Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/8/2016 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Meeting Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-0249 1 Agenda ItemPublic Comment on the Consent Calendar (See Attachment)   Action details Not available
16-0250 1 Agenda ItemOpen Forum (See Attachment)   Action details Not available
16-0181 11.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board recommending the Board approve the Minutes from the regular meeting of February 23, 2016.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-1022 32.Agenda ItemCharter Review Committee recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 039-2016 to place a Charter Amendment on the June 7, 2016 Ballot to delete Charter section 210 c. relating to voting requirements for increases to current benefit assessments of real property. The substance of the section is now covered by general law, after passage of Proposition 218 in November of 1996. FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0177 13.Agenda ItemClerk of the Board, based upon the recommendation of the El Dorado Office of Education Superintendent's Council, recommending the Board make the following appointment to the First 5 El Dorado Children and Families Commission: Appoint Dr. Ed Manansala, Education Member (Vacant), Term Expiration 3/8/2019.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0059 14.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Mental Health Division, recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 348-S1611 with California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc. for the provision of long-term residential treatment for mentally ill adults for the term from April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018, with a maximum contractual obligation of $1,500,000; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 348-S1611, including amendments that do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management. FUNDING: State and Federal Funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0112 15.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Social Services Division, recommending the Board: 1) Accept additional funding for the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children program in the amount of $15,541 thereby increasing the original allocation of $277,628 to $293,169; and 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 018-2016, amending the current Authorized Personnel allocation to increase the Staff Services Analyst I/II allocation by one (1) full time equivalent, which has available State and Federal funding. FUNDING: State and Federal Funding.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0121 16.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign one letter to support Assembly Bill 1554, and one letter to support Senate Bill 819 to support the ban on the manufacture, offer for sale, sale, distribution, possession or use of powdered alcohol.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0193 17.Agenda ItemHealth and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Community Services Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the HHSA Director to sign a letter of support for American River College’s grant application titled, “Tech Hire Partnership Grants,” sponsored by the United States Department of Labor - Employment and Training Administration. FUNDING: HHSA’s participation in the program is considered an in-kind contribution, referred to by the grant as “leverage.”ApprovedPass Action details Not available
15-1422 18.Agenda ItemAir Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board, acting as the AQMD Board of Director's, approve and authorize the Chair to sign Funding Agreement 212-F1611 with Crystal View Enterprises, Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $20,000 for a two (2) year term following execution by both parties, to purchase and install four (4) Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations. FUNDING: Air Quality Management District Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0137 19.Agenda ItemAir Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board, acting as the AQMD Board of Directors: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 038-2016, approving proposed Rule 523-1 Federal Non-Attainment New Source Review ("Rule"); and 2) Direct staff to forward the Rule to the California Air Resources Board for transmittal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a revision to the State Implementation Plan. FUNDING: None Required.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
09-1405 710.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board consider the following; 1) Waive competitive bidding requirements for the construction of tenant improvements related to the lease of additional office space at 924 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe, finding that competitive bidding would not produce a public benefit; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Lease Agreement 124-L1611 with Emerald Bay Properties, LLC, in the amount of $4,536 per month commencing on April 1, 2016, and ending at the end of the month in which a Notice of Completion is recorded for tenant improvements, estimated to occur in July 2016, at which point rent will increase to $11,520 per month for twelve months, thereafter increasing by two percent annually, and ending after 120 months, for office space located on the second floor at 924 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe, for staff in the Community Development Agency. FUNDING: Road Fund (49%) and General Fund (51%). (Federal Funds)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
12-1352 511.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services, and a corresponding amendment to an applicant funding Agreement, to ensure the project applicant continues to fund all costs, as follows: 1) Amendment III to Funding Agreement 240-F1311 with Serrano Associates, LLC increasing funding by $155,198 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $949,027; 2) Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 239-S1311 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., increasing the maximum obligation by $130,198 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $623,021 to provide direct consultant services to the County for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports and planning consultation services, and extend the expiration date of the agreement by three (3) years; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer to increase revenue and appropriations by $155,198 associated with the Funding Agreement. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-1354 512.