Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/22/2012 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Meeting Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
12-0003 13 Agenda ItemOPEN FORUMReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
12-0009 12 Agenda ItemBUDGET UPDATEReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
12-0002 181.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board approve the Meeting Minutes from the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2012.Continued  Action details Not available
12-0589 12.Agenda ItemHEARING: Auditor-Controller recommending the Board hold a public hearing on June 12, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. for the discussion and adoption of Resolution 068-2012 establishing the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Proposition 4 ("Gann Spending Limit") for the County of El Dorado in the amount of $167,135,901. (Cont'd 5/22/12, Item 2) (Est. Time: 5 Min.)Approved  Action details Not available
12-0649 13.Agenda ItemAuditor-Controller recommending the Board receive and file the audits performed by Gallina, LLP, of the County's financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2011. Their reports include: 1) Annual Financial Report 2) OMB A-133 Single Audit 3) Appropriations Limit Calculation 4) California Emergency Management Agency Programs 5) California Department of Community Services and Development Programs and 6) Management ReportApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0440 24.Agenda ItemAuditor-Controller recommending the Board retain Gallina LLP of Roseville to conduct the County's independent audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013; and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment III to Agreement for Services No. 491-S1011 in the amount not to exceed $68,500. This amendment has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel and Risk Management.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0607 35.Agenda ItemActing as the Board of Directors of the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Chair be authorized to sign Amendment 3 to Funding Agreement No. 173-F1211 (005A-DMV-11/12-BOS) with the El Dorado County Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, extending the term by six months through December 31, 2014. FUNDING: AB2766 Subvention Program Funds (non-General Fund).ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0473 56.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive and file a report on the status of emergency water heater replacement at the Placerville jail. (Refer 5/22/12, Item 6)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
12-0586 17.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, recommending the Board: 1) Award Bid #12-725-045 for the purchase of Motorola Portable Radios to the low qualified bidders, Delta Wireless of Sacramento, CA. in the amount of $182,924.40, Sandy's Communications of Mission Hills, CA in the amount of $46,920, Pipo Communications, of Pollock Pines, CA in the amount of $12,225 and Day Wireless of Benicia, CA. in the amount of $25,584, (plus applicable sales tax); 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue multiple purchase orders to same in the total amount of $267,653.40 (plus applicable sales tax) for one time purchases of same following Board approval; and 3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue additional Purchase orders, for the same items, under the same pricing, terms and conditions contained in the bid for up to twelve months on select items (Categories I & IV) and three (3) months on other select items (Categories II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII) "as needed" during the awarded period as long as funding is available within the requesting department's budget. ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0622 18.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board of Supervisors recommending the Board recognize the cancellation of the Annual Luncheon with the El Dorado County and Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation Districts which was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. at the El Dorado County Main Library Conference Meeting Room in Placerville.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0565 29.Agenda ItemDistrict Attorney's Office in partnership with the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Amendment No. 3 to Memorandum of Understanding No. 523-M111 in the amount of $164,198 with the State of California Department of Justice for forensic DNA services effective June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015. FUNDING: Proposition 69.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0611 110.Agenda ItemDistrict Attorney requesting the Board authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer establishing revenue and appropriations for use of the 2009 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) grant funding. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: JAG 2009.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0616 111.Agenda ItemDistrict Attorney recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Authorize the submission of a grant application to the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the Victim Witness Assistance Program for Federal Fiscal Year 2017/18; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Certification of Assurance of Compliance; and 3) Authorize the District Attorney to execute the Grant Award Agreement including any extension or amendments. FUNDING: California Governor's Office of Emergency Services Victims of Crime Act Fund.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
