Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2006 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: South Lake Tahoe City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
06-1685 11.Agenda ItemBoard to present award to South Lake Tahoe Refuse recognizing its diligent efforts in assisting El Dorado County in being the only rural county to achieve 50% diversion in the State of California.   Action details Not available
06-1691 12.Agenda ItemApproval of Board of Supervisors Conformed Agendas (Minutes) of the Special Meeting of Monday, October 16, 2006 and the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, October 17, 2006. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1683 13.Agenda ItemMental Health Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign retroactive Amendment 1 to Agreement 156-S0611 with Bruce and Lori Shull dba All Clean Commercial Janitorial increasing compensation by $26,988 to $53,976 and extending the term through September 30, 2007 to provide selected janitorial services for said Department's Psychiatric Health Facility, noting retroactive as to term due to the vendor holding the agreement for a month. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: Medi-Cal and Realignment funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1686 14.Agenda ItemTransportation Department recommending the following pertaining to the US Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Project 71317: (1) Approve the Easement Acquisition Agreement with Mary A. Robinson, Trustee of "Marital Gift Trust" Under Trust Agreement dated August 5, 1997 for APN 327-130-13; (2) Authorize Chairman to sign Easement Acquisition Agreement and Certificates of Acceptance for the Deeds associated with said Agreement; and (3) Authorize Director of said Department or his designee to execute Escrow Instructions and other related escrow documents pertaining to said transaction, including payment of title and escrow fees. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees, Road Impact Fees and Master Circulation and Funding Plan Program.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1687 15.Agenda ItemTransportation Department requesting authorization to carry out the Christmas Valley 1 Erosion Control and Stream Environment Zone Restoration Project; and recommending the Board certify that the Mitigated Negative Declaration is adequate for said Project and Director of said Department or his designee be authorized to sign the Notice of Determination for same. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1688 16.Agenda ItemTransportation Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign License Agreement CTC 20060921 with California Tahoe Conservancy for access to a Conservancy parcel for the Angora Creek Stream Environment Zone Restoration Project (JN 95147). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1689 17.Agenda ItemTransportation Department recommending Resolution summarily vacating (AOE 2006-17) public service easements located on the side boundary lines of Lot 88 (APN 070-361-07) in Eastwood Park, Unit 2 as requested by Robert Kott and Angela Kott to accommodate planned construction of improvements on subject lot. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 338-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1690 18.Agenda ItemTransportation Department recommending Resolutions accepting Irrevocable Offers of Dedication (IOD 2006-17) from Donald L. Cruser and Petra L. Schulte, as Co-Trustees of the Cruser-Schulte Family Trust dated 12/27/04 (APN 062-260-03) and Robert M. Murchie and Terry J. Murchie, Trustees of the Murchie Revocable Trust of 4/96 (APN 062-260-04) for a road right of way, in fee, and public utilities easement located on Wentworth Springs Road; and acknowledging but rejecting at this time, said Offers of Dedication for a road right of way and public utilities easement situated in the westerly portion of Steamers Lane, in Georgetown to satisfy a condition of approval of Boundary Line Adjustment 2006-0040. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolutions 339-2006, 340-2006 and 341-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1692 19.Agenda ItemTransportation Department recommending Resolution acknowledging but rejecting at this time, Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (IOD 2006-25) from Larry E. Meulpolder and Betty J. Meulpolder for a road right of way and public utilities easements (APN 079-160-52) located along the centerline of Overland Way and Overland Court in Pollock Pines to satisfy a condition of approval for Certificate of Compliance 06-0037. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 342-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-0125 3010.Agenda ItemTransportation Department recommending the Board accept the Final Report and Termination of the Emergency Contracting Authority granted on January 10, 2006 for said Department to proceed under Public Contract Code Sections 20395, 22035 and 22050 to dispense with competitive bidding requirements to immediately secure assistance from outside contractors and consultants to perform the necessary emergency repairs pursuant to written contracts signed by the Chairman to stabilize and repair roads severely damaged by 2005/2006 storms. (Continued 11/21/06, Item 2) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: Road Fund, seeking OES funds for 75% of costs. FEMA funding unknown, funding plan to be presented.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-0234 2711.Agenda ItemSheriff's Department recommending adoption of Resolution continuing the state and local emergency declared on December 31, 2005. (4/5 vote required) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 429-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-0611 1912.Agenda ItemSheriff's Department recommending adoption of Resolution continuing the state of emergency declared on April 12, 2006. (4/5 vote required) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 430-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1588 313.Agenda ItemSheriff and General Services Departments recommending the following pertaining to the emergency replacement of security system at the South Lake Tahoe Jail: (1) Find that a state of emergency exists at the South Lake Tahoe Jail as a result of the failure of the closed circuit television and intercom communication systems; (2) Find that in accordance with County Ordinance Code 3.14.060, the County may dispense with competitive bidding requirements to immediately secure assistance from an outside vendor to perform the necessary emergency work; and (3) Authorize Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for the "like" replacement of equipment and installation. (4/5 vote required) (Continued 10/16/07, Item 18) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: Accumulated Capital Outlay Fund and Criminal Justice Special Revenue Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1682 114.Agenda ItemSheriff's Department requesting Auditor-Controller be authorized to establish two new Livescan Trust Accounts for funds collected from individuals fingerprinted in Placerville and South Lake Tahoe for said Department, noting the two new accounts will replace the existing trust accounts, which will be closed upon completion of reconciliation. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-0814 1415.Agenda ItemEnvironmental Management recommending the Board accept the emergency work performed at the Union Mine Wastewater Treatment facility as substantially complete and terminate the action taken on May 23, 2006, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22035 and 22050, an emergency condition existing at the Union Mine Wastewater Treatment Facility as a result of the record rainfall received during the 2005-2006 wet weather season. (Continued 12-5-06, Item 26) (4/5 vote required) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1669 116.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts on behalf of Information Technologies, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment V to Agreement No. C12-048 with Infor (US), formerly known as Infor Global Solutions (Michigan), Inc., to memorialize the vendor's name change and to continue to provide software maintenance and license support for the County's payroll and personnel systems. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1701 117.Agenda ItemRecorder-Clerk/Registrar of Voters recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Budget Transfer 27066 increasing estimated revenue by $981,184 to fund the completion of the Statewide Database required by the Help America Vote Act Section 303. (4/5 vote required) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1646 118.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending award of Bid 07-405-047 for the purchase of diesel fuel for the Fleet Management Division; and authorize blanket purchase order to Hunt and Sons of Placerville, CA in the amount of $300,000 for a twelve month period and authorize an increase to same on an "as-needed" basis during the awarded period if funding is available within the requesting department's budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: General Fund and Non-General FundApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1606 119.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board declare as surplus four (4) Xerox photocopiers; and authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize the trade-in allowance towards the lease of four new Xerox photocopiers for the Mental Health Department. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: Medi-Cal & Realignment.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1700 120.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve a technical correction to the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Budget Amendment and authorize Auditor-Controller to process Budget Transfer 27046 for same, noting the requesting action would result in correcting a $20,000 coding error in the original transfer. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1705 121.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Officer updating the Board on transient occupancy tax revenues. (Referred 10/24/2006, Item 21)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1693 122.Agenda ItemSupervisor Dupray recommending Resolution permitting Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. to conduct a pyrotechnic display at Ponderosa High School located at 3661 Ponderosa Road, Shingle Springs on Friday, November 3, 2006; and further authorizing the Chairman to sign letter to County Fire Marshall approving request by Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 342A-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1695 123.Agenda ItemSupervisor Sweeney recommending Resolution of Intention to initiate a General Plan amendment to amend the land use designation for APNs 043-030-04, -02, -07, -30, -32, and -37, totaling 9.98 acres from Rural Residential with the Agricultural District Overlay Designation (RR-A) to Commercial (C); and amend the Camino-Pollock Pines Community Region boundary to include said parcels. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 344-2006.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1673 124.Agenda ItemSupervisor Sweeney requesting the Board approve a three month extension of Application No. 170151 (APN 060-710-12) for James McFadden; said request is due to unforeseen circumstances experienced by Mr. McFadden's engineer. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1684 125.Agenda ItemSupervisor Santiago requesting the Board authorize a contribution in the amount of $10,000 to partially fund a planning/design competition that was held on October 4, 5, and 6, 2006 for the 56-acre county/city parcel in South Lake Tahoe; and Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a claim for submittal to the Auditor-Controller for payment to the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve. FUNDING: Department 15 Special Projects.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1696 126.Agenda ItemSupervisor Santiago requesting authorization to work with representatives from the Tahoe Area Coordinating Council for the Disabled and the Sheriff's Office to consider an increase in the current parking penalty for vehicles illegally parked in dedicated disabled persons' parking areas.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1681 127.Agenda ItemTahoe Regional Planning Agency, Executive Director, John Singlaub providing presentation on the Best Management Practices Forest Fuels Reduction and Fire Prevention, Pathways 2007.   Action details Not available
06-1675 128.Agenda ItemRay Lacey of the California Tahoe Conservancy providing presentation on the 56-acre recreation area design competition.   Action details Not available
06-1697 129.Agenda ItemHearing to consider adoption of Resolution 345-2006 authorizing the submission of an application to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for 2006 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) New Construction Development funding in the amount of $500,000 to assist Mercy Housing California with offsite improvements required for the development of Runnymead Terrace, a 70 unit family apartment development; and recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Statement of Assurances and the Director of Human Services be authorized to act on behalf of the County in all matters pertaining to this grant application, including execution and administration of the standard agreement, any amendments thereto that do not affect the dollar amount or the term and other grant related documents, upon review by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: Grant funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1528 230.Agenda ItemAdoption of Ordinance Nos. 4706 and 4707 amending El Dorado County Code Enforcement Ordinance 09.02 and Vehicle Abatement Ordinance 10.16 transferring all components of vehicle abatement enforcement to the Sheriff's Vehicle Abatement Unit. (Introduced 10/17/06, Item 66)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
06-1699 131.Agenda ItemEl Dorado County Air Quality Management District recommending the Air Pollution Control Officer be authorized to sign and submit the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Subvention Application to the California Air Resources Board on behalf of said District . FUNDING: AQMD Subvention funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
06-1674 132.Agenda ItemPRESENTATION by City Council Member, John Upton, updating the Board on upcoming projects in the City of South Lake Tahoe.   Action details Not available