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services, and a corresponding amendment to an applicant funding agreement, to ensure the project applicant continues to fund all costs, as follows: 1) Amendment III to Funding Agreement 245-F1311 with Marble Valley Company, LLC increasing funding by $137,340 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $939,150; 2) Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 268-S1311 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., increasing the maximum obligation by $112,340 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $595,257 to provide direct consultant services to the County for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports and planning consultation services, and extend the termination date of the agreement three (3) additional years; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer to increase revenue and appropriations by $137,340 associated with the Funding Agreement. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-1370 513.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign an amendment to an Agreement for Services, and a corresponding amendment to an applicant funding agreement, to ensure the project applicant continues to fund all costs, as follows: 1) Amendment III to Funding Agreement 241-F1311 with G3 Enterprises, Inc., increasing funding by $137,340 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $919,641; 2) Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 267-S1311 with ICF Jones and Stokes, Inc., increasing the maximum obligation by $112,340 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $575,421 to provide direct consultant services to the County for preparation of Environmental Impact Reports and planning consultation services for the Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan Project, and to extend the term expiration date by three (3) years; and 3) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer to increase revenue and appropriations by $137,340 associated with the Funding Agreement. (4/5 vote required) FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreement.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-1372 414.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Amendment IV to Agreement 365-S1210 with Michael Baker International (formerly Pacific Municipal Consultants), expanding the scope of work to add a contingency, changing the name of the consultant from Pacific Municipal Consultants to Michael Baker International, and increasing the not-to-exceed amount of the Agreement by $75,000 for a not-to-exceed total amount of $839,139 to assist County staff with tasks associated with processing the proposed Central El Dorado Hills, Village of Marble Valley, and Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan Project applications. FUNDING: Applicant Funding Agreements.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
13-0395 215.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 1 to the Cooperative Agreement 03-0525 with the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the planning, design, right of way, and construction phases of the Diamond Springs Parkway - Phase 1A - SR-49 Realignment Project, CIP 72375, to include Caltrans as a Funding Partner and include $1,000,000 in State Highway Operation and Protection Program funds to be allocated and authorized for construction of the project. FUNDING: Master Circulation & Funding Plan Financing (7.4%), 2004 GP Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program (2.8%), West Slope Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program (40%), Local Tribe Funds (28.4%) and Utilities (21%). (No Federal Funds)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0128 216.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign First Amendment to Agreement for Services 327-S1411 with Benchmark Land Use Group, Inc., doing business as Benchmark Resources, increasing the compensation amount by $28,670 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $242,568 for the completion of the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Silver Springs Parkway to Bass Lake Road (south segment), CIP 76108. FUNDING: 2004 GP Traffic Impact Mitigation Funds (10%), Developer Advance Traffic Impact Mitigation Funds (45%), Developer Funds (39%), Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees (West Slope) (6%). (No Federal Funds)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
15-1452 317.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts on behalf of Community Development Agency - Transportation Division - Fleet Unit, recommending the Board approve the following: 1) Authorize an additional purchase from awarded Bid 16-070-031, bid vehicle "B", for the purchase of one 2016 Ford Expedition the low qualified bidder Downtown Ford Sales of Sacramento, CA; and 2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign PO201614429 to Downtown Ford Sales of Sacramento, CA in the amount of $30,127 (plus taxes and fees estimated at $2,269). FUNDING: Fleet Internal Service Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0128 118.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department and District Attorney’s Office recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 031-2016 amending the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for the District Attorney’s Office to add 1.0 FTE Paralegal I/II and delete 1.0 FTE Executive Secretary (Law and Justice) allocation; 2) Approve the reclassification of one (1) Executive Secretary (Law and Justice) position to the classification of Paralegal I/II based on a reclassification study; and 3) Waive the requirement for filling the Paralegal I/II position through a competitive examination process, allowing the current incumbent to be appointed to the position as provided for in Section 306.1 of the Personnel Rules. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0126 119.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department and the Sheriff’s Office recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the classification specification for the position of Supervising Property Evidence Technician; 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 027-2016 to establish the salary schedule and bargaining unit for the classification of Supervising Property Evidence Technician and amend the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for the Sheriff’s Office to add 1.0 FTE Supervising Property Evidence Technician and delete 1.0 FTE Senior Property Evidence Technician allocation; 3) Approve the reclassification of one (1) Senior Property Evidence Technician position to the classification of Supervising Property Evidence Technician based on a reclassification study; and 4) Waive the requirement for filling the Supervising Property Evidence Technician position through a competitive examination process, allowing the current incumbent to be appointed to the position as provided for in Section 306.1 of the Personnel Rules. