Sheriff’s Office recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer increasing use of fund balance and operating transfers out in the Trial Court Security special revenue fund by $185,000 each, and increasing operating transfers in and appropriations for salaries in the Sheriff's Office budget by $185,000 each in order to transfer additional Trial Court Security revenue to the Sheriff's Office operating budget to cover unanticipated 4th Quarter costs in Fiscal Year 2016/17. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Trial Court Security Special Revenue Fund.
The Sheriff’s Office (SO) recommends the Board’s approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the budget transfer.
The recommended budget transfer increases revenues and appropriations to allow for additional non-General Funds to be drawn down to cover the costs of the Trial Court Security MOU. The current MOU allows for expenses up to $3,860,370. The Sheriff's Office originally budgeted $2,791,756 in revenues and expenditures for the Court Program, due to estimated salary and benefit costs coming in less than estimates provided during MOU negotiations. On June 27, 2017 the Sheriff's Office brought a Budget Transfer before the board for $100,000 to increase the budgeted revenues and expenditures to $2,891,756 due mainly to staffing changes within the Courts Unit that have increased staffing costs, Charter Section 504 increases in the second half of Fiscal Year 2016/17 and increased costs due to court escort activities performed by Sheriff's Office Transportation Unit.
This new budget transfer covers unforeseen costs from the 4th Quarter of FY 2016/17 from having to back fill positions where multiple employees were out on FMLA leave, personnel costs related to extra security provided to the courts for a five defendant murder trial and unforeseen payouts of vacation and sick time for retired court deputies. As a resu...
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