| 1 | | Agenda Item | OPEN FORUM | | |
Action details
| 2 | 1. | Agenda Item | Auditor-Controller recommending the Board adopt Resolution 126-2013 superseding Resolution 118-2013 establishing the 2013/2014 rate of the tax levy for the taxing agencies in the County of El Dorado. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Agenda Item | District Attorney and Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve the attached budget transfer increasing Fiscal Year 2012/2013 revenues and appropriations by $10,734.95 for Real Estate Fraud, $3,220.60 for Foreclosure Crisis and decreasing General Fund Contingency and increasing appropriations by $50,000 to fund increased expenses related to retirements and extraordinary expenses related to two recently solved cold cases. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Real Estate Fraud, Foreclosure Crisis, General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | Agenda Item | Community Development Agency and Human Resources Department recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Adopt Resolution 127-2013 establishing classification specifications, salary ranges and bargaining unit designations for the positions of Code Enforcement Officer I/II and Supervising Code Enforcement Officer; and
2) Amend the Authorized Personnel Allocation for the Community Development Agency deleting 2.0 FTE Building Inspector I/II/III positions and adding 1.0 FTE Code Enforcement Officer I/II, 1.0 FTE Supervising Code Enforcement Officer, and 1.0 FTE Development Technician.
FUNDING: General Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 4. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Briggs recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Accept his resignation from the El Dorado County Water Agency Board of Directors; and,
2) Appoint Supervisor Ron Mikulaco to the Water Agency Board to complete the remainder of Supervisor Briggs' term ending January 1, 2015. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 28 | 5. | Agenda Item | Clerk of the Board of Supervisors recommending the Board approve the Minutes for the regular meeting of Tuesday, December 10, 2013. | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Agreement | Community Development Agency, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the Chair to execute Agreement for Road Zone Maintenance Services No. 134-S1411 with Doug Veerkamp General Engineering, Inc. in an amount of $86,889 for a term of forty-five (45) working days to provide road maintenance and improvement services at the Arrowbee Estates Road Zone of Benefit 98201 located in the Lotus-Luneman area of County Service Area No. 2;
2) Authorize the Acting Director of the Community Development Agency to sign the Notice of Acceptance upon completion of the project, and
3) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the Payment and Performance bonds at the end of the one year guarantee period.
FUNDING: Arrowbee Estates Road Zone of Benefit Assessment Fees. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 7. | Agenda Item | Community Development Agency, Environmental Management Division, recommending the Board adopt Resolution 141-2013, superseding Resolution 121-2013, authorizing the Division to act as a regional applicant to submit used Oil Payment Program Regional applications on behalf of itself as Lead Agency and that this authorization is effective for three (3) years from the date of adoption of this resolution. This resolution is a requirement of the grantor.
FUNDING: California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Agenda Item | Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Easement Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes and the Certificate of Acceptance for the related documents from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, for Assessor's Parcel Numbers 033-020-03, 033-080-07 and 033-090-15; and,
2) Authorize the Transportation Division Director or designee to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including payment of title and escrow fees, for the Sawmill 2B Bike and Erosion Control Project, CIP No. 95192.
FUNDING: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Air Quality Mitigation Funds. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | 9. | Agenda Item | Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board:
1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Acceptance with C.W. Fox Construction, Inc. for the Wentworth Springs Road at Gerle Creek Bridge Replacement Project, CIP No. 77118; and
2) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to release the Payment and Performance Bonds to the Surety upon notification from the Department after the one-year guarantee period.
FUNDING: Federal Highway Administration’s Highway Bridge Program (HBP) and Toll Credits Program. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Agenda Item | Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation for the landscape maintenance of the bike paths placed within State Highway Right of Way along State Routes 49 and 193 for the Northside School Class I Bike Path - Phases 1 and 2 Projects, CIP No. 72304 (Phase 1, SR-193) and CIP No. 72306 (Phase 2, SR-49).
FUNDING: Road Fund. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board adopt Resolution 135-2013, thereby:
1) Authorizing the Chair to sign Amendment 1 to Agreement A3-1314-29 with the California Department of Aging to increase the total Agreement amount by $10,999, from $203,445 to $214,444, for the provision of Older Americans Act Title III/VII senior services during the term July 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013; and
2) Authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to execute any future amendments thereto, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, that do not affect the total dollar amount or the term, and further authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or designee, to continue to administer Agreement A3-1314-29 and execute any subsequent documents relating to the administration of said Agreement including required fiscal and programmatic reports.