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-1417 5120.Agenda ItemEl Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services recommending the Board find that a state of emergency continues to exist in El Dorado County as a result of drought conditions. (Cont.3/28/17, Item 28)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0721 221.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending the Board: 1) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment I to Agreement 020-S1511 with the County of Sacramento for the provision of autopsy services, increasing compensation by $75,000 for a total not to exceed $150,000 for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016; and 2) Update Article XXII Administrator to reflect Lieutenant Matthew Foxworthy as the Administrator. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0132 122.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to execute Reimbursement Agreement 297-F1611 with the City of Placerville for reimbursement of funds in the amount of $18,506 for the grant performance period that ends May 31, 2018 from the Fiscal Year 2015 Homeland Security Grant for the purchase of Body Worn Cameras for the Placerville Police Department’s Officers. FUNDING: Fiscal Year 2015 Homeland Security Grant.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0166 123.Agenda ItemSheriff’s Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement 002-S1711 with the County of Sacramento in an amount not-to-exceed $180,000 for the term July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018 to continue to receive reports from certified forensic pathologists in instances of a homicide, suspicious death or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
16-0119 224.Agenda ItemHEARING - Surveyor's Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 044-2016 for final approval of the proposed name change renaming the segment of Silva Valley Parkway from the southern end of the existing Silva Valley Parkway at the intersection with White Rock Road, northerly to the intersection of the realigned Silva Valley Parkway. (Est. Time: 5 Min.) (Refer: 2/23/16, Item 28) FUNDING: N/AApprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-0120 225.Agenda ItemHEARING - Surveyor's Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 065-2016 for final approval of the proposed name change renaming the segment of White Rock Road (aka County Road 34) from the Silva Valley Interchange easterly to the Hwy 50 Right-Of-Way, to Old White Rock Road. The most westerly segment of the road to be renamed was realigned as part of the Silva Valley Interchange Project. This realignment will result in a "T" intersection and the contiguous segment of the road to the west of the intersection has been renamed Clarksville Crossing. (Est. Time: 5 Min.) FUNDING: N/AContinuedPass Action details Video Video
16-0065 126.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Review and accept the Engineer’s Report dated January 2016 supporting the proposed benefit assessment for the Carson Crossing Drive Drainage Zone of Benefit; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 040-2016 authorizing commencement of an assessment ballot proceeding for the owners of property within the zone boundaries to consider levy of the benefit assessment for the Carson Crossing Drive Drainage Zone of Benefit 98310, noting that approval of the funding mechanism is required in order for formation of the zone to be completed; 3) Waive the forty-five (45) day balloting period prescribed under Government Code section 53753(b) at the request of the property owners; 4) Conduct a hearing on March 8, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., at which time the assessment ballots will be distributed, received and tabulated; and 5) If no majority protest exists, authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 041-2016 adopting the subject benefit assessment to be levied commencing ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-0065 1 Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Review and accept the Engineer’s Report dated January 2016 supporting the proposed benefit assessment for the Carson Crossing Drive Drainage Zone of Benefit; 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 040-2016 authorizing commencement of an assessment ballot proceeding for the owners of property within the zone boundaries to consider levy of the benefit assessment for the Carson Crossing Drive Drainage Zone of Benefit 98310, noting that approval of the funding mechanism is required in order for formation of the zone to be completed; 3) Waive the forty-five (45) day balloting period prescribed under Government Code section 53753(b) at the request of the property owners; 4) Conduct a hearing on March 8, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., at which time the assessment ballots will be distributed, received and tabulated; and 5) If no majority protest exists, authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 041-2016 adopting the subject benefit assessment to be levied commencing ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0133 627.Agenda ItemChief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 301-S1611 with Architectural Nexus, Inc., to increase compensation by $63,500, for an amended not to exceed of $1,008,649, to expand the scope of work for Phase Five Design Criteria Consultant Services and include contingency services on an as-needed basis. FUNDING: Accumulative Capital Outlay Fund & United States Department of Agriculture.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-0184 129.Agenda ItemThe Board of Supervisors will receive a presentation from Matt Cate, Executive Director of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) recognizing Larry Combs, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, with the CSAC Circle of Service Award. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)Received and Filed  Action details Video Video