12-0434 112.Agenda ItemEnvironmental Management Department recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Agreement No. 014E-A-11/12-BOS (505-S1211) with Field Solutions, Incorporated to provide ongoing, extensive analysis, monitoring, and monthly reporting of the landfill gas control system, and landfill surface gas and perimeter probe testing at and around the Union Mine Disposal Site as required by the annual Air Quality Management District Permits and for compliance with State and Federal regulations. FUNDING: County Service Area No. 10 Solid Waste Budget.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0297 113.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 426-F1211 with Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency for the term January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012, for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS funding in 2012. FUNDING: Federal Housing and Urban Development funding through Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0576 114.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Social Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement for Services 514-S1211 with Panoramic Software Corporation for the proprietary client data management software for the Adult Protective Services, Public Guardian, and General Assistance programs, by extending the current term to June 30, 2015 and increasing the maximum contractual obligation by $42,500 from $88,000 to $130,500; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 514-S1211, including amendments which do not affect the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: Federal, State, General Fund and Non-General Fund County Match in varying percentages for each program.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0629 115.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 3 to Agreement for Services 465-S1211 with Netsmart Technologies, Inc. for the purchase of additional licenses for the Netsmart Avatar database with no change to the term of May 22, 2012 through May 21, 2017 and increasing the total amount to $707,914.76; and 2) Authorize the Chair, or designee, to execute further amendments to Agreement 465-S1211, if any, that do not increase the maximum dollar amount, do not change the term, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: Medi-Cal, Mental Health Realignment, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment, and Mental Health Services Act.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0565 116.Agenda ItemActing as the Governing Body of the El Dorado County In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority: Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the continuation of the terms and conditions negotiated under a Memorandum of Understanding between the El Dorado County In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority and United Domestic Workers of America, AFSCME, Local 3930, AFL-CIO for the term of July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2013 until a successor MOU is ratified by both parties; and 2) Authorize continued payment to the El Dorado County IHSS Provider Benefits Trust which funds the In-Home Supportive Services provider health care benefits program in accordance with the MOU expiring June 30, 2013 until a successor MOU is ratified by both parties. FUNDING: 85% Federal/State In-Home Supportive Services Allocation with 15% required County General Fund Match.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
12-0608 117.Agenda ItemInformation Technologies Department and Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 055-2012 to approve the job specifications and salary ranges for Telecommunications Technician I/II and System Support Specialist I/II.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
12-0605 118.Agenda ItemInformation Technologies Department recommending the Board; 1) Adopt Resolution 056-2012 amending Resolution 106-2011 deleting 1.0 FTE Information Technology Manager in the Information Technologies Department effective June 29, 2012, and 2) Approve a request for deviation from retention points. FUNDING: General Fund.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
09-0978 219.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Make findings in accordance with Chapter 3.13, Section 3.13.030 of the County Ordinance that it is more economical and feasible to continue engaging an independent contractor for construction support services for the Transportation Division's U.S. 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Phase 1B Project; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment to Agreement for Services AGMT 143-S1011 with Vali Cooper & Associates, Inc. to adjust budget allocation between the prime consultant and a subconsultant, with no increase to the total compensation provided by the Agreement. FUNDING: State Corridor Mobility Improvement Account Funds and Missouri Flat Road Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP) Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-0469 220.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program: 1) Adopt Resolution 095-2012 adopting and approving the overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal and methodology used to calculate the goal for Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2013 through 2014-2015 for Federal Aviation Administration funded projects.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