FUNDING: State and Federal Funding. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | 12. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board adopt Resolution 120-2013, thereby:
1) Authorizing the Chair to sign Amendment 1 to Agreement 13B-5007 with the California Department of Community Services and Development increasing the maximum agreement amount by $136,296, from $904,435 to $1,040,731, for the provision of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program services to eligible residents of El Dorado and Alpine counties during the term of January 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014; and
2) Authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer, or their designee, to execute any future amendments thereto, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, that do not affect the total dollar amount or the term and further authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or successor, to continue to administer Agreement 13B-5007, as amended, and execute any subsequent documents relating to said Agreement including required fiscal and programmatic reports.
FUNDING: Federal Grant Funding. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 13. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board adopt Resolution 123-2013 authorizing the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency, or designee, to sign and submit an application to the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division for a license to operate an Adult Day Program at the new Senior Day Care Center site in El Dorado Hills.
FUNDING: Fees for Service, Donations and General Fund Contribution. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency and Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 125-2013 to amend the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for the Health and Human Services Agency to add 3.0 Full Time Equivalent Eligibility Worker I/II/III for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
FUNDING: California Department of Social Services | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency, Mental Health Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 2 to Agreement for Services 152-S1310 with Tahoe Youth and Family Services for the continued provision of Specialty Mental Health Services for children by extending the term through October 31, 2015 and increasing the not-to-exceed compensation of the Agreement by $16,000 for a maximum contractual obligation of $221,000; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 152-S1310, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: Federal and State Funds. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | Agenda Item | Health and Human Services Agency, Social Services Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the Chair to execute perpetual Agreement for Services 633-S1211 with Greenacre Homes, Inc. for the provision of emergency shelter care and/or foster care placement services on an "as requested" basis with a term that shall commence upon execution, with no end date, and a maximum not-to-exceed compensation of $250,000 during any fiscal year; and
2) Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or their designee to execute further documents relating to the above noted Agreement, including amendments thereto, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, which do not affect the maximum compensation or term of the Agreement.
FUNDING: Funded with a blend of Federal and State funds (85%) with County share of cost or required match (15%) met primarily with realignment resources. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 17. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Briggs recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Receive a presentation from Dick Montgomery, California Prostate Cancer Coalition, on efforts to promote awareness and increase education about the importance of the early detection and testing for prostate cancer; and,
2) Adopt a Proclamation declaring the month of September 2013 as "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month." | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 18. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Santiago recommending the Board conduct a public hearing and adopt Resolution 103-2014 to declare that the operation of a carnival at the Lake Tahoe Community College by Wold Amusements in conjunction with the Kiwanis Annual Community Fair on August 29, 2014 through September 1, 2014 will not endanger the public health, safety and welfare; and, that the operation of a carnival does not violate any zoning or health laws or regulations. This resolution is required for the approval of the business license submitted by Wold Amusements prior to the commencement of the carnival. (Staff recommending this hearing be opened for public comment and continued off calendar) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 19. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office, Economic Development Division, recommending the Board:
1) Receive a presentation from Jacquie Chandler, Executive Director for Sustainable Tahoe, providing a report on the return on investment of funding an exposition of stewardship and thanking El Dorado County for supporting the 2013 Tahoe Expo;
2) Receive Sustainable Tahoe's final report for funding per MOU No. 181-M1411; and
3) Receive the staff report on the 2013 Tahoe Expo recommending all future requests for County sponsorship of this event be referred to the Cultural and Community Development Grant Program for consideration. (Est. Time: 45 Min.)
FUNDING: General Fund/Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | Agenda Item | El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign a Reallocation Agreement between the County of El Dorado, LAFCO and the California Public Employees' Retirement System pending County Counsel review and approval. (Cont'd 8/20/13, Item 20) | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | Agenda Item | Supervisor Veerkamp recommending the Board receive a presentation provided by Mike McKeever, Chief Executive Officer, Sacramento Area Council of Governments on the Blueprint Scenario for our region. (Est. Time: 45 Min.) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
| 1 | 22. | Agenda Item | Community Development Agency, Development Services Division, forwarding a request submitted by Richard and Nicole Macauley requesting a Building Permit extension for Planned Development PD09-0005/Macauley Construction Headquarters on property identified by Assessor's Parcel Number 319-260-51, consisting of 6.00 acres, located on the north side of Greenstone Cutoff Road, at the intersection with Greenstone Road in the El Dorado area. Staff recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Grant a six month extension to final the grading permit; and
2) Grant a six month extension, from the date of Board approval, for building permits and six months from the date of permit issuance to final. (Supervisorial District 3) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 28. | Agenda Item | Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer related to year end close issues. (4/5 vote required) (Cont'd 8/20/13, Item 28) | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available