13-0105 630.Agenda ItemHEARING - Community Development Agency, Housing, Community and Economic Development Program, recommending the Board conduct a public hearing to receive and accept the close out of the Community Development Block Grant 13-CDBG-8935, Economic Development and Community Development Allocations. (Est. Time: 5 Min.) FUNDING: Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-0182 131.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Development Services Division, submitting for approval the Final Map (TM04-1391-F-5) for Carson Creek Unit 1, Phase C creating a total of 20 residential lots, ranging in size from 5,250 to 7,142 square feet, and 3 lettered lots on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 117-580-10 and 117-580-11 located on the south side of Golden Foothill Parkway, approximately 0.41 mile west of the intersection with Latrobe Road, in the El Dorado Hills Area and recommending the Board Approve the Final Map for Carson Creek Unit 1, Phase C Subdivision. (Supervisorial District 1) FUNDING: N/A (Developer funded subdivision improvements).ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-0183 132.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Development Services Division, submitting for approval of Final Map (TM04-1391-F-6) for Carson Creek Unit 1, Phase D creating a total of 84 residential lots, ranging in size from 4,712 to 8,984 square feet, and 2 lettered lots on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 117-580-04 through 117-580-09 located on the south side of Golden Foothill Parkway, approximately 0.41 mile west of the intersection with Latrobe Road, in the El Dorado Hills Area and recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the Final Map for Carson Creek Unit 1, Phase D Subdivision. (Supervisorial District 1) FUNDING: N/A (Developer funded subdivision improvements).ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-0188 133.Agenda ItemSupervisor Veerkamp recommending the Board direct the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, to enter into negotiations with the property owners of parcel numbers: 327-250-12 327-250-38 and 327-250-13 327-250-37 located at 40 Old Depot Rd and 50 Old Depot Rd. for the purposes of the potential development of a park as outlined in the Parks Division's priorities.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-1617 534.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Development Services Division, returning to the Board with the Findings for Denial for the Dixon Ranch Project (General Plan Amendment A11-0006/Rezone Z11-0008/Planned Development PD11-0006/Tentative Map TM11-1505/Development Agreement DA14-0001), as directed on February 14, 2017; and staff recommending the Board adopt the Findings for Denial for the Dixon Ranch Project as presented. (Supervisorial District 1) (Cont. 2/14/17, Item 26)ContinuedPass Action details Video Video
16-0186 135.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4). Title: Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 10 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
16-0118 336.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1). Title: Rural Communities United v. El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, El Dorado County Superior Court Case PC20160024. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
15-1021 237.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1). Title: Placerville Historic Preservation League vs. Judicial Council of California (CPF-15-514387). Specify number of potential cases (1). (Est. Time: 5 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
16-0070 238.Closed Session Item Pursuant to Government Code section 54957- Public Employee Appointment. Title: County Counsel. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)Action ReportedPass Action details Not available
16-0126 119.Agenda ItemHuman Resources Department and the Sheriff’s Office recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the classification specification for the position of Supervising Property Evidence Technician; 2) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 027-2016 to establish the salary schedule and bargaining unit for the classification of Supervising Property Evidence Technician and amend the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for the Sheriff’s Office to add 1.0 FTE Supervising Property Evidence Technician and delete 1.0 FTE Senior Property Evidence Technician allocation; 3) Approve the reclassification of one (1) Senior Property Evidence Technician position to the classification of Supervising Property Evidence Technician based on a reclassification study; and 4) Waive the requirement for filling the Supervising Property Evidence Technician position through a competitive examination process, allowing the current incumbent to be appointed to the position as provided for in Section 306.1 of the Personnel Rules. FUNDING: General Fund.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-1617 534.Agenda ItemCommunity Development Agency, Development Services Division, returning to the Board with the Findings for Denial for the Dixon Ranch Project (General Plan Amendment A11-0006/Rezone Z11-0008/Planned Development PD11-0006/Tentative Map TM11-1505/Development Agreement DA14-0001), as directed on February 14, 2017; and staff recommending the Board adopt the Findings for Denial for the Dixon Ranch Project as presented. (Supervisorial District 1) (Cont. 2/14/17, Item 26)ContinuedPass Action details Not available
14-0414 339.Agenda ItemHEARING - Supervisor Hidahl recommending the Board conduct a public hearing to adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 125-2017 to declare that the operation of a carnival at the El Dorado Hills Town Center by Butler Amusements, Inc. on October 12, 2017 through October 15, 2017 will not endanger the public health, safety and welfare and that the operation of a carnival does not violate any zoning or health laws or regulations. (Est. Time: 5 Min.)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
11-1429 840.Agenda ItemAir Quality Management District (AQMD) recommending the Board of Supervisors, acting as the AQMD Board of Directors, consider the following: 1) Award the eligible AB 2766 Fiscal Year 2016/17 projects in response to a Request For Proposals issued by AQMD in November 2015; 2) Authorize the Air Pollution Control Officer to execute project agreements with the applicants for the amounts requested (up to $400,692), pending approval of County Counsel and Risk Management; and 3) Change the Drive Clean program by expanding eligibility to include all County residents. FUNDING: California Department of Motor Vehicles AB 2766 Subvention Funds.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
12-0443 1741.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1): Title: United States of America (USA) v. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe, Civil Action S-01-1520 x-ref: (Meyers Landfill Site). (Est. Time: 10 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
16-0016 442.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1). Title: Thomas Austin and Helen Austin v. the County of El Dorado and Does 1 through 50, El Dorado County Superior Court Case PC20150633. Number of potential cases: (1). (Est. Time: 10 Min.)No Action Reported.  Action details Not available
16-0237 143.Closed Session Item Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1). Title: Sue Taylor, Elector v. County of El Dorado; William E. Schultz, Election Official; Michael Ciccozzi, Interim County Counsel, and DOES 1-20, Respondents, El Dorado County Superior Court Case No. PC20160104. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)Action Reported  Action details Not available