11-1213 121.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the First Amendment to Agreement for Services 11-53721 with Sycamore Environmental Consultants for reallocating budget between projects, updating the Fee Schedule, and changing contract language to allow for the Contract Administrator to authorize additional budget transfers between projects, if necessary. FUNDING: Highway Bridge Program and Regional Surface Transportation Program. (Federal Funds)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0214 122.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the following County of El Dorado Airport Ground Lease for Portable Hangars: 1) No. 12-53398 for Hangar Space No. SP-17 with Thomas J. and Diane M. Helldorfer in an amount of $636 per year for ten years with two additional ten-year lease options, located at the Placerville Airport; and 2) No. 12-53410 for Hangar Space No. SP-12 with Tom Hallendorf in an amount of $800 per year for ten years with two additional ten-year lease options, located at the Georgetown Airport. (4/5 vote required per Ordinance Code §3.08.021) FUNDING: Placerville Airport Enterprise Fund - Fee Revenue and Georgetown Airport Enterprise Fund - Fee Revenue.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0274 123.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Acceptance with Don Garcia Excavating and Paving, Inc. for the Echo View 2 Erosion Control Project (PW No. 11-30617, CIP No. 95169) in the Lake Tahoe Basin; and 2) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the Payment and Performance Bonds to the Surety upon notification from the Department after the one-year guarantee period. FUNDING: United States Forest Service.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0446 124.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Easement Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes and the Certificate of Acceptance for the related documents from Salvador B. Vazquez and Guillermina H. Vazquez, Husband and Wife, As Joint Tenants, as to an Undivided 1/2 Interest and Salvador B. Vazquez and Guillermina H. Vazquez, Husband and Wife, as to an Undivided 1/2 Interest, for Assessor's Parcel Number 036-412-04; and 2) Authorize the Interim Director of Transportation or her designee to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including the payment of title and escrow fees, for the Christmas Valley Phase 2C Erosion Control Project, CIP No. 95190. FUNDING: California Tahoe Conservancy Grant Funds and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Mitigation Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0561 126.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board: 1) Make findings pursuant to Article II, Section 210 b (6) of the El Dorado County Charter that the ongoing aggregate of work to be performed under this Agreement is not sufficient to warrant the addition of permanent staff; and 2) Authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services No. AGMT 12-53442 (534-S1211) with Caltrop Corporation in an amount not to exceed $150,000 to provide construction support services for the Wentworth Springs Road at Gerle Creek - Bridge Replacement Project, CIP No. 77118, for a term commencing upon execution of the Agreement to the later of 90 days after County’s recordation of the Notice of Acceptance for the Project or the resolution of all construction claims, if any, associated with the Project. Funding: Federal Highway Administration Highway Bridge Program and Toll Credits Program.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
08-0442 227.Agenda ItemTreasurer/Tax Collector recommending the Chair be authorized to sign Amendment II to Agreement No. 239-S0111 with HP Enterprise Services, LLC, to expand the scope of services to provide credit card payment of legally permissible fines, taxes, and fees for said Department.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0488 128.Agenda ItemSheriff's Office recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Agreement No. 440-S1210 with Identix, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, in the amount not to exceed $55,693 for the term July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, to provide equipment maintenance on LIVESCAN fingerprinting machines. FUNDING: Livescan Special Revenue Fund 7724353.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0540 129.Agenda ItemSheriff's Office recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) No. 013-S1310 with the Placer County District Attorney's Office effective July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014, in the amount not to exceed $10,000 per fiscal year for Placer County Sexual Assault Response Team Services. FUNDING: Sheriff's Operating Budget.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0545 130.Agenda ItemSheriff's Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment I to Agreement 437-S1211 with TracNet Corporation for software maintenance for certain programs and services relating to automated criminal information, to extend the term an additional five years to June 30, 2022, to set the rates for the additional term, and to increase the total amount of the contract by $633,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $1,276,438 for the ten-year period. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0595 131.Agenda ItemSupervisor Knight recommending the Board approve a Certificate of Recognition awarded to Nathan Somavarapu of Boy Scout Troop 454, acknowledging his hard work and commitment necessary to attain the rank of Eagle Scout. Nathan will be honored on June 10, 2012 at Lake Hills Covenant Church, El Dorado Hills.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
