing the job classification, job specification, salary range and bargaining unit designation for a CAO Administrative Technician; and 3) Adopt Resolution 131-2011, the amended Personnel Allocation Resolution, deleting a Principal Administrative Analyst and adding a Chief Budget Officer and deleting an Executive Assistant to the CAO and adding a CAO Administrative Technician. (Cont'd 6/28/11, Item 5)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
11-0833 15.Agenda ItemPresentation by the Marshall Foundation regarding the "Employees for a Healthier Community" Giving Campaign and request for direction to move forward with an employee campaign plan. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0861 16.Agenda ItemCounty Counsel recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) increasing the "not-to-exceed" amount by $5,000 to $70,000 to provide Biological Services to the County in connection with the Gabbro soils rare plants. (Refer 7/26/11, Item 6)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0636 17.Agenda ItemHealth Services Department recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Authorize the Health Services Director to execute three (3) multi-party Memoranda of Understanding with the American Heart Association, Marshall Medical Center, and each of the following: Mercy General Hospital, Sutter Memorial Hospital, and University of California, Davis Medical Center, on behalf of the County, to implement medical transportation protocols for patients experiencing electrocardiograph-confirmed ST-elevation myocardial infarction. These agreements were developed in accordance with master Memorandum of Understanding provided by the American Heart Association and involve no remuneration for services. Each Agreement has a term effective on final signature with termination upon notice by one of the parties. 2) Authorize the Health Services Director to execute future similar agreements, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, so long as the master document does not materially change, and the agreements involve no remuneration. FUNDING: Not applicable.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0836 18.Agenda ItemHealth Services Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chief Animal Control Officer to temporarily discount the adoption fee for cats and kittens due to extreme overpopulation at the Animal Shelter. The proposed discounted fee would be effective upon approval through September 30, 2011 (with the option for the Chief to continue the discount period through October 31, 2011 if overpopulation continues). The proposed discounted fee is $40 per cat/kitten. FUNDING: Fee for services and penalties.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0822 19.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Memorandum of Understanding 450-M1410 with Marshall Medical Center for a term of May 4, 2014 through May 3, 2020 to designate Marshall Medical Center as a Level III Trauma Center; and 2) Authorize the Director, Health and Human Services Agency, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Memorandum of Understanding 450-M1410, including amendments thereto and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which do not affect the maximum dollar amount or term.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0640 210.Agenda ItemDepartment of Human Services recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 063-M1211 with the County of Marin, as Host Entity, for the term July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013 to enable El Dorado County to participate in and receive federal revenues for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) and Targeted Case Management (TCM) services; and 2) Authorize the Director of Human Services, or successor, to execute documents related to said Agreement, including amendments thereto contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, that do not affect the term. (Cont'd 7/19/11, Item 19) FUNDING: Federal Medicaid Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0311 111.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Acceptance with Qualcon Contractors, Inc. for the Contract Overlay - North Upper Truckee Road (2 Miles) Project (Contract No. PW 11-30581, CIP 72178) in the Lake Tahoe Basin; and 2) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the Payment and Performance Bonds to the Surety upon notification from the Department after the one-year guarantee period. FUNDING: This Project was funded by State Proposition 1B funds. The requested Board action has no associated fiscal impact.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0637 112.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Easement Acquisition Agreement and Certificates of Acceptance for the related documents from George L. Carrere, Trustee of the Lucille H. Lampson Trust dated July 17, 1996, for Assessor’s Parcel Number 033-020-12; and 2) Authorize the Director of Transportation or his designee to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including the payment of title and escrow fees, for the Sawmill 2A Bike Path & Erosion Control Project (JN 95165). FUNDING: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Mitigation Funds and United States Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Grant Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0751 113.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board adopt Resolution of Vacation Abandonment of Easement No. 2011-02 summarily vacating three 10-foot wide public utilities easements located on Assessor's Parcel Number 110-173-10, 3130 Hopkins Place, El Dorado Hills, as requested by Michael C. Malaney and Sandra L. Malaney, Co-Trustees of The Malaney Family Revocable Trust of 2000, Dated May 9, 2000. Resolution 132-2011AdoptedPass Action details Not available
11-0851 114.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve a request to file an application for the 2011 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). FUNDING: Justice Assistance Grant (JAG).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0786 115.Agenda ItemDistrict Attorney recommending approval of budget transfer to increase revenue and appropriations within the Automobile Insurance Fraud Program and increase General Fund contingency by $35,484. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Auto Insurance Fraud.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0817 116.Agenda ItemSupervisor Sweeney recommending the Board direct County Counsel, as lead, to prepare an appeal from the imposition of the “Fire Prevention Fees” being imposed by the State of California pursuant to ABX1 29 of 2011 (signed by Governor July 7, 2011) on behalf of all affected land owners of the County of El Dorado. Such appeal would be pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 4220 et seq as set forth in the legislation and would be signed by the Board Chair. (Est. Time: 1 Hr.)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0853 117.Agenda ItemCounty Counsel recommending the following: 1) Adoption of Ordinance 4963 repealing Ordinance 4952, an ordinance authorizing the redevelopment of certain territory of the County of El Dorado by the City of Placerville ("City") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Placerville ("Redevelopment Agency") and readopting its provisions; and 2) Adoption of Ordinance 4962 approving the Redevelopment Plan for the Placerville Redevelopment Project as it pertains to the unincorporated territory included in the Redevelopment Plan. (Cont'd 7/26/11, Item 17)Approve and ContinuePass Action details Not available
11-0853 1 Agenda ItemCounty Counsel recommending the following: 1) Adoption of Ordinance 4963 repealing Ordinance 4952, an ordinance authorizing the redevelopment of certain territory of the County of El Dorado by the City of Placerville ("City") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Placerville ("Redevelopment Agency") and readopting its provisions; and 2) Adoption of Ordinance 4962 approving the Redevelopment Plan for the Placerville Redevelopment Project as it pertains to the unincorporated territory included in the Redevelopment Plan. (Cont'd 7/26/11, Item 17)Approve and ContinuePass Action details Not available
11-0860 118.Agenda ItemBoard to consider status of verification of El Dorado Irrigation (EID) costs relative to reimbursement from CFD No. 1992-1 Funds pursuant to settlement agreement with Serrano Associates and possible action relating to the verification. (Est. Time: 5 Min.) (Cont'd 7/26/11, Item 18)Approve and ContinuePass Action details Not available
11-0807 119.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office and Health & Human Services Agency recommending the Board receive a status report on operations at the Psychiatric Health Facility and provide direction to staff as necessary. (Refer 7/26/11, Item 19) (Est. Time: 20 Min.)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
11-0270 15 Agenda ItemCAO REPORTSReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
11-0280 12 Agenda ItemITEMS TO/FROM SUPERVISORSReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
11-0835 131.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Title: Chief Probation Officer. (Est. Time: 20 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available