10-0547 332.Agenda ItemSupervisor Knight recommending the Board adopt a Proclamation proclaiming May 28, 2012 Memorial Day and encouraging all to attend the Memorial Day Tribute, Monday, May 28, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at the El Dorado County Veterans' Monument.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0604 133.Agenda ItemSupervisor Nutting recommending Lynette Mizell be reappointed to serve as the District II representative on the Cemetery Advisory Committee for a term to expire January 2017.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-1429 3 34.Agenda ItemAir Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board of Supervisors, acting as the AQMD Board of Directors, consider the following: 1) Award the eligible AB 2766 Fiscal Year 2016/17 projects in response to a Request For Proposals issued by AQMD in November 2015; 2) Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer to execute project agreements with the applicants for the amounts requested (up to $400,692), pending approval of County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Change the Drive Clean program by expanding eligibility to include all County residents. FUNDING: California Department of Motor Vehicles AB 2766 Subvention Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-1429 3 Agenda ItemAir Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board of Supervisors, acting as the AQMD Board of Directors, consider the following: 1) Award the eligible AB 2766 Fiscal Year 2016/17 projects in response to a Request For Proposals issued by AQMD in November 2015; 2) Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer to execute project agreements with the applicants for the amounts requested (up to $400,692), pending approval of County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Change the Drive Clean program by expanding eligibility to include all County residents. FUNDING: California Department of Motor Vehicles AB 2766 Subvention Funds.FailedFail Action details Not available
12-0138 235.Agenda ItemHEARING: Consider a request submitted by Dena Kohutek appealing the Development Services Department Hearing Officer’s Administrative Order rescinding the Administrative Citation issued on November 1, 2011 (C #202530/Olmstead) dated December 15, 2011 on property identified by APN 093-200-05, consisting of 0.62 acre, in the Somerset area, Supervisorial District 2. (Cont'd 5/22/12, Item 35) (Est. Time: 30 Min.)ContinuedPass Action details Not available
12-0559 136.Agenda ItemPRESENTATION - In conjunction with the Board of Supervisors having proclaimed May 15, 2016 through May 21, 2016 as “Emergency Medical Services Week” in the County of El Dorado, the El Dorado County Emergency Services Authority (West Slope JPA) and the Cal Tahoe Emergency Services Operations Authority (Cal Tahoe JPA) will recognize certain emergency medical services nominees for their outstanding contributions and dedication to their respective organizations. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
12-0645 137.Agenda ItemSupervisor Nutting requesting the Chief Administrative Office and the Museum to bring back a Resolution to expand the "Railroad Park" to Motherlode Drive next to the Train Depot in Shingle Springs. The goal within the Resolution is to recognize multiple use and to continue to allow an excursion train on the existing rails between Missouri Flat Road and Motherlode Drive in Shingle Springs. Moreover, within the Resolution to promote tourism for the old railroad towns of El Dorado and Shingle Springs. (Est. Time: 20 Min.)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0647 138.Agenda ItemSupervisor Knight recommending the Board adopt a Proclamation honoring Civil Air Patrol Cadet Evan C. Yanagihara for his heroic efforts in a life threatening event. (Est. Time 5 Min.)Presented  Action details Not available
12-0650 139.Agenda ItemRecorder-Clerk-Registrar of Voters recommending the Board adopt a Proclamation "Honoring Diane Guyon for 22 Years of Service".Presented  Action details Not available
12-0350 240.Agenda ItemSupervisor Santiago recommending the Board adopt a Proclamation recognizing May 26, 2013 through June 2, 2013, as "Lake Tahoe Basin Wildfire Awareness Week," in the County of El Dorado.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
12-0560 141.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, on behalf of the El Dorado County Commission on Aging (COA), recommending the Board: 1) Adopt a proclamation designating May 2012 as Older Americans Month in the County of El Dorado; 2) Present a certificate to each Senior of the Year nominee, mentioning as noted on the certificate their primary contribution to the community; and 3) Announce the 2012 Senior of the Year and present the perpetual trophy to the nominee selected by the COA to receive this honor. (Est. Time: 20 min.)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
12-0631 142.Agenda ItemSupervisors Briggs and Sweeney recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign a Proclamation in recognition and appreciation of Mark Egbert, Executive Director of the Georgetown Divide and El Dorado County Resource Conservation Districts, for his dedication and leadership in securing the restoration and repair of Finnon Lake. (Est. Time: 30 Min.)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
12-0643 143.Agenda ItemDepartment of Transportation recommending the Board receive information and provide direction on the Master Circulation and Funding Plan for the Missouri Flat Corridor. (Est. Time: 2 Hours)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0006 11 Agenda ItemCAO REPORTSReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
12-0005 12 Agenda ItemITEMS TO/FROM SUPERVISORSReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
10-0049 253.Agenda ItemSupervisors Briggs and Sweeney request Board direct the County of El Dorado Departments of Transportation, Environmental Management, and/or Agriculture/Weights and Measures to begin work immediately, upon the approval of this request, in taking the necessary steps to eradicate and prevent all weeds from the rock materials to be used on the Rubicon Trail Projects.ApprovedPass Action details Not available